NSXPO 2012 - Colorado - Photos


A big THANK YOU goes out to Flatlirons Acura, Premier Sponsor of NSXPO 2012 and the NSX Club of America. A beautiful day to be hosted by a great dealership.


We paid tribute to keN SaX, "NSXTASY", for his contributions to the NSXCA and our community all these years and recognized his invaluable assistance by making him the First Lifetime Member of the NSXCA.

Thank you Ken!

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Bob, you have them and just not posted, but there are more personalized plates at NSXPO.
Great pictures! Great variety!
Thankyou Bob for all that you do.. That people never see or know about besides your photo abilities.. Not like be there though.. Regards to ALL;:biggrin::mad: Clem
nice it cool to see my car with all those other cars.

thanks for the memories guys it was worth the drive even though I didnt feel good.

and it was great to meet a bunch of new faces. I wish I could have meet everyone but it was so active its kinda hard to.

I think meeting LUD and having him sit for lunch at my table was very cool.
I asked him since he was the King of NSX Prime should we bow before him.

thanks guys.
Carla "Poohkie" Lebentritt was a great help to the NSXPO Committee and her efforts were acknowledged at our banquet where she was presented with something every girl wants - - - a GoPro camera to record her track days!

Thanks Poohkie!

nice it cool to see my car with all those other cars.

thanks for the memories guys it was worth the drive even though I didnt feel good.

and it was great to meet a bunch of new faces. I wish I could have meet everyone but it was so active its kinda hard to.

I think meeting LUD and having him sit for lunch at my table was very cool.
I asked him since he was the King of NSX Prime should we bow before him.

thanks guys.

Which one is you/your car?
When we first arrived at the Tebo Car Museum, there were several dads with their kids. AFAIK they were not related to anyone at NSXPO 2012, they just happened to be there. The arriving NSX owners gave rides to the kids. I took some photos, and promised the dads I would post them here. So here they are:




