NSXPO registration turnaround time?

24 January 2003
Littleton, CO, USA
Does anyone know how long it usually takes for registrations to be acknowledged?

I sent in my application on Monday, but I still haven't heard anything back. I'd hate to lose out on the early bird savings. Is there some way for me to check to see if they got it?

LrdVader said:
Does anyone know how long it usually takes for registrations to be acknowledged?

I sent in my application on Monday, but I still haven't heard anything back. I'd hate to lose out on the early bird savings. Is there some way for me to check to see if they got it?
I'm the one who processes them. I pick up the club's mail about once a week. Within 2-3 days of picking up the mail, I go through the registrations, and send out confirmations at the same time.

I last picked up mail this past Saturday morning; on Tuesday afternoon and evening, I went through all the registrations in that batch of mail as well as all those received by then through the website and by fax.

I plan to pick up mail some time this weekend, and should be able to go through all the registrations no later than Monday evening, I hope. That will include this weekend's batch of mail as well as the web and fax registrations.

Don't worry, you won't lose out on the early bird discount. Even if it arrived late, it would still have the earlier postmark (showing that we should have received it in time) and we would honor the discount.
I used the online registration this morning and at the end there was a note asking how we wanted to be notified about registering. I click on e-mail and I did not see anywhere to input your e-mail address so I figure it will be on the next page and still did not see it. So do you have my e-mail from NSXCA or did I miss the window to put my e-mail address?. I don't want to miss out on these earlybird prices. :rolleyes:
NorCalwhite said:
I used the online registration this morning and at the end there was a note asking how we wanted to be notified about registering. I click on e-mail and I did not see anywhere to input your e-mail address so I figure it will be on the next page and still did not see it. So do you have my e-mail from NSXCA or did I miss the window to put my e-mail address?. I don't want to miss out on these earlybird prices. :rolleyes:

Me too! I want to make sure I got registered for the event+ the earlybird discount.
NorCalwhite said:
I used the online registration this morning and at the end there was a note asking how we wanted to be notified about registering. I click on e-mail and I did not see anywhere to input your e-mail address so I figure it will be on the next page and still did not see it. So do you have my e-mail from NSXCA or did I miss the window to put my e-mail address?
We have your e-mail address on file, along with your mailing address and other contact information from your membership application. (We designed the website so you don't have to fill that information out again.)

Yours too, Chuck!

(Besides, Joe - I've been sending you e-mails for club business every month for the past several years!!!)