NSX's Gone Wild Version 2010

got a white one here if you need me. was reading strikers post and thought of a scene where a nsx pulls up next to a supra or lambo and race, while showing the turbo spooling, exhuast, gears, like in f and f. and a scene with a nsx pulls up and got all the other racers attendions. and thought of a theme where people are not familiar with nsx and through out the movie it show how powerful or still the nsx can be. but, i think good editing and a good theme would be key.
Having a vision of the final product will help with the setup, filming and knowing how many cars can be used and how many shoots might be necessary.

I only attended one of Phu's NSX's Gone Wild shoots (got my car out just in time to make the last day), but I do know that even with the relatively small group of us, he took several days and several hours each day to capture what he needed.
Having a vision of the final product will help with the setup, filming and knowing how many cars can be used and how many shoots might be necessary.

I only attended one of Phu's NSX's Gone Wild shoots (got my car out just in time to make the last day), but I do know that even with the relatively small group of us, he took several days and several hours each day to capture what he needed.

as long as the "director" can visualize or picture what he wants in the film will make things easier.
Alright, I definitely planned on it being quite a bit of work and creativity to pull off. Maybe a group of us should get together and visualize what possibilities we have. Once we have something on paper then we can go from there. Doesn't have to be AS GOOD as what NSX's Gone Wild was going to be, more just fun. But the more I think about it, some "professionalism" to it would definitely make it an awesome video. Plus LOTS AND LOTS of perfect weather coming our way.
This idea sounds great guys! If I may chime in, here's an idea that maybe can help get the ball rolling in a direction.

As a designer, sometimes when I listen to various music I can start to visualize scenes. I find myself doing this a lot of times subconsciously when I'm in the car listening to really good scores. Somehow, I can invision how scenes would pan, be cut/edited, and the feeling that each particular scene would evoke through the tone or beat of the music. From there, I would sketch out a rough storyboard of the frames and how it would look as I continuously listen to the score.

Just my .02 fellas. Wish I can help with your production, but I don't have any equipment resources to do so. So I hope this helps in some way.

Cheers my friends!
Radar Love would be a great song to listen to while visualizing. :)
I have a red car. Steve, met you at the NSX BBQ. I parked in the driveway next to you.
This idea sounds great guys! If I may chime in, here's an idea that maybe can help get the ball rolling in a direction.

As a designer, sometimes when I listen to various music I can start to visualize scenes. I find myself doing this a lot of times subconsciously when I'm in the car listening to really good scores. Somehow, I can invision how scenes would pan, be cut/edited, and the feeling that each particular scene would evoke through the tone or beat of the music. From there, I would sketch out a rough storyboard of the frames and how it would look as I continuously listen to the score.

Just my .02 fellas. Wish I can help with your production, but I don't have any equipment resources to do so. So I hope this helps in some way.

Cheers my friends!

Very good idea. The only problem is that I can visualize but can't even sketch an apple. So maybe if we get together enough brains with different skills we can make something real fun.
Very good idea. The only problem is that I can visualize but can't even sketch an apple. So maybe if we get together enough brains with different skills we can make something real fun.

haha...no worries bud! I'm no picasso either, when I say "rough thumbnails" I mean rough lol. As in I've sketched on napkins, those paper table mats that they use at asian cafes and even my gf's eye liner.

Nonetheless, I'd be glad to aid you guys however I can. Just let me know. :smile:
I don't have an NSX anymore, but it would be sweet if you included some footage at Mugu Rock and down the coastline between Oxnard and Santa Monica. :biggrin: