NSX vs. 2005 Porsche 997 cpe

3 March 2005
Tampa, Florida
I visited my local Acura dealer last week to look at the 2005 NSX. I have carefully read through the forums on this site, and am close to a decision. I need someone to push me over the edge.

Here is what I hear about the NSX from friends and Porsche dealers:
1) Old technology
2) Cheezzy - might as well buy a corvette
3) Nothing's changed on that car in years
4) Acura can't sell em, so they have to dump them with the lease deal
5) Not a day driver like the 997

I drove the 997 (new widebody style) It is VERY fast and VERY tight. The interior is hi-tech with LCD radio/nav screen etc.

The Acura lease offer makes the cost on a lease much more appealing than the 997, but is the NSX really worth it without all of the new technology of the 997?
Drive both and decide which one you like better. At the end only you can make the call of which car you like better.
I would say that if you are ignoring cost, the 997 is really the only way to go. Are you also considering a lightly used 996? That is the more representative competition in terms of price and performance IMO.

The NSX was competitive with Pcars from a price and performance perspective, until the 997 came along IMO.

I chose it over the 996 because it is just a WAY cooler car IMO.
I concur drive both and see which one you like better. I would buy used it's the same car and you can save alot depending what year you buy. Good luck.
I would probably also say the 997 S is a better car than the current NSX. Porsche has continually updated the product and the 997 S seems like a really great car. I guess the 997 Non S would be pretty close to the current NSX. It is not much faster than the 996.

I guess it all depends on what you like. To me, porsches just don't seem very exotic because they are too common and their basic shape has never changed. Add to that the fact that I cannot tell if if it a Boxster or 911 until I am pretty close (and I am pretty good with cars :)).

In the end, I would say drive both and get the one that will make you happy.
I was looking at a late model 996 or the new 997 late last year. I drove the new 997, the brakes and steering are to die for, but in the end decided that since it was not going to be a daily driver I did not want to take the depreciation hit if I was only going to drive it a couple of thousand miles per year.

As it was I ended up with a low mile 92 NSX and am currently searching for a nice used 911. For the price of the 997 I will put two nice used vehicles in my gargage that have far less combined depreciation. I like the NSX because I don't have to pass myself at every other corner. And I want the 911 because it's hard to beat a Porsche when it comes to an enjoyable back road car.

If I lived where I could drive the car year around or had more disposable income there is no doubt I would pick the 997.
graemeg said:
Here is what I hear about the NSX from friends and Porsche dealers:
1) Old technology
2) Cheezzy - might as well buy a corvette
3) Nothing's changed on that car in years
4) Acura can't sell em, so they have to dump them with the lease deal
5) Not a day driver like the 997

I drove the 997 (new widebody style) It is VERY fast and VERY tight. The interior is hi-tech with LCD radio/nav screen etc.

The Acura lease offer makes the cost on a lease much more appealing than the 997, but is the NSX really worth it without all of the new technology of the 997?
1) sure
2) These guys have absolutely no clue about the build quality. The Vette is a piece of crap in terms of quality. I think the build quality on NSX is even better than Porsche's.
3) sure
4) Maybe but all they had to do is build less or stop production.
5) Of course the NSX is a daily driver. It is such an easy car to drive just like a Civic. I've been driving it daily for the past 7 years now. My Porsche is sitting all the way in the back of the deep garage collecting dust.
whiteNSXs said:
1) sure
2) These guys have absolutely no clue about the build quality. The Vette is a piece of crap in terms of quality. I think the build quality on NSX is even better than Porsche's.
3) sure
4) Maybe but all they had to do is build less or stop production.
5) Of course the NSX is a daily driver. It is such an easy car to drive just like a Civic. I've been driving it daily for the past 7 years now. My Porsche is sitting all the way in the back of the deep garage collecting dust.

I would add:

1) The same technology that's still used today on many other cars and is proven to be very highly reliable.

2) How in the world did these guys associate the word "cheesy" with the NSX. They must have mistaken an NSX for a vette once and though just another cheesy vette. :D And I agree -> vette = POS

3) Not true... 3.2L upgrade, traction control, body style, wheels, tires, headlights, etc... Like very few cars on the road today, the NSX draws a lot of attention... lots of oos and awes...

