NSXPO 2005 OC Caravan

No problem Dave...

Just go HERE Oder the Polo in Black with the NSXPO Logo and So Cal Caravan in Gold on the left sleeve. Pay your money and Wa-La! :wink:
Last week, I had a chat with ANYTIME regarding a second meeting point off FWY 10. Tentatively, we are going to stop for lunch at around the Cabazon or Banning area. Any suggestion for restaurants with good parking?

That way, we can schedule to meet with the LA, SD or NorCal folks before we head out of town. If we were to leave OC at 10:15, we can be there by 11:30. We can grab lunch and take off at 12:30 and be in Scottsdale by 6 p.m..

It could also be the primary meeting point for the Riverside, San Bernardino folks. Suggestions?
Found and talked to the owners of "The Wheel Inn", which is famous for Claude Bell's dinosaurs as seen on Tim Burton's Pee-wee's Big Adventure.
Parking is excellent and they have no problem in seating many people.

The plan is to meet at The Wheel Inn @ 11am, have some eats and depart exactly at 12:15pm departing towards Phoenix and arriving at 6pm. If there are members running late or trying to catch up, this would give them and us an hour buffer time, so we can all caravan together.

Wheel Inn
50900 Seminole Drive
Cabazon, CA 92230
Open 24/7 since 1964

<a href="http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?address=50900%20Seminole%20Dr&city=Cabazon&state=CA&zipcode=92230%2d2300&country=US&title=50900%20Seminole%20Dr%20Cabazon%2c%20CA%2092230%2d2300%2c%20US&cid=lfmaplink2">Map of 50900 Seminole Dr Cabazon, CA 92230-2300, US</a>

Pull in and get ready for the wonderful food they serve here: huge breakfasts, huevos rancheros, great steaks and stellar pies (they bake a dozen varieties each day.) The restaurant is run by a husband-and-wife team.


CDub said:
That way, we can schedule to meet with the LA, SD or NorCal folks before we head out of town. If we were to leave OC at 10:15, we can be there by 11:30. We can grab lunch and take off at 12:30 and be in Scottsdale by 6 p.m..
From the looks of a map, it appears that the SD group won't be meeting up with you guys, at least for the bulk of the trip. It's probably better for us to shoot straight east on the I-8, rather than first heading north to meet you guys on the I-10. It's a shame, too, since you guys will probably be hooking up with the NorCal group. You guys should be one pretty sweet looking caravan heading into Phoenix by 5:00 or 6:00.

FuryNSX said:
From the looks of a map, it appears that the SD group won't be meeting up with you guys, at least for the bulk of the trip. It's probably better for us to shoot straight east on the I-8, rather than first heading north to meet you guys on the I-10.

Come on you SD guys - what's an extra 50 miles to join the largest caravan travelling to NSXPO '05 :biggrin: :biggrin:.
Since it's only 295.61 miles from Wheel Inn to Embassy Suites are we going to do this with no gas stops, only restroom stops? :biggrin: :biggrin: Ties in well with the mileage thread going.

The schedule sounds good, but I can tell you from experience that arriving around 5pm into Phoenix should be avoided if at all possible. They have all the traffic problems associated with a rapidly growing city - it's not pretty.

I would think that altering our schedule to either leave earlier (recommended) or later can avoid a mess at the other end.

DaveG said:

The schedule sounds good, but I can tell you from experience that arriving around 5pm into Phoenix should be avoided if at all possible. They have all the traffic problems associated with a rapidly growing city - it's not pretty.

I would think that altering our schedule to either leave earlier (recommended) or later can avoid a mess at the other end.


