NSX vs M3

23 July 2006
I didn’t find it in search so perhaps someone who has owned both can compare the two. Reliability, maintenance, resale value, performance, daily drive ability and anything else would be appreciated.

I’m looking for cars with less then 10k miles. A 2002+ NSX would be dreamy, but a 05 M3 seems like more bang for the buck.
Only one advice I can give when it comes to financial. If you can't afford an NSX just yet DO NOT BUY. If the car is more than your annual salary, better keep looking or better yet wait for the right time to buy one.:smile:

If you have the money and you can't afford either one. I'll pick the NSX anytime. It's N S X that's all I can say. You won't get the same satisfaction owning an M3. My 2...
I do know that resale value is much better on the NSX when compared to the M3. The NSX holds its value very well. As for the M3, you only have to change the oil every 15k miles and its free from the dealership up until 50k. They charge 100 dollars to diagnose a problem even if it takes 2 or 3 hours. I had them diagnose my wifes x5 when the radio relay messed up. It took them about 2 hours to find the problem.....probably shouldve taken 15 mins. They only charged me 100 though. 2 hours of diagnosis at even a chevy dealership is about 160 since they get about 80 an hour. What Im trying to say is that BMW service is very very fair. Its fair until you cross that 50k mile mark. Then everything becomes expensive. The NSX is a fairly straight forward car and you change the oil every 3k miles. Just do your research. If it was me, Id stick with honda reliability. Just my 2 cents.
gsr.sedan said:
I didn’t find it in search so perhaps someone who has owned both can compare the two. Reliability, maintenance, resale value, performance, daily drive ability and anything else would be appreciated.

I’m looking for cars with less then 10k miles. A 2002+ NSX would be dreamy, but a 05 M3 seems like more bang for the buck.

Buy the M3, you will love that car!!!
I would buy a new 335i coupe over the M3. It is more fun to drive -- at least on the street IMO. With a couple mods it will be faster than the M3.

The NSX is more fun than either, but it is far less practical.

Just my 2 cents.
gsr.sedan said:
I didn’t find it in search so perhaps someone who has owned both can compare the two. Reliability, maintenance, resale value, performance, daily drive ability and anything else would be appreciated.

I’m looking for cars with less then 10k miles. A 2002+ NSX would be dreamy, but a 05 M3 seems like more bang for the buck.

Reliabilty: NSX
Maintenance: NSX
Resale: NSX
Performance: Dead even although the M3 feels faster. M3 seems more tensed, tighter, and more solid.
Daily Driver: M3
Buy the 02+ NSX as the E46 M3 is going out and the new E90 M3 will cause the 2005 to drop more. Earlier model NSXs, 91-98 won't drop much and you can possibly own one and sell it years later for what you paid or more. I remember being very impressed by the E46 M3 when it came out, now I don't pay much attention. The NSX is still fresh 15 years later and will be even more so in the future. My experiences are mostly with the 91 and 92 NSX but I have driven the 2004 NSX, not much changed. Both my kids have E46 M3s.


The M3 is more practical for everyday stuff while the NSX is a car that you want to drive everyday if you could . In terms of performance they're both different, the M3 feels heavier and has a loose steering feel at high speeds of over 100 mph. The NSX is rock solid and and has precision like steering through turns. In terms of acceleration the old NSX's (91-96) will be just a bit faster then the e36 M3 while the e46 M3 will overpower the old NSX's in a straightline. The New NSX's (97 and higher) will have just about the same acceleration as the e46 M3's in a straight line and will beat their top speed (176 mph vs 155 mph). Overall they're apples and oranges. Both good cars in their own respect which is why I own both. Hope this helps

MashimaroNSX said:
The M3 is more practical for everyday stuff while the NSX is a car that you want to drive everyday if you could . In terms of performance they're both different, the M3 feels heavier and has a loose steering feel at high speeds of over 100 mph. The NSX is rock solid and and has precision like steering through turns. In terms of acceleration the old NSX's (91-96) will be just a bit faster then the e36 M3 while the e46 M3 will overpower the old NSX's in a straightline. The New NSX's (97 and higher) will have just about the same acceleration as the e46 M3's in a straight line and will beat their top speed (176 mph vs 155 mph). Overall they're apples and oranges. Both good cars in their own respect which is why I own both. Hope this helps