4) Really poor marketing... if Acura had marketed the NSX right, they would sell a lot more...

5) Definitely a daily driver.
I never weigh in on these religious wars...but I have had LOTS of street and race Porches. And lots of NSXs. No comparison. The Porsche is the better engineered car, but you'll love the NSX for it's visceral delivery of joy. Forget numbers, age, or technical details. Those are for car magazines.

The NSX will make you feel so confident you'll end up looking like a better driver than you really are.

The modest hp/torque numbers don't do the NSX justice. It was a super car when it was released, and it's no less so TODAY
-- Motor Trend, February 2002
very simply drive both and see which is right for you. when i was looking i went straight from the acura dealer to the porsche dealer. while driving the porsche on their windy roads test route, i involuntarily thought to myself this sure would be fun if i was in the nsx. "my" decision had been made.

graemeg said:
I visited my local Acura dealer last week to look at the 2005 NSX. I have carefully read through the forums on this site, and am close to a decision. I need someone to push me over the edge.

Here is what I hear about the NSX from friends and Porsche dealers:
1) Old technology
2) Cheezzy - might as well buy a corvette
3) Nothing's changed on that car in years
4) Acura can't sell em, so they have to dump them with the lease deal
5) Not a day driver like the 997

I drove the 997 (new widebody style) It is VERY fast and VERY tight. The interior is hi-tech with LCD radio/nav screen etc.

The Acura lease offer makes the cost on a lease much more appealing than the 997, but is the NSX really worth it without all of the new technology of the 997?

Who gives a crap!!!!!

I too have been doing a lot of research on this forum and am going through the same decision process...NSX vs. Pcar.

Recently I test drove back to back a '04 NSX and a 04 911(996) C4S. With the Porsche, I definitely felt more torque. The NSX, not as fast, but felt more in tune with the road. I don't know how to explain this properly but the Porsche felt very "engineered"...to the point that I almost didn't feel "connected" to the road. With the NSX, I felt more in tune with the road and what was going on with the car...more demanding, not as refined, but more fun than the Porsche. Also, I felt the view out of the driver's seat on the NSX was simply stunning...felt like I was sitting in a race car.

I haven't driven the new new 997 S version yet. I will make up my mind once I drive one. Good luck on your search.
graemeg said:
I visited my local Acura dealer last week to look at the 2005 NSX. I have carefully read through the forums on this site, and am close to a decision. I need someone to push me over the edge.

Here is what I hear about the NSX from friends and Porsche dealers:
1) Old technology
2) Cheezzy - might as well buy a corvette
3) Nothing's changed on that car in years
4) Acura can't sell em, so they have to dump them with the lease deal
5) Not a day driver like the 997


1. Not old, other mfg are starting to catch up (only took them 14 years)
2. They must be on crack :eek: :eek: :eek:
3. 97 (up the power) 02 newer style
4. I'm glade they are poduce in low numbers, remember, they are basically hand build. :cool: :cool: :cool: So I won't see one around every corner.
5. Even with the NSX-R suspension (race stiff), I still manage to put on 27k a year and I only had it a year :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Good Luck and enjoy which ever you decide...
Here is what I hear about the NSX from friends and Porsche dealers:

What do you expect from a porsche dealer, they are trying to sell porsches!
:smile: Take into consideration what your friends drive to, i have friends who have opinions on cars and they don't have licenses. Like everyone else, don't let everyone else tell you what you like, drive 'em both, decide for yourself. :smile:
ajnsx said:
What do you expect from a porsche dealer, they are trying to sell porsches!
:smile: Take into consideration what your friends drive to, i have friends who have opinions on cars and they don't have licenses. Like everyone else, don't let everyone else tell you what you like, drive 'em both, decide for yourself. :smile:
Before you make a decision, check out this message thread from a 997 forum:

997 owners don't seem too happy.

