Nsxpo 2004 Dvd

Guys, I've gone through my footage and unfortunately I don't have a lot of coverage. I have in-car footage from the poker rally, and some track footage, but nothing of the events like the boat cruise etc. As it stands, I think I'm going to have about 10 mins at most once it's edited down. If a DVD is going to be reality, I really need more video. I wish I had thought about this ahead of time so I could have planned it out and shot more appropriately. Anyways, I'm appealing for any decent DV footage people may have from the event. Please PM me if you can send me anything (I will of course mail your tape back once I pull it on the computer).

DONYMO: If you can send me all of your track video, that'd be better so I can get some in-car shots with other cars in the scene as well.

Worst case, I will just put together a short 2-3 min video of the track clips I have and post it up here.
nsxtasy said:
Wouldn't it make more sense to donate the profits to the not-for-profit organization that held NSXPO 2004?

I have to agree with Ken on this one. While I don't know how the #'s worked out for this year's NSXPO, it is my understanding that NSXPO's tend to operate at a financial loss once all the expenses have been covered. Perhaps if there was a shortfall this year we could try to, at least partially, recoop those funds for the NSXCA. I'll gladly take a copy. :D
So far I've received one DVD from wawzat with some great track DV footage as well as some photos. Just a reminder to anyone else who mentioned that they would be sending video or photo's, to please drop it in the mail. If you've already sent it, please PM me so I can make sure I keep an eye out for it. In particular, I'm really looking forward to receiving the in-car video from DONYMO and the full hi-res pics from Jadkar as well as any other DV footage that anyone wants to contribute. Thanks!
Jadkar: Please thank Karen for sending the three photo CD's in the mail! I received them today and there are a ton of great pics on there! Thanks again...
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