Hey Rob,

Nice list of cars :wink: Our ITR was stolen:mad: The S2K was f'd up by my daughter's ex:mad:


Zenky said:
Only one advice I can give when it comes to financial. If you can't afford an NSX just yet DO NOT BUY. If the car is more than your annual salary, better keep looking or better yet wait for the right time to buy one.:smile:

If you have the money and you can't afford either one. I'll pick the NSX anytime. It's N S X that's all I can say. You won't get the same satisfaction owning an M3. My 2...

My advice is...don"t go to an NSX forum and ask NSX owners which is all around better. The responses you get will be almost entirely biased. Worse, you also might get responses from people like the Zenkmeister here - telling you an NSX will bring the most satisfaction - when he has never even owned one. :rolleyes: Sage financial advice there too, Captain Obvious.

But, gotta admit - some really great responses from folks who have owned both. NSX Prime is tremendously helpful and knowledgeable forum if you decide to go the NSX route. Best of luck.
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Hugh said:
If you're talking about the kind of bang you'd get if you bent over and grabbed your ankles I'd agree with you. :biggrin:

LOL. Well from a *purely* performance perspective, the M3 has better numbers, on paper. However, from a car enthusiast standpoint, I believe the NSX has more to offer. Especially an 02+. Much more exotic, and special. Furthermore, keeping it as a project, adding a CTSC, I/H/E, and some nice external mods, and you have a beatiful car that you can enjoy and keep for YEARS, and will maintain it's value, and be very special, long afer you buy it. Remember, there will almost always be a new M3. There will only ever be one NSX.

Having said that, the NSX does have only two seats. IF you routinely need to lug stuff or people around, it may not be the best bet for you. As far as reliability is concerned though, I would say that the NSX is just about the most reliable car of its class money (any amount) can buy. Good luck either way, they're both great cars.
...When I realized that the nsx that I want is going to run about 70k (10 more then what I had originally thought), I decided to take a break from nsx searching and see what else is out there. Let's say if someone handed you that kind of money, what sports car would you buy?

So my purpose is to see how the nsx compares with a car like the M3. And who else can give me more nsx insight then nsx prime.

I really like the s2k comparison. It was very good and objective. I’ve read at least 4 times.
The M3 is probably the car for you
gsr.sedan said:
...When I realized that the nsx that I want is going to run about 70k (10 more then what I had originally thought), I decided to take a break from nsx searching and see what else is out there.

A 2002 can be had for 60k if you look. My friend's friend just bought an '02 from the dealer for 62k. So that's in your price range. If i were you, i'd opt for a 97+ NSX which would be about 45 - 50k then mod it to be satisfied with it's power.

Try to drive both an M3 and an NSX, then make your decision.
it's easy to decide when you have them next to eachother.



get them both.
I have both...well, not really an M3 but a 2000 328ci with an ASA supercharger banging out 305wrhp. On paper it would seem that my BMW does better on the HP but in all honesty...i think my NSX would beat the Bimmer at the jump. As for highend performance, if both cars where on the fwy doing the same speed and had to gun it out to see which would fly better...i think my bimmer might take the lead on that one. Anyway, If you can afford it..get both, if not get the NSX. Don't look at resale value or none of that BS, cuzz once you own an NSX I don't think you will ever want to sell it. Since they dont make the car anymore...everyone is holding on to theirs. As for practicality and overall usage...if that's the kind of car you are looking for go buy a Honda. I drive a 2005 4dr civic. It's a sleeper, no chicks will look twice at your nor will they know you exist on the road. It saves on gas and nobody hits you up to race or non of that Bullshit. So just remember though...most nsx owners on this forum also owns some kind of a daily beater car. If you are leaning towards the nsx...also be on the look out for a beater daily driver cuzz i'm sure sooner or later you won't want to beat that nsx around too much. This is just my opinion(s) i'm sure few might disagree or agree, but take it from me....scouring two forum, nsxprime and e46fanatics is a freakin full time job.

good luck on your decision.
Good m3 info, but now that I think about it, I’m wrong in trying to compare the m3 with the nsx. Both are different kinds of cars. If I had to only own one car, then a M machine might be the best combo of conventional car with motor sport attributes. So this begs the question: what’s comparable to the nsx?
gsr.sedan said:
I didn’t find it in search so perhaps someone who has owned both can compare the two. Reliability, maintenance, resale value, performance, daily drive ability and anything else would be appreciated.

I’m looking for cars with less then 10k miles. A 2002+ NSX would be dreamy, but a 05 M3 seems like more bang for the buck.

Funny the guy asked people who owned both and the rest of you chime in who just have an NSX..LoL

Hey GSR I have both. An 04 NSX and an 05 M3 SMG. To say they don't really compare is an understatement as one's a 4 seater coupe and the other is a 2 seater exotic ,but since your curious here goes.

Performance- M3 has more hp 333 and torque 262 vs NSX 290 hp and 224 tq. What most prime members don't know ( or don't recognize ) is that the M3 is a high rev ( 8k just like NSX ) car. Most people don't like this or have trouble learning to really drive it. To get the most out of an M3 you have to drive it like you stole it! These cars do not like to cruise they bulk and bark at low speeds. That said once you learn to drive it right it's a great performance car ,but it is heavy and ( at least to me ) drives like a heavy car. Taking it through turns it will never embarrass itself ,but it's not as visceral as the NSX ( might be the 400 lb weight difference :biggrin: ). Someone here posted that the M3 posts better numbers and that's incorrect. The E46 M3 posts better numbers than the 3.0 NA1 NSX and NOT the 3.2 NA2 NSX. It's a drivers race pure and simple! Now the NSX goes about it's performance very differently imho. My NSX feels much more energetic than my M3 ,but my NSX has no problem cruising ( weird huh? ). You can drive the NSX like you stole and it's a much more enjoyable expierence as it's flatter in the corners and has a lot more bite as far as traction goes. Winner at least to me is the NSX ,but the M3 doesn't feel far behind which says a lot since it has a back seat and larger trunk. Plus the I consider the M3 a better four season car because of the heated seats:eek:

Fuel economy is about the same with the NSX taking a slight nod when I do more city driving.

Reliability. No brainer NSX ,but to be fair the only thing my M3 went back to the dealer for was a broken radio after track day ( go figure ).

Interior- No contest as the M3's features blow my NSX away. The NSX has everything you need ,but the bluetooth, Navi , superb HK sound system( plus heated seats ) really make those long drives to the track go by much quicker. Funny thing is I can't say which seats I like better for track or just regular driving. M3 seats have plenty of adjustments whereas the NSX seats has only two adjustments ,but feel great even after really long drives. How'd Honda do that:confused:

Attention factor goes to the NSX while the M3 gets a lot of knowing stares by people who appreciate the car ( and golddiggers..LoL ). NSX is like walking around with no pants everybody stares. People almost crash into you taking cell phone pictures or trying to get a close up look at the car it really can be a bit of a pain sometimes

Insurance it quite a bit cheaper on the M3 so that's a plus. If you go with the M3 get as new as possible with warranty as these things can have major problems. NSX has proven to hold up much better over time with much less expensive operating costs so factor that in your decision as well.

Any other questions about them let me know. Oh and the M3 is more bang for the buck ,but it's not an exotic and there's no exclusivity to owning one ( i.e you see yourself coming and going ) kinda like a Porsche:biggrin:
The E46 M3 is a heavy car. Had one, and went back to an e36 M3. Mine has pushed 475+rwhp of a 14.5psi Vortech setup (usually runs at 12psi.)

I can tell you that instead of a M3, you might be better of searching for a used Boxster S... It won't be an NSX, but it will be closer IMO then the e46 M3.