NSXPO 2010 Las Vegas Survey

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Not that you guys need to sell Vegas:smile: But congrats on a winning bid.
Did I miss something ?
When did it become offical ?

Congratulations on being awarded NSXPO 2010!! The 20th anniversary of the NSX is a very special time! :biggrin:
Did I miss something ?
When did it become offical ?

I'm one of the co-chairs and I haven't heard from NSXCA yet. I think he meant passing 100 on the list.

It was announced Saturday evening at the NSXPO banquet in Toronto by LarryB, et al.

Gonna be a great one. Just wish we could have NSX's out there for the awesome potential drive(s) such as Red Rock Canyon, Mt. Charleston, Valley of Fire, Zion, Hoover Dam, Laughlin, etc etc....

I got home from Spring Mountain late Sunday night and had a message on my shop phone that Larry B called and wanted me to call him back.
Called him back yesterday, left him a message but haven't heard back from him yet.

I guess that's what he wanted to tell us....

I think it's time we go to work....

I'm one of the co-chairs and I haven't heard from NSXCA yet. I think he meant passing 100 on the list.

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Yup...It's official....YAHOO !!!!

Larry B just called me to let me know we are moving forward for Vegas in 2010....
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Larry Bastanza, NSXCA President, wanted to hold-off on any formal announcements until all of the details, especially the HPDE event, with Toronto were finalized. Then, he wanted to make the announcement at NSXPO.

So, for 2010, plan on warming-up the NSX and chill'in the champagne! Las Vegas is calling. Woo-hoo!

Congrats to Vegas!

It was officially announced at the banquet dinner in Toronto.

Go Vegas Go!

Time to put on a really big shew! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Hello Primers,

The Las Vegas planning committee submitted our proposal in May and it is currently under review by the Board of Directors of NSXCA. I need a head count for all who are planning on coming IF we win the bid. This will help in our proposal followup and will allow us to better-plan for the event. Let's shoot for at least 200 NSXs and over 350 owners, which would make it the largest NSXPO ever!

Dates: Thursday 10/28/10- Monday 11/1/10, (early arrival Wednesday 10/27) SEMA starts 11/2 and Vegas NSXers will try to get as many passes as possible

Driving event/HPDE: Tentatively at Spring Mountain (3.1 mile track) Sunday & Monday

Host Hotel: South Point ($60 midweek/99 Fri& Sat)- on Las vegas Blvd, 3-4 mile south of Mandalay

Cost: (Borrowed from NSXPO 2008 & 2009 web sites): Registration ($250 early/ 295 late), Track event (Additional $395 early/ 450 late). If you want to only do the track event without the registering for NSXPO, add $100 to the track fees. ******These prices are only a guess and are not the real or final prices*********
I've uploaded a word document of the tentative schedule that was included in the proposal on mediafire below:

Please place your forum name: NSXPO & HPDE (or) NSXPO only (or) HPDE only (State and if you are bringing your NSX)

Attending NSXPO 2010 Las Vegas:

