NY Car Show 9/19

29 February 2008
New Jersey
I am thinking about heading to the Pound Ridge car show on the 19th. It looks like a pretty big show with a lot of trophies and give aways.


Notice the yellow NSX picture in the left side of the page. Now you know it has to be a good show. :biggrin:
I am thinking about heading to the Pound Ridge car show on the 19th. It looks like a pretty big show with a lot of trophies and give aways.


Notice the yellow NSX picture in the left side of the page. Now you know it has to be a good show. :biggrin:
Aaron, I know I am blind but I cannot find a yellow NSX. What page? :confused:
That show is right across from my driveway. The yellow is Roger's (RPM217) NSX that lost to me (twice).


Some photos from prior shows:


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That show is right across from my driveway. The yellow is Roger's (RPM217) NSX that lost to me.

The payoff was in last year, this year it's going to be a different story. Just got the car back with my latest "weapon" that's going to win for me this year. Nobody else bring a NSX, I want it to be head to head RSO vs RPM, let's see who comes out on top, and none of this DD crap!!!!:eek:
Hey Bob did I sign a release allowing them to use a picture of my car, or do I have a valid law suit here?
Do the judges actually talk to you about your car or do they just do a very quick walk by? Going to shows looking for a trophy is tough as many walk by judges pick winners due to the oddest things.
Do the judges actually talk to you about your car or do they just do a very quick walk by? Going to shows looking for a trophy is tough as many walk by judges pick winners due to the oddest things.

It's my town and my show so I win in our category.

All other cars get judged by the committee walking around and inspecting. They generally do not ask questions but will be forced to listen to whiners like Roger who ask inane questions such as why "the local boy" always wins with a 1996 track rat NSX over a slower but cleaner 2002 Yellow NSX.
Ok, so it sounds like you need to stand next to your car if you want to catch the judges ear. I have been to shows with other cars where the judges knew so little about my car that they did not know how to judge it. I like to walk around and talk to other owners versus sitting near my car. Do you know what time the judging starts?
Ok, so it sounds like you need to stand next to your car if you want to catch the judges ear. I have been to shows with other cars where the judges knew so little about my car that they did not know how to judge it. I like to walk around and talk to other owners versus sitting near my car. Do you know what time the judging starts?

The judging goes on most of the day. No real need to stay by your car since they know the NSX (I wasn't kidding when I mentioned I have won it several times and even Roger has as well - - - Roger only lost last year when I did not go and he lost to a kit car). This will be the 5th time my NSX has been in it and most of the judges have seen it either in the show or have seen me in town with it so between me and Roger over the years they have become familiar with an NSX (so much so that we no longer get put in the corvette category).
Roger its all in the presentation ...... I think Bob has pictures of the judges in compromising situations and that is why he wins each year......:biggrin:
I will be taking the Viper as it is my "show" car. My NSX is for driving and I would not enter it in a show.

About 4-5 years back I was driving into a show and the guy asked me if I was in the kit car category. That should have tipped me off that it was not going to turn out well for me. I ended up loosing to a stock Delorean which really chapped my hide. That's the reason I like to talk to the judges as most people look under the hood and do not know what they are looking at. I spent a lot of time and effort making things look clean and semi-factory. It turns out that works against me because most people think it is stock.
Good choice since there is a dedicated trophy for Best Viper. Unfortunately, as Roger found out last year we get placed in Exotic and he lost to a kit Cobra.

Since when is a kit car an exotic? Now if it was a Noble... It looks like there will be 15+ Vipers there so I will have my work cut out for me. It also looks like there is only 1 Trophy per category so the odds are not in my favor. As long as the judges are objective I am cool with it, as there is always someone with a nicer car.
Since when is a kit car an exotic? Now if it was a Noble... It looks like there will be 15+ Vipers there so I will have my work cut out for me. It also looks like there is only 1 Trophy per category so the odds are not in my favor. As long as the judges are objective I am cool with it, as there is always someone with a nicer car.
Aaron, tell the judges you built it from a kit! :eek::eek:
Gorgeous day for the show, well over 200 cars in attendance. I knew that Bob and I were in trouble when I pulled in behind a Countache, there was a Dino there, and I thought that I'd better not enter in the "exotic class". I saw how Bob had already entered the "compact sport", so since it's the same car, I too followed his lead. I warned him about the other yellow competition, and yep, I was right we got lit up by a Neon, with scissors doors and enough trophies in front of it to sway the judges. Aaron showed up with 25 other Vipers, it was a great day!!!
There were over 245 cars in the show this year, which in speaking to one of the organizers, was way more than expected. There was some seriously stiff competition in the exotic class and switching classes seamed like a good idea for Robert and Roger. What they did not anticipate was being tag teamed by a Neon and a VW Golf which both won trophies in the sport compact class... Go figure. The Viper showing was very strong with 26 cars. I did get the "Best Viper" trophy which made the 90 mile drive worth while. It was a beautiful day and very well run charity event.


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I was on the Tappan Zee and Saw a really nice wide bodied white Viper with a big ass wing on the back and it had black wheels,,,,a friend of yours Aaron ?
I was on the Tappan Zee and Saw a really nice wide bodied white Viper with a big ass wing on the back and it had black wheels,,,,a friend of yours Aaron ?
Bailey, thought you were going to swing by the show on your way back down!!
Also, great seeing Keith, who did swing by to hang out for awhile!!!