Nsxca & Nsx Driver

15 September 2005
Ellsworth, Wi.
I was wondering if any members of NSXCA have recived an nsx driver recently ? I renewed my membership last october and haven't recived a nsx driver newsletter in a long time. Also wondering if acura will be holding a car corral at road americas ALMS race this aug?
Thanks for any info.
I regard to NSXDriver there is a special issue in print at the moment and members will be recieveing it over the next few weeks. There is also an additional issue in layout as we speak.

In regard to the ALMS series Acura Automobile Division is continuing the ALMS series this year, but Road America is not on the schedule this season for an NSX Car Corral.

President NSX Club of America
Same here, I have not received anything yet and I am also renewed. Do we also get a notice/email to see if we are up for renewal?
Same here, I have not received anything yet and I am also renewed. Do we also get a notice/email to see if we are up for renewal?

Ediddy,i had to call tk,an ask him when i'd run out he said in june so i renewed over nite, but no notice..............:smile: ...............see you at the expo.............. bill
Thanks Bill, I will check with TK.:smile:
I just looked at my last magazine the other day and noticed it was #2 Spring 2007. I PMd Ken and he said they were behind, a year:confused: , and they were coming out with a double issue. I have always looked forward to it. Great reading and informative. And it just hit me the other day that I had not gotten one recently, I just didn't realize it was that long.
We're not behind a year; there was a double issue labeled as 2006 that went out in early 2007, and that #2 issue went out in November 2007. The new double issue was mailed this past Friday, I believe.

Renewal notices are usually mailed about a month before the membership is due to expire. We send a second notice to those who haven't renewed shortly after the expiration date. You can always send me an e-mail or private message to check on your membership status and expiration date, since I maintain the membership database, pick up the mail, enter the renewals, etc.
Is it possible to get the magazine electronically instead of in print? That would speed delivery and save the club printing costs.

Most of us have email. How about emailing it to us and if anyone wants a paper copy, they can print it out...or pay the club extra for one?
Is it possible to get the magazine electronically instead of in print? That would speed delivery and save the club printing costs.

Most of us have email. How about emailing it to us and if anyone wants a paper copy, they can print it out...or pay the club extra for one?

Finally someone dared to say it publicly:eek: :wink:

This same great suggestion has been made several times in the past few years and I believe it is way past due and needs to be acted upon. Almost half of the dues go to printing the magazine at a time when almost the entire membership is Internet based/driven! It also solves the problem of which alphabet soup gets their's first and which post office delivers on time .....

As much as it is nice to have something in print, this is waste of funds - not to mention the impact on the environment for all those tree huggers. The electronic version would be even of higher resolution. The saved funds can go to wards a more respectable national website or even better yet, to the regions where they can be put to better use by sponsoring activities.
Interresting,,,,could part of the reluctance to e-format be the fear of the easy disemination of the document to non nsxca members:confused: The print version at least makes dues paying members feel like they get something unique/exclusive and tangible to them,plus the e format requires every member to have a computer. btw These are my supositions and not that of the clubs'.
That would be easy to fix, John . . . just put in .pdf format and set up a password for it. Then all someone has to do is send out the password each month (or each issue) to all members and it will still be exclusive.
For those members who don't have computer access, they could choose to pay for the paper version. If there is a way to reduce costs for the club, it should be looked at. For those of us w/ computers, we could choose to get the e-version which would save the club money. I'm not saying lower dues for those who get the e-version; just provide that option so we can choose to help save the club money - and those who don't choose that option can choose to pay the club extra for their special handling of paper.
I'm all for discontinuing the newsletter altogether. It comes out so infrequently that I don't even care when it gets delivered. Furthermore, most of the contents are already available on Prime even though the two organizations are seperate entities. I think an improved website dedicated to NSXCA members would be a better medium for us to use.
I'm all for discontinuing the newsletter altogether. It comes out so infrequently that I don't even care when it gets delivered. Furthermore, most of the contents are already available on Prime even though the two organizations are seperate entities. I think an improved website dedicated to NSXCA members would be a better medium for us to use.