OC peeps leaving earlier will get them into the early morning traffic in LA :eek:
Leaving OC at 10am will have them arriving at 11am into Cabazon.
Leaving Ventura County at 8:00am will get us to Cabazon at 11am

I wouldn't be inclined to leave any earlier. There are others that live farther North than me that are wanting to go also, so that should be taken into consideration as well. Leaving later would have us miss the reception dinner, which I think we shouldn't miss :biggrin:
Leaving later would have us miss the reception dinner, which I think we shouldn't miss :biggrin:

Just a quick clarification.....the welcome reception will include finger foods, but no full dinner. Wouldn't want anyone going hungry in anticipation of a full meal that night! :smile: However, it will be a FUN social event and allow people to get acquainted, so it definitely is worth attending. The Social Packets outlining many aspects of NSXPO are starting to arrive in the mail to everyone who registered prior to the original early bird deadline, so check it out for further information.

Since nearly thewhole CA crew will have their NSX's, check out this thread which might be a fun option for those who have the stamina.
Why would the OC crowd be going through LA?

>>OC peeps leaving earlier will get them into the early morning traffic in LA
Leaving OC at 10am will have them arriving at 11am into Cabazon.<<

From a logistics and crowd control standpoint, we may end up with three caravans from SoCal; San Diego, OC and LA/North.

ANYTIME is probably referring to the Riverside traffic in the morning.

Dave, I see your point about the Phoenix rush hour traffic if we were to roll in town at 5. Leaving late is not an option because we'll miss the cocktail reception. We can of course leave at 6:30 am and be there by 1pm.

We already know that the SD caravan will not be joining us. :frown: So early departure is not an issue.

If the OC caravan were to leave at 10:00 and take a 30 min. gas/food break, we can be there by 4. We can then meet the LA caravan at Wheel Inn, but it is not going to be a sit down lunch.

I can do either 6 or 10. Any preference? So far, we have 6 cars signed up. I'm sure we'll have more.
DaveG said:
The schedule sounds good, but I can tell you from experience that arriving around 5pm into Phoenix should be avoided if at all possible. They have all the traffic problems associated with a rapidly growing city - it's not pretty.
Actually, traffic conditions should be just fine for those coming in from California. At 5:00 PM the bulk of the traffic will be heading WEST (in the opposite direction of your caravans). However, I recommend that you avoid the downtown area and take the following routes instead:

If you are planning to go directly to the hotel, take Loop 101 North and then SR-51 South, exiting on Cactus to get to Embassy Suites. Follow the green highlighted route in the attached map.

If you are planning to partake in the optional karting activity on Thursday, take Loop 101 North and exit on Bell Rd heading East to Speed Street. Once you're done there, take 67th Avenue north to hop back onto Loop 101 East, then shoot down SR-51 South, and exit on Cactus Rd to get to Embassy Suites. See the blue highlighted route in the attached map.

If you have any additional logistics questions, please post them in the unofficial NSXPO forum.

Thanks, and drive safely! :cool:


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Thanks for the help! We are going to follow your suggestion when we reached Phoenix.

I have updated my first post with updated info.

Exactly 1 month from today. :wink:
I want to go early so I can watch Dave wash his car......twice....before cocktails. :biggrin: :biggrin:
whiteNSXs said:
1. CDub
2. MCM
3. tbNSX
5. SilverOne
6. FuryNSX
7. DaveG
8. ss_md
9. whiteNSXs

Added myself too. :biggrin:

Don't forget me! :biggrin:

1. CDub
2. MCM
3. tbNSX
5. SilverOne
6. FuryNSX
7. DaveG
8. ss_md
9. whiteNSXs
Bummer. My Dad isn't flying into John Wayne until 1pm so I'm going to miss the caravan out. I'll probably be a couple hours behind you guys.

Travel safe.

Kind of funny that I'll be driving to Phoenix to meet so many local owners. I guess that's what I get for being too damned busy. :smile:
Here is a cleaned up list without the SD group. Actually, ANYTIME will probably be meeting us at the Wheel Inn. So officially, we have 7 from the starting point.

1. CDub
2. MCM
4. SilverOne
5. DaveG
6. ss_md
7. whiteNSXs

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