NSXPO 2014 Recap!

24 March 2007
NSXPO 2014

Where do I even begin.

I have never been involved in such an amazing group or club of people. You should all be praised at how great you all get along, help each other and make every moment special.

This being my 4th or 5th NSXPO and being the one in charge of it was a very daunting task for me. I did not want to just have NSXPO in Ohio. I wanted to HAVE NSXPO IN OHIO. If you do not see the difference there I will explain.

I wanted to NSXPO 2014 to be BIG. Bigger than anything. When the board and I originally discussed this we were all on the same page. It would be amazing to time it with the release of the NEW NSX. We were all on the same page and decided to contact Honda in regards to timing the product launch and the event. It was going to be exactly what I wanted it to be. BIG.
Bigger than any other one. Because we knew that if this was pulled off people would have come from EVERYWHERE to be a part of it. Honda was on board and our schedule was close to meeting their original product release date. We would have to do it on the schedule that best suited them, so we began working on everything that did not require a certain date to make happen. This process finally began in March of 2014. In April we found a date that worked with both organizations. October 14th - 18th 2014.

Fast forward to July, After a Honda Reorganization and the NSX release being pushed to 2015 they notified us that they would not be spending money on product release this year. We understood ( as a business owner it made perfect sense ) to not do it. While crushed we wanted to make the best of it. We ran with the original date and started to work on the details.

August 2014 after being frustrated with dead ends on track rentals and looking to fill time in central Ohio I decided to send an email. An email that would force us to scrap 75% of what we had done and start over but be so very worth it if it worked out. I sent an email to our friend Ted Klaus. Ted responded quickly and immediately said he wanted to help
( what a great guy ). Help he did. He got together with the City of Marysville, Honda, Union County, TRC, Etc etc. and after a couple of meetings in Marysville and a lot of quick planning by Carla, Myself, Ted and The City of Marysville we pulled off a VERY memorable NSXPO. We got to see the car. We got to drive over the Honda Bridge to TRC, We got to drive on the high speed test track, We got to use a 50 Acre playground at TRC to push our cars in a safe environment, we got to drive on the Winding road course at TRC. We did more that ANYONE has ever done as public coming into TRC and Honda.

Couple all of that with all of you and I can safely say NSXPO 2014 was just as BIG as I originally planned. If not bigger due to the fact I was nominated and accepted the position as NSXCA President which was announced Friday October 17th at the buffet dinner. I look forward to the future and growth of the club!

In closing I can not say thank you enough to the people involved and everyone who came.

Especially these people who stepped up and helped make it happen.

The sponsors:

Source 1 Automotive
Science of Speed
Chin Motorsports
CT Engineering
NSX - E-repair - Brian k
Pole2Flag racing
Honda Marysville
City of Marysville

and most important - Honda and the NSX team. Thank you for the support and generosity you have shown both this year and last. We look forward to the new model and trust you all to make it “ change the game “ as the original NSX did.

2015 NSXPO is in Palm Springs, CA

You will NOT want to miss this one either!

Brian Urlage
NSXPO2014 Chairman
NSXCA President ( thank you all for this opportunity )

Also here are some shots of the amazing gift that the club presented both Pooh ( Carla ) and I will Saturday night at the Banquet. Thanks everyone, this will be one of my most prized possessions.

To all of the NSXPO2014 NSXCA Team and the HONDA team, incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And heck, I missed the last day;)...........

See you all at "NSX Night" in Marysville, next year. What a Blast!!

The baton could not be passed to a more dedicated and passionate car guy..congrats Brian...Larry thankyou for all your years of work and sacrifice for the club.....Carla and Don thankyou for doing the dirty work,Bob you do the dirtier work....:tongue:
Thanks to Brian and the NSXPO team for making an absolutely incredible NSXPO. It was my first NSXPO and I had great time. It is going to be awfully hard to top this.
Brian, congratulations on a great event! Every time I view the photos and the Prime threads about the event, I feel worse about having to miss NSXPO 2014. Terrific news about your new position as president of NSXCA. Could not have been a better selection to head up the club.

It certainly will be a bit strange to see someone other than Larry B. as president! But I am sure Larry will continue to be as involved with the club as he has been all these years. And he certainly deserves a little time off. Looking forward to seeing you soon when I visit the Ohio area.
Unbelievable!! Great time, great food, great venues, great event and GREAT people! Thanks to those who worked to pull this off - especially the 70mph oval.............what a BLAST......
Thank you for hosting this fabulous event, Brian! Although I am back at work I still exchange a lot of emails and text messages. During this past week I Had a chance to meet a lot of great people and I truly hope these friendships will last.

See you all next year!

Paul Bryla.
Truly a memorable event! Great times .. great conversations .. truly a great group. Can't imagine the countless thankless hours Brian and Carla put in so that we could have so much fun. You're both so deserving of our heartfelt thanks. And hats off to Ted and his team for being so supportive; so accessible; and so candid in spite of Honda's need for secrecy. I think it was killing him to not be able to spill some nuggets of info. To use a human analogy, I think it's an understatement to say it's been a 'difficult birth'. My final tally was 4 days and 3615 miles of round trip travel just to be there .. and worth every mile/minute.
Tks again.
Brian, Carla, Don and NSXPO organizing team, what an awesome event! Thanks for all of your hard work and congratulations on a successful NSXPO. I've always known that the NSX family was close knit but this event certainly showed me just how close knit. My son Drew and I had a great time. I will be in Palm Springs for next years NSXPO.
You guys killed it this year! What an incredible experience. One that will be hard to top for sure. Great job putting this together and congratulations Brian!

Yes! Our first NSXPO and what a brilliant event, well organised, great people, great venues and Hotels.
Huge thanks to Brian, Carla, Don , Larry and crew, a huge effort. Fantastic support from Honda and Ted, what a passionate guy to be leading the new NSX teams, just what the project needs.
I am still amazed we managed to do all those cool things at the Honda facilites, what a incedible setup!

Very special thanks to all the guys and girls who gave us rides and drives between venues and tracks, it was very generuos of you all.
See you on the West Coast next year.......Chris, I will bring the Coopers........

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Thank You so much Brian and all of those involved in pulling off an absolutely "Fantastic" NSXPO. You have raised the bar so high that it will be hard to top this one.
Congrats on a new role and a great event!

The few of us from ITRCA/ITR Expo that helped out at the track enjoyed the event and meeting everyone involved.


We can't thank you enough for the help!

Thanks everyone!
Looks like an amazing time was had by all, sorry I had to miss it. Congrats on the new position Brian!
Honda employee and fellow GPW owner Michael Cao put together a great video. The rear of my GPW gets to say hi at the 50-52 second mark. Such good memories!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ZZ85_tWt89M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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That video was a nice peek into what those of us who couldn't make it really missed!