I personally like having a magazine but having a paperless option for people who want it is good too. Also it wouldn't hurt to have more stuff to browse on the NSXCA website.
I just browsed the NSXCA web site, and it looks like it hasn't been updated since NSXPO 2006. I think the current board needs to look into why the club is being neglected so badly. Maybe the NSXCA should be buried next to the NSX. :frown:
I'm all for a stronger nsxca site.Prime is probably a big reason the club site has languished.Sounds like the concensus is paperless,from our huge series of 8 so far.
93% of the current NSXCA members in good standing have at least one e-mail address.

The remaining 7% may have opted to not give an e-mail address for whatever reason, or still do not have Internet access at all.
Interresting,,,,could part of the reluctance to e-format be the fear of the easy disemination of the document to non nsxca members:confused: The print version at least makes dues paying members feel like they get something unique/exclusive and tangible to them,plus the e format requires every member to have a computer. btw These are my supositions and not that of the clubs'.
interesting thread (for me), as my nsxca membership is up for renewal this month. (i'm renewing, though i may well sell my car over the next few months due to lack of use.)

my sense is nsxca exists to serve the nsx owner community on a couple of levels: sense of community & camaraderie; organized events (nsxpo), member discounts with participating vendors, etc. and it seems to do a pretty good job of all of the above.

but in today's, constantly-connected, spread the word world, i believe the nsxca would do itself, our membership and the driving community at large a favor if it made a view-only, no-copy / no-print pdf of the magazine available to the general public via free / no registration download. (and announced its availability on prime :) we members would have a viewing and printing e-version available for download and could print it if we wanted to. (i like the mag but would really prefer an ebook over legacy printed doc.)

what a great way to spread the word on nsx / ca, and give our advertisers & sponsors significantly better coverage than delivered via our current distribution.

i say this only because i went through a similar decision process ~1.5 years ago when i wrote and made available a 100 page handbook on sales management for emerging software companies. (that first book was view and print pdf), free, no-registration required download. at the time, my thinking was i'd see maybe 200-300 downloads over a 3-5 year period of time.

boy, was i wrong.

in the first 15 months i saw ~5,000 downloads; i'm currently at ~8,400 and the downloads increase whenever i post new materials. i've received emails from all over the world from students, academic institutions, software companies... you name it, i hear from people... people i never imagined i'd hear from.

nsxca board: why not test drive the idea and create a quick poll / survey of current membership on the subject and take it from there? lots of free / cheap survey tools available.

if you love it, set it free - it'll come back a zillion times over.

kuumbya hal overnout ;)
This topic comes up at the board meetings at least once a year. The northwest in strong support of going electronic and the northeast strongly opposed to it. Since the club is structured as a representative democracy, what needs to happen is if the members want to see their club dues spent on something other than printing costs for NSX Driver, they need to contact their local rep (list at http://www.nsxca.org/nsxca/contact/) and let them know your thoughts.

Additionally, since the material published in NSXDriver is generated by the club members and finding enough material to publish is the biggest reason for the infrequent printing (won't change if we go electronic), step up and write something. Tell the rest of the country what is happening in your neck of the woods.

The club is only as good as the members work to make it.

Tom Kohrs
NW Region Rep.
This topic comes up at the board meetings at least once a year. The northwest in strong support of going electronic and the northeast strongly opposed to it. Since the club is structured as a representative democracy, what needs to happen is if the members want to see their club dues spent on something other than printing costs for NSX Driver, they need to contact their local rep (list at

http://www.nsxca.org/nsxca/contact/) and let them know your thoughts.

Tom Kohrs
NW Region Rep.
i think that says it pretty well, thx, tk.
Damn NE Cavemen I tell you!:redface: :tongue: