NSX: World's best sports car

I'm glad we don't see many NSX out there. And I'm glad we don't have many people buying the car. If the NSX was on every corner, then I would have opted for something else.

I believe that you don't see people buying it because it's a HONDA. The regular Honda fan is used to paying 20K for an Accord or 35K for an Acura TL. But when they see a gorgeous car like the NSX at a price tag of 90K, it's not within their mind to pay such for a car. Deep inside, they would love to own the car, but can't justify to pay so much money for it. The Japanese car doesn't have the image of the European cars like the P car or the Mercedes or the BMW, etc. I know a lot of people would not pay 90K for a Japanese car, but rather spend that on a European car. It's like buying an LV purse vs a quality Japanese purse. People want status...and that's why they're willing to shed the money for that status. Even though we all know that it's expensive to maintain European car, but they still buy them. People got to have the European Mercedes or BMW. I was one of them before...I had to have a BMW. After owning one for 8 years, I had to get a Japanese car...and I picked the best one out there - the NSX.

Let the troll come and bash the car. The less NSX on the street, the better I feel in owning one.

And I wouldn't be surprised when the new NSX comes out, the troll or basher on Japanese cars will continue to put it down. It's a natural thing for them to do. It all comes down to it - it's a Japanese car.

TURBO2GO said:
Anyone wonder why this was such a low volume car? It has the looks, the performance, the reliability... yet they hardly sold any. I mean thats a great thing in my book because it keeps the car rare... but you ever wonder why? poor marketing? No one even KNOWS this car...

I loved it since 91. I wanted one so bad but I was just a young punk and couldn't afford my Nike's. :tongue: I am so happy to finaly own one.
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I just had a 10 years old neighbor coming over and telling me that I have a beautiful car today. That boy has taste in car...even for a 10 years old.

I had my shares of compliment from several fireman, cute waitress, mailman, UPS, etc, and even the homeless on the street LOL.

I never had one compliment in my BMW.

What is there not to like about the NSX? The only other cars that can satisfy my feelings over the NSX is probably a Ferarri, Lambo, Porshe GT - basically any sport cars with a price tag of 100K.

jond said:
On my way to work today:
I took the off ramp pretty fast, then guned it at the end. The intake is screeming in my ear, the sound... indescribable. As I slam it into 3rd I realize I'm going fast enough to get thrown in jail. As I ease off it, I notice I'm grinning ear to ear. What a way to start the day...

On my 1 hour lunch break:
I go to meet my new personal trainer and this guy comes out of the office complex and hes like, 'I'm not a car guy, but that thing is amazing'. He walks around it. 'Thats a HONDA!!!, man it looks like a lamborghini!'

Get back from lunch:
I got a email from this chick: "...so I was at the stop light during lunch and I saw this AWESOME car. I was saying to my friend, that hot as crap. Then It turned at it was you!"

Yep, love mine. :)
Yadda, yadda, yadda...

I see what you guys are doing here.


myguitar said:
Yadda, yadda, yadda...

I see what you guys are doing here.



I knew you would finally get it. Now go out and buy your NSX......Steve
All this talk is forcing me to go home at lunch to drive my NSX back to work. As other NSX owners acclaim, you just grin from ear to ear when driving it. This car is food for the soul.

And unlike other sports cars (those that have tops flying off or not:wink:) when purchasing an NSX, it doesn't seem to matter much what year you buy. These cars are works of art! Not a product from a production line. In other words, when someone says "I drive an NSX" you don't say "what year was it made or what model is it?". You think, that guy drives an NSX!!!

What other car at any price can make that claim!

95 NSX-T Green/Tan
95EagleAWD said:
Ahem... 22 here. Don't lump us all in the same group... :wink:

You guys have Nsx's so your ok in my book.
But, at least with the guys I have run into in Texas (under 21), etc they all seem to care about top speeds, fastest I have driven it, quarter mile times, etc.
Ditto Dave!

Drove my NSX back to work this afternoon. Weather perfect, top off (my choice, not the car's:smile:), stereo rockin'. Life is good!

A C6 turns in front of me at a traffic light. What a surprise...just another day and another vette on the road. I almost don't notice the car but candy apple red is hard to miss.

As ususal, people I've never met before give me the "hi" sign. What other sports car (especially over 10 years old) is going to give you that kind of feeling and feedback. I'll say it again.."WORK of ART"

some are haters:mad: , some are congradulaters:cool:

like yesterday waiting to make a left at a signal light, dude comes ripping around the corner making a right in a 350Z and gives me a thumbs up, two cars later some dude in the passenger seat of his girlfriends Jetta practically hanging out the window with a big thumbs up:eek: !!! Then there are the young ladies who are always trying to catch up to me in their civics to take a picture with their camera phones:biggrin:

that shit doesn't happen in too many other cars you drive.....
91 X said:
some are haters:mad: , some are congradulaters:cool:

like yesterday waiting to make a left at a signal light, dude comes ripping around the corner making a right in a 350Z and gives me a thumbs up, two cars later some dude in the passenger seat of his girlfriends Jetta practically hanging out the window with a big thumbs up:eek: !!! Then there are the young ladies who are always trying to catch up to me in their civics to take a picture with their camera phones:biggrin:

that shit doesn't happen in too many other cars you drive.....

I had some crazy looking biker guy come up to me in Target and talk to me about my NSX for about 20 minutes yesterday. I get similar responses as you pretty much wherever I go with it.
damn, i didn't know how much of a fogey i am on here.... and i'm only 23.... ugh, last i remembered i was 17. this sucks. oh well, no way i was ever going to get an nsx at age 17.... now i just needa stop aging; that'd be great.

yeah, nsx def gets some looks. i can't wait to take it back to ny :smile:
Just today I had a guy in a white convertible C6 vette pull up beside me at a stoplight and start asking me questions. Nice guy. He complimented my car and I complimented his.

Why can we all be friends!?!
I was driving at high speed today when I saw a even faster Ford GT40 replica (the old one, not original made by Ford but made with original parts) behind me. (I know about this GT40 because of its media coverage, appears often in Norwegian magazines) He was going alot faster and I changed the lane I was in to let him pass. He didn't notice me first but when he was about to pass me he braked a little, looked at me, smiled and disappered within 5 seconds. The sound from a GT40 V8 is just mindblowing, the hairs on my arm and neck stood up :)

I looooooooove the response I get from other persons on the road with great cars :) Even Porsche 911 people smile and stare :)

This is the best car in the world :D
Guys, I have to agree, it is the "Greatest Sports Car Ever Built". I saw my first NSX in Seattle in 91. I was 35 then. It was the SEXYest car I had ever seen. I told myself then that someday I would have one. I didn't know how, just that it was going to happen. Well I got one last April, thank God for e-Bay. It was kind of one of those things when you go to your wife and say, "Honey I've got some Good News .......and some Bad News" She said, "What is the GOOD News?,..... I said,"We got a really good deal on it! She said, "So if that is the GOOD News, what is the BAD News? I said, "I have to go to Dallas to get the NSX that I just bought on e-Bay" Needless to say she wasn't real happy with me............ Goal made in 91, completed in 2005, only took me 14 years! Never give up!!!
I still think that it is SEXYest car I have ever seen. It took me 2 1/2 days to drive from Dallas to Boise, Id. You couldn't wipe the smile off of my face the whole way home, you still can't. It took me 17 hours the last day from N. Platte, NE through heavy rain, snow and ice covered roads in Wyoming, but still got 30 MPG for the trip. What a comfortable car for a road trip.
I am sitting in Afganistan on duty, in the middle of the night. Enjoy driving your NSX everyday. I MISS driving mine everyday. I haven't gotten to drive mine since 26 Oct 05 when I wrapped it up, and won't until maybe this Oct. I have been getting to drive the other Beast in the picture. My NSX is a early91 model Ser #265 with 101,000 miles and I love her. The Beast is an old 90 model, but she's OK too.
I have no desire to own any other sports car, nothing out there compares. I do have a budget.
Guys, I have to agree, it is the "Greatest Sports Car Ever Built". I saw my first NSX in Seattle in 91. I was 35 then. It was the SEXYest car I had ever seen. I told myself then that someday I would have one. I didn't know how, just that it was going to happen. Well I got one last April, thank God for e-Bay. It was kind of one of those things when you go to your wife and say, "Honey I've got some Good News .......and some Bad News" She said, "What is the GOOD News?,..... I said,"We got a really good deal on it! She said, "So if that is the GOOD News, what is the BAD News? I said, "I have to go to Dallas to get the NSX that I just bought on e-Bay" Needless to say she wasn't real happy with me............ Goal made in 91, completed in 2005, only took me 14 years! Never give up!!!
I still think that it is SEXYest car I have ever seen. It took me 2 1/2 days to drive from Dallas to Boise, Id. You couldn't wipe the smile off of my face the whole way home, you still can't. It took me 17 hours the last day from N. Platte, NE through heavy rain, snow and ice covered roads in Wyoming, but still got 30 MPG for the trip. What a comfortable car for a road trip.
I am sitting in Afganistan on duty, in the middle of the night. Enjoy driving your NSX everyday. I MISS driving mine everyday. I haven't gotten to drive mine since 26 Oct 05 when I wrapped it up, and won't until maybe this Oct. I have been getting to drive the other Beast in the picture. My NSX is a early91 model Ser #265 with 101,000 miles and I love her. The Beast is an old 90 model, but she's OK too.
I have no desire to own any other sports car, nothing out there compares. I do have a budget.

Good for you to dream. Wonderful to realize the dream. Please come home safely for you and all others serving our country.....Thanks for putting your life on the line, I don't take my freedom for granted.....Steve
Motegi said:
I think it may have helped the entire line to push the NSX awareness and its influence throughout the model line-up. I think that this ad from the early 1990's was quite effective:

From NSX to Legend Television Ad

Wow, I've never seen this one before, amazing! I currently own both the NSX and the 2nd gen Legend (IMHO the best looking one of the series).
My fleet:
These cars are just great; so much so, I bought a 2nd one instead of getting some "ordinary" sports car for a stable mate to my red NSX. I now have a red and a black one; 6 more colors and I will have a full set.:eek: :biggrin: :wink:
In all seriousness when I thought about adding another sports car I only considered another NSX. I have owed other sport cars and even some muscle cars, no car I have ever experienced has the overall balance of the NSX.

For me they are the "Worlds Best Sports Car" times 2! :cool:
I LOVE THIS FREAKIN CAR!!! so much emotion is involved when owning an NSX. when waking up in the morning and knowing im driving my car, it's alot easier getting out of bed. but when driving my other daily cars, its such a chore to get out of bed. also when going to a special occasion like a family party, or any kind of engagement, i feel like that i should of used my other cars, because all i can think of is driving my NSX, i cant concentrate on the occasion. when i drive my NSX, i really have nothing to do, go, or stay. just drive. the connection between man and machine is unmatched. i wish i could park it in my room:biggrin: :tongue:

i've been lusting over an 02 spec and up for sometime now, but having a 91 is like having the first Superman comic, its really special and can't let it go. but when the time comes (hopefully soon) i can park an 02+ next to my 91 and call it a day. life is good enjoy your NSX:smile:
needspeed said:
Good for you to dream. Wonderful to realize the dream. Please come home safely for you and all others serving our country.....Thanks for putting your life on the line, I don't take my freedom for granted.....Steve
Steve, thanks for your support. That is what makes all of this worth it........and of course my family and my old 91 NSX. Next time you drive your car .....think of me.
Guys, I have to agree, it is the "Greatest Sports Car Ever Built". I saw my first NSX in Seattle in 91. I was 35 then. It was the SEXYest car I had ever seen. I told myself then that someday I would have one. I didn't know how, just that it was going to happen. Well I got one last April, thank God for e-Bay. It was kind of one of those things when you go to your wife and say, "Honey I've got some Good News .......and some Bad News" She said, "What is the GOOD News?,..... I said,"We got a really good deal on it! She said, "So if that is the GOOD News, what is the BAD News? I said, "I have to go to Dallas to get the NSX that I just bought on e-Bay" Needless to say she wasn't real happy with me............ Goal made in 91, completed in 2005, only took me 14 years! Never give up!!!
I still think that it is SEXYest car I have ever seen. It took me 2 1/2 days to drive from Dallas to Boise, Id. You couldn't wipe the smile off of my face the whole way home, you still can't. It took me 17 hours the last day from N. Platte, NE through heavy rain, snow and ice covered roads in Wyoming, but still got 30 MPG for the trip. What a comfortable car for a road trip.
I am sitting in Afganistan on duty, in the middle of the night. Enjoy driving your NSX everyday. I MISS driving mine everyday. I haven't gotten to drive mine since 26 Oct 05 when I wrapped it up, and won't until maybe this Oct. I have been getting to drive the other Beast in the picture. My NSX is a early91 model Ser #265 with 101,000 miles and I love her. The Beast is an old 90 model, but she's OK too.
I have no desire to own any other sports car, nothing out there compares. I do have a budget.

Dear Brad
That makes two of us Mate! :smile: It's like 2 same stories! I've been in love with it too since 91', finally got mine last year. Don't have great desire for any other sports cars either. Wifey was not happy with me either, but what do you expect, right!? She got over it. Drove 2 days to bring it back from DC back to Omaha NE. It was a trip of a life time, I was grin face to face all the way home.
Now you be careful with your other beast and get home safely! So we can come visit you in Idaho! Feel free to PM me anytime if you're bored. Although I doubt there are too many boring moments over there....:redface: I'll be thinking of you when I drive mine next time. What color is yours?
Oyagi said:
Wow, I've never seen this one before, amazing! I currently own both the NSX and the 2nd gen Legend (IMHO the best looking one of the series).
My fleet:

Really cool collection, I am too fan of black cars, and I agree: Best looking Legend :) Is the Legend 4WD, RWD or FWD?


|Adeel said:
Really cool collection, I am too fan of black cars, and I agree: Best looking Legend :) Is the Legend 4WD, RWD or FWD?

All of the 1st and 2nd generation Acura Legends 1986-1995 were front wheel drive.

Actually all of the Acura RLs (still sold as Legends in other parts of the world)up until this current model were front wheel drive as well. The current model is SH-AWD.