1. Lowellhigh79: NSXPO & HPDE (Nevada, bringing NSX)
2. CKS Papa: NSXPO & HPDE (California, bringing NSX also bringing the wife)
3. unagijones: NSXPO & HPDE (Arizona, bringing NSX)
4. DrVolkl: NSXPO & possible HPDE (Washington, driving NSX)
5. Big_D: NSXPO only (California, Driving NSX)
6. pingu81: NSXPO only (Vancouver BC, Driving NSeX)
7. FuryNSX: NSXPO & HPDE (California, bringing NSX) (and likely wife)
8. Ediddynsx: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (California, Driving NSX + guest)
9. synergy004: NSXPO only (Texas, driving NSX +1)
10. solid-x: NSXPO only (Texas, driving NSX +1)
11. ANYTIME: NSXPO only (California, Driving NSX, Wife and Daughter) (Not sure how)
12. ncdogdoc: NSXPO hopefully track car and HPDE and SEMA!!!!! (NC)
13. Matt_337: NSXPO & HPDE (if I can figure out a way to bring my gear) (Texas, driving/bringing)
14. YellowHaze: NSXPO & HPDE, (CA, driving NSX}
15. HOTWLS: NSXPO only, (Texas, driving NSX with wife)
16. Juice: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (Ohio looking for transport & possibly w/ wife)
17. Vega$ NSX: NSXPO only (Duh, goes without saying... )
18. Jorligan: NSXPO and possibly bringing car if transport can be arranged in which case HPDE (MI).
19. ILYA: NSXPO AND HPDE, (CA, driving NSX and likely with wife)
20. akira3d: NSXPO AND HPDE, (CA, driving NSX and likely with wife)
21. Blackoutz: NSXPO and HPDE, (TX, and driving NSX with girlfriend)
22. yoojeankim: NSXPO and HPDE, (CO, and driving nsx with gf)
23. nsxmas: NSXPO and maybe HPDE,( driving NSX)
24. alum04org: NSXPO only, (MI, flying)
25. Dhalsim: NSXPO and HPDE, (CA, driving NSX with wife)
26. tpagannsx: NSXPO....maybe HPDE (CA, driving NSX with son)
27. flaminio: NSXPO, maybe HPDE (CA, bringing NSX +1 person)
28. NSX86: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
29. smooth: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX)
30. v8killer: NSXPO and HPDE (AZ, driving NSX with girlfriend).
31. NSXrunner: NSXPO, maybe HPDE (CA)
32. NSX pilot: NSXPO only, (CA, Driving NSX) +1 person
33. sourcensx: NSXPO only ( flying in) But gotta rent fun car:biggrin
34. bboxer:NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX + wife)
35. POWERED by HONDA: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, bringing NSX)
36. DansPlan: NSXPO and HPDE (CA and driving NSX)
37. B-rad: NSXPO only (OR, driving my NSX)
38. SilverOne: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX) + 1 person
39. excellon: NSXPO only (Nevada, bringing NSX) +1
40. derelict: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
41. NSXLuvr: NSXPO and HPDE(Tx, trailering NSX)
42. Fastrunner: NSXPO and HPDE (Tx, Driving NSX)
43. NY2NV: NSXPO only (NV, driving NSX) +1
44. icefire: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX)
45. Erik B: NSXPO only (WY, Drving NSX) +1
46. Drwnsx: NSXPO only (florida, i wish) +1
47. puravida: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX) +1
48. mpkr91: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)+1
49. Jfowler: NSXPO and HPDE (washington, driving nsx) +wife
50. nfire: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX)
51. willerickson: NSXPO and HPDE (Colorado, driving nsx)
52. weedwhackers: NSXPO and HPDE (ca, drving nsx) + 1
53. JFSA82: NSXPO only (California, driving NSX)
54. jimboesfo: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX) +1
55. peiserg: NSXPO and HPDE (AZ, driving NSX) + wife
56. lazynok: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX) + 1
57. GECKO: NSXPO only (Toronto, Flying in need passenger seat)
58. ScienceofSpeed: NSXPO & HPDE (AZ, trailered)
59. mrbythatmuch: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX)
60. Cozmo : NSXPO only (WA, driving nsx)
61. FFFFanman: NSXPO only (Alberta Canada, Flying - Need Pass. Seat)
62. FIRENSX: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
63. xrc NSXPO only (Florida, flying)
64. Ashik:NSXPO and maybe HPDE (CA, Driving NSX)
65. liftnot: NSXPO AND HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) + 1
66. 9doors NSXPO & maybe HDPE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
67. FXMDKen: NSXPO only (NV, DrivingNSX)+1
68. Factor X Motorsports: NSXPO only (NV, Driving NSX)+1
69. Coolnsx: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)+1
70. racer-ex: NSPO only (CA, driving NSX)
71. Coz: NSXPO & HDPE (AZ-Trailering NSX) +2
72. nsx1: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (CA, driving NSX) (and hopefully SEMA)
73. nsxter: NSXPO & HDPE (AZ - Driving NSX)+1
74. MikeC_587: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) (I would like to attend SEMA too)
75. Sennaf1: Nsxpo (Idaho, driving nsx)
76. powerneedy: NSXPO and Maybe HPDE (ID, driving nsx)
77. Fastraxturbo: NSXPO only driving
78. Prospeed: NSXPO & HDPE (CA, Driving NSX)+1
79. Oldduffer: NSXPO & HPDE; (New York, Driving NSX)
80. The Kid: NSXPO (NJ, Driving NSX) +1
81. Texas91Brent NSXPO (Texas, Driving? Trailer? Solo)
82. TXChopperGuy: NSXPO & HPDE (Austin TX, driving of course + wife or will find local hooker) Caravan anyone?
83. Racerxjling: NSXPO & HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
84. Ben: NSXPO only (CA, trailering 1 NSX, possibly having someone drive a 2nd)
my4rari: nsxpo only (AZ driving) +1
Yay! I get to be number 100! :D

1. Lowellhigh79: NSXPO & HPDE (Nevada, bringing NSX)
2. CKS Papa: NSXPO & HPDE (California, bringing NSX also bringing the wife)
3. unagijones: NSXPO & HPDE (Arizona, bringing NSX)
4. DrVolkl: NSXPO & possible HPDE (Washington, driving NSX)
5. Big_D: NSXPO only (California, Driving NSX)
6. pingu81: NSXPO only (Vancouver BC, Driving NSeX)
7. FuryNSX: NSXPO & HPDE (California, bringing NSX) (and likely wife)
8. Ediddynsx: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (California, Driving NSX + guest)
9. synergy004: NSXPO only (Texas, driving NSX +1)
10. solid-x: NSXPO only (Texas, driving NSX +1)
11. ANYTIME: NSXPO only (California, Driving NSX, Wife and Daughter) (Not sure how)
12. ncdogdoc: NSXPO hopefully track car and HPDE and SEMA!!!!! (NC)
13. Matt_337: NSXPO & HPDE (if I can figure out a way to bring my gear) (Texas, driving/bringing)
14. YellowHaze: NSXPO & HPDE, (CA, driving NSX}
15. HOTWLS: NSXPO only, (Texas, driving NSX with wife)
16. Juice: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (Ohio looking for transport & possibly w/ wife)
17. Vega$ NSX: NSXPO only (Duh, goes without saying... )
18. Jorligan: NSXPO and possibly bringing car if transport can be arranged in which case HPDE (MI).
19. ILYA: NSXPO AND HPDE, (CA, driving NSX and likely with wife)
20. akira3d: NSXPO AND HPDE, (CA, driving NSX and likely with wife)
21. Blackoutz: NSXPO and HPDE, (TX, and driving NSX with girlfriend)
22. yoojeankim: NSXPO and HPDE, (CO, and driving nsx with gf)
23. nsxmas: NSXPO and maybe HPDE,( driving NSX)
24. alum04org: NSXPO only, (MI, flying)
25. Dhalsim: NSXPO and HPDE, (CA, driving NSX with wife)
26. tpagannsx: NSXPO....maybe HPDE (CA, driving NSX with son)
27. flaminio: NSXPO, maybe HPDE (CA, bringing NSX +1 person)
28. NSX86: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
29. smooth: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX)
30. v8killer: NSXPO and HPDE (AZ, driving NSX with girlfriend).
31. NSXrunner: NSXPO, maybe HPDE (CA)
32. NSX pilot: NSXPO only, (CA, Driving NSX) +1 person
33. sourcensx: NSXPO only ( flying in) But gotta rent fun car:biggrin
34. bboxer:NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX + wife)
35. POWERED by HONDA: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, bringing NSX)
36. DansPlan: NSXPO and HPDE (CA and driving NSX)
37. B-rad: NSXPO only (OR, driving my NSX)
38. SilverOne: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX) + 1 person
39. excellon: NSXPO only (Nevada, bringing NSX) +1
40. derelict: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
41. NSXLuvr: NSXPO and HPDE(Tx, trailering NSX)
42. Fastrunner: NSXPO and HPDE (Tx, Driving NSX)
43. NY2NV: NSXPO only (NV, driving NSX) +1
44. icefire: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX)
45. Erik B: NSXPO only (WY, Drving NSX) +1
46. Drwnsx: NSXPO only (florida, i wish) +1
47. puravida: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX) +1
48. mpkr91: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)+1
49. Jfowler: NSXPO and HPDE (washington, driving nsx) +wife
50. nfire: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX)
51. willerickson: NSXPO and HPDE (Colorado, driving nsx)
52. weedwhackers: NSXPO and HPDE (ca, drving nsx) + 1
53. JFSA82: NSXPO only (California, driving NSX)
54. jimboesfo: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX) +1
55. peiserg: NSXPO and HPDE (AZ, driving NSX) + wife
56. lazynok: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX) + 1
57. GECKO: NSXPO only (Toronto, Flying in need passenger seat)
58. ScienceofSpeed: NSXPO & HPDE (AZ, trailered)
59. mrbythatmuch: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX)
60. Cozmo : NSXPO only (WA, driving nsx)
61. FFFFanman: NSXPO only (Alberta Canada, Flying - Need Pass. Seat)
62. FIRENSX: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
63. xrc NSXPO only (Florida, flying)
64. Ashik:NSXPO and maybe HPDE (CA, Driving NSX)
65. liftnot: NSXPO AND HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) + 1
66. 9doors NSXPO & maybe HDPE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
67. FXMDKen: NSXPO only (NV, DrivingNSX)+1
68. Factor X Motorsports: NSXPO only (NV, Driving NSX)+1
69. Coolnsx: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)+1
70. racer-ex: NSPO only (CA, driving NSX)
71. Coz: NSXPO & HDPE (AZ-Trailering NSX) +2
72. nsx1: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (CA, driving NSX) (and hopefully SEMA)
73. nsxter: NSXPO & HDPE (AZ - Driving NSX)+1
74. MikeC_587: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) (I would like to attend SEMA too)
75. Sennaf1: Nsxpo (Idaho, driving nsx)
76. powerneedy: NSXPO and Maybe HPDE (ID, driving nsx)
77. Fastraxturbo: NSXPO only driving
78. Prospeed: NSXPO & HDPE (CA, Driving NSX)+1
79. Oldduffer: NSXPO & HPDE; (New York, Driving NSX)
80. The Kid: NSXPO (NJ, Driving NSX) +1
81. Texas91Brent NSXPO (Texas, Driving? Trailer? Solo)
82. TXChopperGuy: NSXPO & HPDE (Austin TX, driving of course + wife or will find local hooker) Caravan anyone?
83. Racerxjling: NSXPO & HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
84. Ben: NSXPO only (CA, trailering 1 NSX, possibly having someone drive a 2nd)
85. GeNSX: NSXPO only (LV, NV | driving NSX) +1
86. yojack1 : NSXPO only +1 (driving NSX)
87. Jetpilot3: NSXPO & HPDE (driving NSX from either US or Canada) + wife!
88. adrenaline_nsx NSXPO (driving nsx from TX+1)
89. Hondatech: NSXPO only (Victoria BC, driving NSX)
90. catalinakid: NSXPO (La Jolla, CA. Driving NSX) +1
91. NSXAMG996TT: NSXPO & HPDE (trailering NSX from Sac,CA) +1
92. Semnos_NSX: NSXPO & maybe HDPE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
93. CaAGNSX NSXPO only (CA Driving NSX) +wife
94. Passline: NSXPO only (flying) +1
95. Enssex NSXPO only driving NSX + my mice From Canada
96. 1sikryd: Nsxpo only
97. tbNSX: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
98. Track Junkie: NSXPO (probably) & HPDE (definitely) (CO driving NSX) +1
99. mugen_kid: NSXPO only (driving) +1
100. CDX_NSX: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (SoCal, driving NSX) +1
101. CODEBLUE: NSXPO + wife (Henderson, NV)
102. MY4RARI : NSXPO (Phoenix, AZ)+1
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Hi All;

Thats GREAT heard the news at the CA Toronto NXPO.. We (wife & I) will drive on out in the High mileage red 91 the car knows the way..


Clem & lori in CT. on the right coast:biggrin:
Hi All;

Thats GREAT heard the news at the CA Toronto NXPO.. We (wife & I) will drive on out in the High mileage red 91 the car knows the way..


Clem & lori in CT. on the right coast:biggrin:
Clem, if you got home from NSXPO 2009, you'd better leave now to make it on time for 2010!!!
1. Lowellhigh79: NSXPO & HPDE (Nevada, bringing NSX)
2. CKS Papa: NSXPO & HPDE (California, bringing NSX also bringing the wife)
3. unagijones: NSXPO & HPDE (Arizona, bringing NSX)
4. DrVolkl: NSXPO & possible HPDE (Washington, driving NSX)
5. Big_D: NSXPO only (California, Driving NSX)
6. pingu81: NSXPO only (Vancouver BC, Driving NSeX)
7. FuryNSX: NSXPO & HPDE (California, bringing NSX) (and likely wife)
8. Ediddynsx: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (California, Driving NSX + guest)
9. synergy004: NSXPO only (Texas, driving NSX +1)
10. solid-x: NSXPO only (Texas, driving NSX +1)
11. ANYTIME: NSXPO only (California, Driving NSX, Wife and Daughter) (Not sure how)
12. ncdogdoc: NSXPO hopefully track car and HPDE and SEMA!!!!! (NC)
13. Matt_337: NSXPO & HPDE (if I can figure out a way to bring my gear) (Texas, driving/bringing)
14. YellowHaze: NSXPO & HPDE, (CA, driving NSX}
15. HOTWLS: NSXPO only, (Texas, driving NSX with wife)
16. Juice: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (Ohio looking for transport & possibly w/ wife)
17. Vega$ NSX: NSXPO only (Duh, goes without saying... )
18. Jorligan: NSXPO and possibly bringing car if transport can be arranged in which case HPDE (MI).
19. ILYA: NSXPO AND HPDE, (CA, driving NSX and likely with wife)
20. akira3d: NSXPO AND HPDE, (CA, driving NSX and likely with wife)
21. Blackoutz: NSXPO and HPDE, (TX, and driving NSX with girlfriend)
22. yoojeankim: NSXPO and HPDE, (CO, and driving nsx with gf)
23. nsxmas: NSXPO and maybe HPDE,( driving NSX)
24. alum04org: NSXPO only, (MI, flying)
25. Dhalsim: NSXPO and HPDE, (CA, driving NSX with wife)
26. tpagannsx: NSXPO....maybe HPDE (CA, driving NSX with son)
27. flaminio: NSXPO, maybe HPDE (CA, bringing NSX +1 person)
28. NSX86: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
29. smooth: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX)
30. v8killer: NSXPO and HPDE (AZ, driving NSX with girlfriend).
31. NSXrunner: NSXPO, maybe HPDE (CA)
32. NSX pilot: NSXPO only, (CA, Driving NSX) +1 person
33. sourcensx: NSXPO only ( flying in) But gotta rent fun car:biggrin
34. bboxer:NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX + wife)
35. POWERED by HONDA: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, bringing NSX)
36. DansPlan: NSXPO and HPDE (CA and driving NSX)
37. B-rad: NSXPO only (OR, driving my NSX)
38. SilverOne: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX) + 1 person
39. excellon: NSXPO only (Nevada, bringing NSX) +1
40. derelict: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
41. NSXLuvr: NSXPO and HPDE(Tx, trailering NSX)
42. Fastrunner: NSXPO and HPDE (Tx, Driving NSX)
43. NY2NV: NSXPO only (NV, driving NSX) +1
44. icefire: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX)
45. Erik B: NSXPO only (WY, Drving NSX) +1
46. Drwnsx: NSXPO only (florida, i wish) +1
47. puravida: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX) +1
48. mpkr91: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)+1
49. Jfowler: NSXPO and HPDE (washington, driving nsx) +wife
50. nfire: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX)
51. willerickson: NSXPO and HPDE (Colorado, driving nsx)
52. weedwhackers: NSXPO and HPDE (ca, drving nsx) + 1
53. JFSA82: NSXPO only (California, driving NSX)
54. jimboesfo: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX) +1
55. peiserg: NSXPO and HPDE (AZ, driving NSX) + wife
56. lazynok: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX) + 1
57. GECKO: NSXPO only (Toronto, Flying in need passenger seat)
58. ScienceofSpeed: NSXPO & HPDE (AZ, trailered)
59. mrbythatmuch: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX)
60. Cozmo : NSXPO only (WA, driving nsx)
61. FFFFanman: NSXPO only (Alberta Canada, Flying - Need Pass. Seat)
62. FIRENSX: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
63. xrc NSXPO only (Florida, flying)
64. Ashik:NSXPO and maybe HPDE (CA, Driving NSX)
65. liftnot: NSXPO AND HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) + 1
66. 9doors NSXPO & maybe HDPE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
67. FXMDKen: NSXPO only (NV, DrivingNSX)+1
68. Factor X Motorsports: NSXPO only (NV, Driving NSX)+1
69. Coolnsx: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)+1
70. racer-ex: NSPO only (CA, driving NSX)
71. Coz: NSXPO & HDPE (AZ-Trailering NSX) +2
72. nsx1: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (CA, driving NSX) (and hopefully SEMA)
73. nsxter: NSXPO & HDPE (AZ - Driving NSX)+1
74. MikeC_587: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) (I would like to attend SEMA too)
75. Sennaf1: Nsxpo (Idaho, driving nsx)
76. powerneedy: NSXPO and Maybe HPDE (ID, driving nsx)
77. Fastraxturbo: NSXPO only driving
78. Prospeed: NSXPO & HDPE (CA, Driving NSX)+1
79. Oldduffer: NSXPO & HPDE; (New York, Driving NSX)
80. The Kid: NSXPO (NJ, Driving NSX) +1
81. Texas91Brent NSXPO (Texas, Driving? Trailer? Solo)
82. TXChopperGuy: NSXPO & HPDE (Austin TX, driving of course + wife or will find local hooker) Caravan anyone?
83. Racerxjling: NSXPO & HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
84. Ben: NSXPO only (CA, trailering 1 NSX, possibly having someone drive a 2nd)
85. GeNSX: NSXPO only (LV, NV | driving NSX) +1
86. yojack1 : NSXPO only +1 (driving NSX)
87. Jetpilot3: NSXPO & HPDE (driving NSX from either US or Canada) + wife!
88. adrenaline_nsx NSXPO (driving nsx from TX+1)
89. Hondatech: NSXPO only (Victoria BC, driving NSX)
90. catalinakid: NSXPO (La Jolla, CA. Driving NSX) +1
91. NSXAMG996TT: NSXPO & HPDE (trailering NSX from Sac,CA) +1
92. Semnos_NSX: NSXPO & maybe HDPE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
93. CaAGNSX NSXPO only (CA Driving NSX) +wife
94. Passline: NSXPO only (flying) +1
95. Enssex NSXPO only driving NSX + my mice From Canada
96. 1sikryd: Nsxpo only
97. tbNSX: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
98. Track Junkie: NSXPO (probably) & HPDE (definitely) (CO driving NSX) +1
99. mugen_kid: NSXPO only (driving) +1
100. CDX_NSX: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (SoCal, driving NSX) +1
101. CODEBLUE: NSXPO + wife (Henderson, NV)
102. MY4RARI : NSXPO (Phoenix, AZ)+1
I just saw this thread today! AWSOME! Vegas is a great location for XPO! I'll be there with our nsx +1 passenger! I'll also try to get the NSX's from our shop to go! We got 11 NSX's here, & none of us could break away from work to go to CANADA! VEGAS is a short trip from southern CALI! Can't wait...
1. Lowellhigh79: NSXPO & HPDE (Nevada, bringing NSX)
2. CKS Papa: NSXPO & HPDE (California, bringing NSX also bringing the wife)
3. unagijones: NSXPO & HPDE (Arizona, bringing NSX)
4. DrVolkl: NSXPO & possible HPDE (Washington, driving NSX)
5. Big_D: NSXPO only (California, Driving NSX)
6. pingu81: NSXPO only (Vancouver BC, Driving NSeX)
7. FuryNSX: NSXPO & HPDE (California, bringing NSX) (and likely wife)
8. Ediddynsx: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (California, Driving NSX + guest)
9. synergy004: NSXPO only (Texas, driving NSX +1)
10. solid-x: NSXPO only (Texas, driving NSX +1)
11. ANYTIME: NSXPO only (California, Driving NSX, Wife and Daughter) (Not sure how)
12. ncdogdoc: NSXPO hopefully track car and HPDE and SEMA!!!!! (NC)
13. Matt_337: NSXPO & HPDE (if I can figure out a way to bring my gear) (Texas, driving/bringing)
14. YellowHaze: NSXPO & HPDE, (CA, driving NSX}
15. HOTWLS: NSXPO only, (Texas, driving NSX with wife)
16. Juice: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (Ohio looking for transport & possibly w/ wife)
17. Vega$ NSX: NSXPO only (Duh, goes without saying... )
18. Jorligan: NSXPO and possibly bringing car if transport can be arranged in which case HPDE (MI).
19. ILYA: NSXPO AND HPDE, (CA, driving NSX and likely with wife)
20. akira3d: NSXPO AND HPDE, (CA, driving NSX and likely with wife)
21. Blackoutz: NSXPO and HPDE, (TX, and driving NSX with girlfriend)
22. yoojeankim: NSXPO and HPDE, (CO, and driving nsx with gf)
23. nsxmas: NSXPO and maybe HPDE,( driving NSX)
24. alum04org: NSXPO only, (MI, flying)
25. Dhalsim: NSXPO and HPDE, (CA, driving NSX with wife)
26. tpagannsx: NSXPO....maybe HPDE (CA, driving NSX with son)
27. flaminio: NSXPO, maybe HPDE (CA, bringing NSX +1 person)
28. NSX86: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
29. smooth: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX)
30. v8killer: NSXPO and HPDE (AZ, driving NSX with girlfriend).
31. NSXrunner: NSXPO, maybe HPDE (CA)
32. NSX pilot: NSXPO only, (CA, Driving NSX) +1 person
33. sourcensx: NSXPO only ( flying in) But gotta rent fun car:biggrin
34. bboxer:NSXPO and HPDE (CA, Driving NSX + wife)
35. POWERED by HONDA: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, bringing NSX)
36. DansPlan: NSXPO and HPDE (CA and driving NSX)
37. B-rad: NSXPO only (OR, driving my NSX)
38. SilverOne: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX) + 1 person
39. excellon: NSXPO only (Nevada, bringing NSX) +1
40. derelict: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
41. NSXLuvr: NSXPO and HPDE(Tx, trailering NSX)
42. Fastrunner: NSXPO and HPDE (Tx, Driving NSX)
43. NY2NV: NSXPO only (NV, driving NSX) +1
44. icefire: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX)
45. Erik B: NSXPO only (WY, Drving NSX) +1
46. Drwnsx: NSXPO only (florida, i wish) +1
47. puravida: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX) +1
48. mpkr91: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)+1
49. Jfowler: NSXPO and HPDE (washington, driving nsx) +wife
50. nfire: NSXPO only (CA, Driving NSX)
51. willerickson: NSXPO and HPDE (Colorado, driving nsx)
52. weedwhackers: NSXPO and HPDE (ca, drving nsx) + 1
53. JFSA82: NSXPO only (California, driving NSX)
54. jimboesfo: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX) +1
55. peiserg: NSXPO and HPDE (AZ, driving NSX) + wife
56. lazynok: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX) + 1
57. GECKO: NSXPO only (Toronto, Flying in need passenger seat)
58. ScienceofSpeed: NSXPO & HPDE (AZ, trailered)
59. mrbythatmuch: NSXPO and HPDE (CA, driving NSX)
60. Cozmo : NSXPO only (WA, driving nsx)
61. FFFFanman: NSXPO only (Alberta Canada, Flying - Need Pass. Seat)
62. FIRENSX: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
63. xrc NSXPO only (Florida, flying)
64. Ashik:NSXPO and maybe HPDE (CA, Driving NSX)
65. liftnot: NSXPO AND HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) + 1
66. 9doors NSXPO & maybe HDPE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
67. FXMDKen: NSXPO only (NV, DrivingNSX)+1
68. Factor X Motorsports: NSXPO only (NV, Driving NSX)+1
69. Coolnsx: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)+1
70. racer-ex: NSPO only (CA, driving NSX)
71. Coz: NSXPO & HDPE (AZ-Trailering NSX) +2
72. nsx1: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (CA, driving NSX) (and hopefully SEMA)
73. nsxter: NSXPO & HDPE (AZ - Driving NSX)+1
74. MikeC_587: NSXPO and maybe HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) (I would like to attend SEMA too)
75. Sennaf1: Nsxpo (Idaho, driving nsx)
76. powerneedy: NSXPO and Maybe HPDE (ID, driving nsx)
77. Fastraxturbo: NSXPO only driving
78. Prospeed: NSXPO & HDPE (CA, Driving NSX)+1
79. Oldduffer: NSXPO & HPDE; (New York, Driving NSX)
80. The Kid: NSXPO (NJ, Driving NSX) +1
81. Texas91Brent NSXPO (Texas, Driving? Trailer? Solo)
82. TXChopperGuy: NSXPO & HPDE (Austin TX, driving of course + wife or will find local hooker) Caravan anyone?
83. Racerxjling: NSXPO & HPDE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
84. Ben: NSXPO only (CA, trailering 1 NSX, possibly having someone drive a 2nd)
85. GeNSX: NSXPO only (LV, NV | driving NSX) +1
86. yojack1 : NSXPO only +1 (driving NSX)
87. Jetpilot3: NSXPO & HPDE (driving NSX from either US or Canada) + wife!
88. adrenaline_nsx NSXPO (driving nsx from TX+1)
89. Hondatech: NSXPO only (Victoria BC, driving NSX)
90. catalinakid: NSXPO (La Jolla, CA. Driving NSX) +1
91. NSXAMG996TT: NSXPO & HPDE (trailering NSX from Sac,CA) +1
92. Semnos_NSX: NSXPO & maybe HDPE (CA, Driving NSX) +1
93. CaAGNSX NSXPO only (CA Driving NSX) +wife
94. Passline: NSXPO only (flying) +1
95. Enssex NSXPO only driving NSX + my mice From Canada
96. 1sikryd: Nsxpo only
97. tbNSX: NSXPO only (CA, driving NSX)
98. Track Junkie: NSXPO (probably) & HPDE (definitely) (CO driving NSX) +1
99. mugen_kid: NSXPO only (driving) +1
100. CDX_NSX: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (SoCal, driving NSX) +1
101. CODEBLUE: NSXPO + wife (Henderson, NV)
102. MY4RARI : NSXPO (Phoenix, AZ)+1
103. TAG: NSXPO + wife (Henderson, NV)

