Nsxca & Nsx Driver

This topic comes up at the board meetings at least once a year. The northwest in strong support of going electronic and the northeast strongly opposed to it. Since the club is structured as a representative democracy, what needs to happen is if the members want to see their club dues spent on something other than printing costs for NSX Driver, they need to contact their local rep (list at http://www.nsxca.org/nsxca/contact/) and let them know your thoughts.

Additionally, since the material published in NSXDriver is generated by the club members and finding enough material to publish is the biggest reason for the infrequent printing (won't change if we go electronic), step up and write something. Tell the rest of the country what is happening in your neck of the woods.

The club is only as good as the members work to make it.

Tom Kohrs
NW Region Rep.

This makes total sense. And I understand the situation... but at the same time when I joined the NSXCA, I also didn't think I needed to contribute articles to receive my magazine. :frown:
Many members like having a hard copy magazine that they can keep on their coffee table, desk at the office, etc.

The saved funds can go to wards a more respectable national website or even better yet, to the regions where they can be put to better use by sponsoring activities.
We are talking about revamping the website. As for the regions, we already allocate a portion of dues to the regions and chapters, and most of them do not use all the money that is allocated to them.
Scan the front page for us :biggrin:
Just got mine today!! Very cool pic's from ALMS '07, thanks to Bob and everyone else for the great work.
Many members like having a hard copy magazine that they can keep on their coffee table, desk at the office, etc.

I like getting the hardcopy as well, but I'd prefer to not get it and get an electronic version in order to save the club money. One less magazine you have to print for me is one less expense I cause for the club. I'm good w/ that.

I'll follow Tom's instructions and submit a request to him to see if we can get an electronic version.
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Wait...get rid of the hard copy? What am I going to read in the bathroo....errr...never mind. :wink: :biggrin:

I say giving the option for either or works if possible. But I'm happy with the hard copy as it is, even if its a slow publication. :cool:

My two cents.
I like getting the hardcopy as well, but I'd prefer to not get it and get an electronic version in order to save the club money. One less magazine you have to print for me is one less expense I cause for the club. I'm good w/ that.

I'll follow Tom's advice and submit a request to him to see if we can get an electronic version.

this reminds me an awful lot of a situation i encountered as an employee 17 - yes, seventeen years ago:

i sold software for an old-school, privately held software company. we were based in sunnyvale, ca, and my territory was the mid-west. once a quarter i would spend a week visiting my customers in my territory. when i researched the expenses for the trips, it was obvious that my traveling to the territory on saturday / spending the night (instead of sunday, so i needed to factor in the additional night expenses) would save the company many thousands of $'s annually; when i included the costs / savings for all salespeople.

when i showed the basic review / savings to my vp of sales, he said, "i'm not sure the company will pay for you to spend a saturday night in chicago, so write it up and let's see what happens." it was disapproved. no reason given.

no additional expense was required. no extra effort was required on the part of the company. the net result would have been many thousands of $'s saved to the company.

ah, i geddit: we're comfortable.

this seems to me this is pretty much the same situation:

nsx driver is a very nice publication that is severely underachieving its potential.

current magazine production / distribution:

* provides members with a hard copy
* provides (to some) a "getting their money's worth" membership benefit
* status quo is comfortable

* views per issue: limited to actual club membership
* expensive to print
* expensive to mail
* additional handling / mailing house / postal service delay
* negative environmentally impact
* static ads stare back at the reader
* may be scanned and distributed for distribution without nsxca participation

alternative electronic production / distribution option:

* views per issue: don't know, but Prime's got 100k visitors per month
* zero printing costs to club / membership who want only eBook version
* on-demand delivery to membership
* zero negative environmental impact
* 50,000 (?) Prime readers can click on advertiser ads to visit their website
* 50,000 (?) Prime readers can click on photo links to buy a copy of pics
* membership fees can be used for other projects as suggested by nsxca membership.
* Prime's 100,000 unique visitors every month provide an ideal notification / distribution point
* significantly increased exposure may lead to increased membership to nsxca / club events.
* eBook version may be watermarked as desired

* eBook membership list maintenance (this is mousenuts)
* copyrighted / proprietary material may be freely disseminated
* $70 USD to purchase pdf encrypting software
* minimal additional steps (< 5 minutes required) to create and post for member download a view-only encrypted version.

i realize nsxca / driver is a hobby / passion for those who contribute and produce it on a regular basis - and we are grateful for their work - it's a great magazine! i also realize how challenging and time consuming it is to actually produce a publication such as nsx driver - it's very difficult and sucks up huge amounts of time from everyone.

that said, the world's changing and it seems to me nsxca is missing the opportunity to reach a much greater audience and realize the benefits that audience may provide.
I subscribe to Road & Track, Car & Driver and European Auto (or whatever its called). I also get Winding Road pushed to me electronically.

Winding Road is a great magazine, but I dont read it nearly as much as I do the print magazines and at the end of the day I will continue to pay for print over free online stuff, just because when I want it, I open it up. I dont have to have a laptop at hand.

Choices are always great. But mine would be to continue receiving DRIVER in print.