NSXPO2012 - High Plains Raceway Going?

13 February 2008
Pennington, NJ
Who is planning on attending the HPDE for NSXPO 2012 at High Plains Raceway on September 17/18?

I know a few of the East Coast contingent are planning on driving out, but who else?
I am planning to be there. I have only tacked my car once before, so novice, novice class. 21 hrs of driving to Denver for me.
I'll be there... sans NSX.
Is there anything at HPR for non-drivers to do? amenities? My wife will be there and if she isn't busy, she will want to take some of my track time. She has tracked her S2000, and loved it.
She could always rent a car to take on the track that way you wouldn't have to worry about loosing your track time. I know I'm not fond of sharing my track time. Well, I never have, but know I wouldn't be fond of it. Perhaps there might be some track prepped cars available there for renting.

I'm sure someone from NSXPO2012 committee might be able to help out if interested.
10 hours in an NSX - to me sounds like the perfect way to spend a day (or two). I know there are some folks driving out from the NE. Perhaps a caravan from Vegas. We can see which of the last few NSXPO cities brings the most cars to the event. Not that this is a challenge or anything :smile:
I am in for track time. I am just about to sign up now. $300 for a two day event with 30-40 min sessions (3-4 per day), what a deal for a great track. I hope not too many people sign up to lessen the traffic. At past events, how many cars ran in each class? It would be great to know this ahead of time. Thanks, great thread.
typically NSXPO HPDE run groups are quite small. Perhaps 10-15 cars per run group. Maybe 17 in the Novice group. Intermediate and Advance typically will all be less than 20 (more like half of that) as well.

With such a big track it should be awesome. It also seems like there are fewer trains since most everyone knows each other. Much harder to be 'that guy' or 'that gal' when most of the folks have been sharing meals together during NSXPO for the past few days.

Glad to see there are some folks posting their interest. Be sure to sign up soon to get the early bird discount.
If there are a lot of spouses that are at the track, but not interested in being at the track then something could be organized for them to do whether done in an ad hoc fashion or prior to the event.

Those that have already been to the track can probably let you know what else is there for entertainment.
This a fantastic and safe track- a great place to enjoy your NSX as it was meant to be. I strongly recommend Prime members attend this event! West Coast members, I am looking at you! :D Why, you ask?

#1 You have a great track to drive that is long, safe and fun
#2 The NSXCA Chief Track Instructor, Bruce M., is based in Colorado and this is his home track.
#3 Bruce has brought in several excellent assistant instructors, all of whom know and drive the NSX specifically and can teach you how to drive it properly.
#4 You get to take a breathtaking drive through the Rocky Mountains in late summer in order to reach Denver to attend this event. Here are some photos from Prime member Kyras's drive a few years ago to give you an idea: http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1196476&postcount=46
#5 You have LarryB, Shawn, Chris from SOS, and Shad from DA all in the same place. If ever there were a good time for your NSX to break down at the track, this is it. :)

Awesome road trip through amazing scenery, two blistering track days with other NSX's, and then another amazing road trip back? Sign up now and get that West Coast caravan thread going!

For reference and to help with setup ideas, here is prime member e.pie running a session in his 95 NSX-T on a crisp december day:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LoVnxxPM4qE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Cool - hope you guys can make it. Don and I may be changing are plans to include attending the HPDE event - maybe in a non-NSX, but at least we'll be on the track. Hope to see a lot of folks from the West Coast there!
I'll be there. Doing both social and track. Love Colorado!

Planning to bring NSX-RAY, my red 94. I might also bring a back up street/track car depending on who decides to fill spot #2 in the trailer....

I'm registered for both events, and have hotel reservation too. Now I have to finish up the maintenance items on the car, and I'll be ready to go. It's only about six weeks until I hit the road. I may go by way of Vegas, so I can visit some friends along the way.
I'm really looking forward to this road trip, and meeting up with the NSX group again. Howard
I'm registered for both events, and have hotel reservation too. Now I have to finish up the maintenance items on the car, and I'll be ready to go. It's only about six weeks until I hit the road. I may go by way of Vegas, so I can visit some friends along the way.
I'm really looking forward to this road trip, and meeting up with the NSX group again. Howard

Some people from Las Vegas and LA may be driving in a pack. Join them.


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