Hm Vegas, NSXPO, 2010.

It can be done. The NSX will not fit as hand luggage so she will have to stay at home.

Maybe pop over to The Kid and buy myself a Infinity G35 coupe winterbeater and head down to Vegas with him and then get the car shipped home to Norway from New Jersey.

Arg. This can be done. It will be a super vacation. I will have to look into this in some more detail. It got me thinking that's for sure.

Holloween in Vegas?

With a bunch of Primers?

I'm so in:

1. Lowellhigh79: NSXPO & HPDE (Nevada, bringing NSX)
100. CDX_NSX: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (SoCal, driving NSX) +1
101. CODEBLUE: NSXPO + wife (Henderson, NV)
102. MY4RARI : NSXPO (Phoenix, AZ)+1
103. kataplt: (Cali) ? with our nsx +1 passenger
104. TAG: NSXPO + wife (Henderson, NV)
105. CURTSR: NSXPO & HDPE (Cincy, Oh -- io) + 2 (wife and kid)
Last edited:
I am in: caravan with DrVolk???

1. Lowellhigh79: NSXPO & HPDE (Nevada, bringing NSX)
100. CDX_NSX: NSXPO & maybe HPDE (SoCal, driving NSX) +1
101. CODEBLUE: NSXPO + wife (Henderson, NV)
102. MY4RARI : NSXPO (Phoenix, AZ)+1
103. kataplt: (Cali) ? with our nsx +1 passenger
104. TAG: NSXPO + wife (Henderson, NV)
105. CURTSR: NSXPO & HDPE (Cincy, Oh -- io) + 2 (wife and kid)
106. gtnsx: NSXPO with wife *sigh*
Congratulations on being awarded NSXPO 2010!! The 20th anniversary of the NSX is a very special time! :biggrin:
"WHOOOOOOEEEE!" Get the dice tables ready. I got my "odds" on the Passline! :biggrin::biggrin:
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