This a fantastic and safe track- a great place to enjoy your NSX as it was meant to be. I strongly recommend Prime members attend this event! West Coast members, I am looking at you!

Why, you ask?
#1 You have a great track to drive that is long, safe and fun
#2 The NSXCA Chief Track Instructor, Bruce M., is based in Colorado and this is his home track.
#3 Bruce has brought in several excellent assistant instructors, all of whom know and drive the NSX specifically and can teach you how to drive it properly.
#4 You get to take a breathtaking drive through the Rocky Mountains in late summer in order to reach Denver to attend this event. Here are some photos from Prime member Kyras's drive a few years ago to give you an idea:
#5 You have LarryB, Shawn, Chris from SOS, and Shad from DA all in the same place. If ever there were a good time for your NSX to break down at the track, this is it.
Awesome road trip through amazing scenery, two blistering track days with other NSX's, and then another amazing road trip back?
Sign up now and get that West Coast caravan thread going!
For reference and to help with setup ideas, here is prime member e.pie running a session in his 95 NSX-T on a crisp december day:
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