Obama October Surprise

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Probably not new news to most people, but very telling video of potentially the biggest fraud perpetrated against this country. 11 minutes...


Bigger than the WMD's that were never found?!

God, I wish this election was over already. Sensationalism, desperation...it's getting old.

Neither Obama supporters or the mainstream Obama media care about this.

Heck, they not even reporting the recent physical violence against McCain supporters...



The mainstream Obama media are more concerned over Palin's wardrobe and how Oprah's probably going to be Ambassador to Great Britain.

Gee, maybe Charlie Gibson, Katie Couric, Harry Smith can expect Cabinet positions?
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I'm wondering what's going to happen in the next week or so.

For example, what would happen if it should be proven that Obama was NOT born in the USA?

There's been a number of stories on this topic and it seems that there might be some kind of announcement forthcoming.


I can't even imagine what would happen if there's bona fide legal documentation that shows Obama's birthplace was in Kenya.


Of course, Obama could quell these rumors (if they are rumors) by simply releasing his birth records (and not some web page JPEG).
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"I'm doing this to protect the constitution and make sure people don't ruin it..."

Cough cough *patriot act* cough

Fine... hes not a natural born citizen... regardless of the fact it wouldn't change his ability to manage a gov't position...

So give us Hillary... 2 weeks to election time, McCain would still lose...
Bigger than the WMD's that were never found?!

God, I wish this election was over already. Sensationalism, desperation...it's getting old.


i'm sooooooooooooooooo ready for the election to be over. (we voted a couple of days ago, btw)
I can understand your boredom.

What keeps many of us going in the swing states is that we see that our efforts are making a substantial difference.

And of course every day Biden is out there speaking - is another day of possibilities for us. Biden is the Republican Gift that Keeps On Giving.
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The story about the McCain worker getting roughed up because of her bumpersticker is suspect for sure...

However it really doesn't matter what dirt gets dug up, you could post a video on you tube of Obama drowning kittens in his bathtub and attending an Al-Queda pep rally and nobody would care.

People just want to love him...and if you don't you're just a hater.

So at this point it's time to just sit back and watch.....I'm gonna go pop some pop corn (while I can still afford some)

The story about the McCain worker getting roughed up because of her bumpersticker is suspect for sure...

However it really doesn't matter what dirt gets dug up, you could post a video on you tube of Obama drowning kittens in his bathtub and attending an Al-Queda pep rally and nobody would care.

People just want to love him...and if you don't you're just a hater.

So at this point it's time to just sit back and watch.....I'm gonna go pop some pop corn (while I can still afford some)


I Love! popcorn ... lol....
However, I don't expect you to give me what you've made, without my own contribution. :tongue:

As it turns out, little Mrs. Racist idiot made the whole thing up. You can read about it in the above link, which was updated, or by clicking here.

I call her racist because in her "police report" she listed the robber as a tall black man. Regardless of who she supports, it's idiots like her that keep humanity a notch behind where it should be!

Edit... P.S. - Well, seems you've beat me to it. Anyway... :p
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I'm wondering what's going to happen in the next week or so.

For example, what would happen if it should be proven that Obama was NOT born in the USA?

There's been a number of stories on this topic and it seems that there might be some kind of announcement forthcoming.


I can't even imagine what would happen if there's bona fide legal documentation that shows Obama's birthplace was in Kenya.


Of course, Obama could quell these rumors (if they are rumors) by simply releasing his birth records (and not some web page JPEG).

Since you have posted the "born in the USA" thing more than once, i think you should AT LEAST look at www.wikipedia.com. The truth about BOTH candiates birth place has been there for quite a while.:rolleyes: Like REALLY quite a while.
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Since you have posted the "born in the USA" thing more than once, i think you should AT LEAST look at www.wikipedia.com. The truth about BOTH candiates birth place has been there for quite a while.:rolleyes: Like REALLY quite a while.

That's if the reported facts are truely facts. I think the suspicion was due to the idea/conspiracy that Obama was issued a HI birth certificate after he was born in Kenya and rushed over to HI.
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