NSXPO 2010 Photos

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Awesome video Bob!!!!!!

I'm so glad you captured this moment! I so had Chris coming out of the final turn, but he squeezed me into the wall as we approached the finish line!
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I'm so glad you captured this moment! I so had Chris coming out of the final turn, but he squeezed me into the wall as we approached the finish line!

haha sounds like a dirty win! hahaha :tongue:
By the way...that's how we roll in southern AZ! Wild west racing! Kidding kidding...If I had mirrors, I would have let you pass.....maybe ;)
I'm so glad you captured this moment! I so had Chris coming out of the final turn, but he squeezed me into the wall as we approached the finish line!


Sorry Eric!! The Phoenix / Tucson crew got in your way in both races. Sorry!!! :redface::redface:

We'll have to go to K1 or some carting place to make up for it next time! :biggrin:
I just tried to email it and hope it gets through. The smallest file size copy I have is 21 mb so I used aol.

yup it came thru wow! thats awesome!
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Freeking outstanding, Bob! Watching this creative slideshow video makes me want to do it all over again. :biggrin:
Awesome and outstanding pics! Thanks for sharing!
Any pics of inside the 'Crazy girls'? :tongue: :D
For those die hards who stayed to the end, we ventured out in a nice 15+ car caravan to Hoover Dam with Bruce pulling his NSX on a trailer. It is an engineering marvel and we had a great time hanging together one last time. Group photo at entrance to visitor center and we did the touristy thingy :smile:


We followed the Dam tour with a nice walk across new bridge that spans across the canyon...all the way to the Arizona state line (Eric has the pics). Josh and Cody went back first as they had some LOADING to do. We went back to Town Square and watched May eat and eat and eat:biggrin:

Best Regards,

a couple shots of red rock drive.......

great trip!....thanks NSXCA!!!!!


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TEAM 5 photos

Team 5 pictures of the drive back from Mt. Charleston

A sampling here and the rest of my pictures on picasa:
I enjoyed viewing the photos and your captions on picasa. It was like seeing another side of NSXPO since I was not present for many of the activities that you photographed. Thanks for sharing!

There's just a little too much Mustang in the sample photos above. :biggrin:
Great pics again Bob, especially the B&W. Thanks for sharing.
They mentioned at the banquet that the photos of the show girls would be posted and we would be able to PM to get those photos of our cars. Any idea when/if those might become available?
What kind of camera is that RSO?