NSXPrime Canyon Drive 3 Caravan from San Diego

14 April 2001
Sandy Eggo, CA
[EDIT: General Msg Edit, & NEW TIMES POSTED]

For those who are going to the NSXPrime Canyon Drive from San Diego, please reply via this topic.

So far the people I know going to the drive from San Diego are:


FuryNSX will be going up the night before...

Who else will be joining us for the butt-crack of dawn caravan?

The plan is to meet the Orange County folks by 6:30 AM sharp . Then we'll meet up with the rest of the gang on the way.

I think a good meeting point right now is the carpool area next to the 805N onramp at Sorrento Valley Road. I'd like to leave at 5:15AM!!! just to be on the safe side!

If I don't have it already, please email or PM me with your cellphone and other contact information.
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Yup, I'll be up in Santa Monica the night before, but I'll be caravaning back to San Diego with you hopefully. I may run into you guys and the main OC pack along the 405.

Man! This is going to be fun. Sound like a plan to me! Randy we'll meet you at the meeting point.
I'll be joining in from Carlsbad, so the three of us can head up to OC. I can arrange to be at the poinsettia on ramp with club radio on and ready. When you get to la costa ave, start yappin for me.

Do one of you have the radios?

What time should I plan on being on the ramp?
So changes on the meeting time...

OK, here is the plan. Since there are 3 separate threads going on about the caravan, I'll cross post to all of them. And I would need everyone to acknowledge and reconfirm the new time. If I don't see your response by Thursday, I'll try to contact you via email or PM.

So here the deal...

SD group, please try to get to the OC meeting place at 6:30 and no later than 6:45. If you are running late, we'll just have to meet up with you on the fwy.

OC group is:

Meeting at 6:30
Departing at 6:45 sharp

Tantheman, we'll be driving through your area at 6:55
Steve R., if you are coming, we'll be driving through your area around 7:05.

WLA group:

Please change your meeting time to 7:15 to 7:30. I'll call you when we reach LAX so that you have enough time to get on the freeway. We won't stop at WLA.

Sorry for the changes, guys! Thanks for your suggestions John and Gil!
I just found out that I will be attending this event after all. Since I'm new to SD, I'll be relying on everyone's judgement as far as what time to meet up....but it's sounding sooooo EARLY!

FYI: I live in Mission Beach.

see you all soon.


I'm glad you will make it and it'll be nice to finally meet you.

It's WAY TOO EARLY!!! But it will be worth it.

Last year Bryan and I left that same meeting point and left promptly at exactly 6AM. We got to the Orange County meeting point at exactly 7AM.... but we were going way too fast. I'd like to keep it around 75mph because I'm a big wuss.

It's worse because we have to push everything earlier by 30 mins... I also wanted to add another 15 minutes of extra cushion because I don't want to miss the OC crew. (I don't know how to get to the main meeting point.) This will also give us time to meet the OC crew and get some Starbucks.
the hardest part about getting there so early..... is getting the girl that I'm bringing to be up and ready by 5:00am!!!

I know that I'll be struggling for sure!


OMG, 5:25am!! I'm setting up an IV drip of caffeine at 5:00am on a timer. Or I'll just sleep on the onramp, honk when you come by!
Like I've always said, getting up at that time in the morning is way too early. I'm looking forward to getting that extra hour and a half by staying up there. :D

If you stayed in the Oxnard area you could sleep 3 extra hours!:D
hey guys-
looks like i'll be meeting up with u on sunday. i'm going to be in escondido all day saturday detailing the car so i might as well just get to bed early and make the drive in the morning. anyone else down there feel like having a detail session on saturday??

TROY!!! if you don't mind i'd like to meet with you at 5:25 to save me from having to drive the extra 10 minutes down to sorrento valley. i'll send you a pm.
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Are you guys ready?! I am!

A little update on our caravan...

nzo-who has called me and said he is 99.9% sure that he can't make it. =( This leaves 4 cars from the SD caravan.

X-TNSIV, this leaves only you and I at the Sorrento Valley onramp. I'd still like to leave at 5:15am. If you are running late, you can probably catch up with us at the Poinsettia onramp.

Either way, we'll call each other.

See you guys Sunday morning.
X-TNSIV, this leaves only you and I at the Sorrento Valley onramp. I'd still like to leave at 5:15am. If you are running late, you can probably catch up with us at the Poinsettia onramp.

why don't you call me at 5:00 to see where I'm at. I plan to be there, but just incase...it may be best if you called me.

see you tomorrow!