I forgot to mention Scroll all the way down the page to view all the message threads.
this is probably my 20th post on a similar thread since I bought my car a little over 2 years ago. I was out of my corvette lease, always admired and lusted after the NSX, but a Porsche C-4 convertible was so much more practical. I drove the car (an 03) nice interior, very comfortable, nice feel to the engine, tranny, good handling, but when I got out of the car and looked at it, I felt no emotion. In my neck of the woods between the Boxster, the range of 911's, there seems to be 2 on every corner. I went back to the Acura dealer, looked at the NSX and felt emotional. Let's face it, sports cars are an emotional experience, buy/lease whichever car makes you feel right, forget about what others tell you, do what your heart/stomache tells you!!! (if you do this, it will probably be the NSX)!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:
I drove my NSX to a Porsche/Audi dealer yesterday to pick up my wife's car in service. There were 5-6 brand new 997s in the parking lot and sales reps were assisting their potential customers.

When I pulled in my NSX to the parking lot, everyone including sales reps, service managers, technicians, and customers turned around and stared at my car for the longest time.

When I went inside the building, they were so intrigued by my car, but could not figure out what it was. When a guy asked, I said that it was a 1991 NSX. He said that he never saw one in person and others around him made similar comments. I often hear/see/read many car enthusiasts belittling NSXs being old and etc. However, a lot of these folks have never even seen the car in person.
From my experience I was looking at used NSX's and used 996's when I bought. I found two things:

1. the price premium for the performance gain of the 996 isn't justified. I currently run them down on the track.

but what put me over the edge was:

2. call the Porsche dealership and find out how much maintenance is. I mean oil changes are $300 in some places, brakes are rediculous and the water pump, timing belts - you may just not want to know. The Acura dealer told me oil change $30, brakes not cheap but not rediculous and the timing belt service was $1200. Also, Acura dealers are everywhere - it's easy to get them serviced. If you find yourself stranded in a 997...well....

Anyway, both are amazing. I picked the NSX and have never looked back. I love it.
Let's face it, this is NSXPRIME, what do you think the responses are going to be, go buy the Porsche? NOT.

Listen, here's the deal, the NSX is the sickest, sweetest, most perfectly balanced, attention getting car out there for the money. The reliability is head and shoulders above any competing car. I see mine in the garage and still can't believe I even own the thing because I have obsessed over it since inception in '91.

That is the emotion you should feel for the car. If you don't have that for the Porsche, or the NSX, then I guess keep looking.

One more thing, the Porsche is everywhere, its almost passe. People that buy them are also the same people that finally start making decent money and decide to buy a nice watch and immediately go out and buy a Rolex, how typical. Dime a dozen, no creativity.

The NSX is a dream, pure and simple, end of discussion.
Brocz said:
Let's face it, this is NSXPRIME, what do you think the responses are going to be, go buy the Porsche? NOT.

Listen, here's the deal, the NSX is the sickest, sweetest, most perfectly balanced, attention getting car out there for the money. The reliability is head and shoulders above any competing car. I see mine in the garage and still can't believe I even own the thing because I have obsessed over it since inception in '91.

That is the emotion you should feel for the car. If you don't have that for the Porsche, or the NSX, then I guess keep looking.

One more thing, the Porsche is everywhere, its almost passe. People that buy them are also the same people that finally start making decent money and decide to buy a nice watch and immediately go out and buy a Rolex, how typical. Dime a dozen, no creativity.

The NSX is a dream, pure and simple, end of discussion.

Reading the above response reminded me of the old joke:

"What's the difference between a porcupine and a Porsche? The porcupine has the pricks on the outside."

Just another thought- :biggrin:
I hemmed and hawed re: this same issue.

the NSX is a great emotional car...albeit slow.
The 996 is thoroughly well engineered car, that is a tad faster, but has a much more *brawny* motor.

Different driving experiences - both great - drive and find out.

I had settled on an 02 nsx and figured ~$60k is right.

However, my interest piqued by the big 2 yr depreciation on pcars (new model 997), i started shopping turbos. The stock nsx is nice, but not that fast. I researched ways to make it faster. The answr FI!! As we all know, this will cost ~$10 to do decent.

Imagine my glee when I started finding 01 996TT for $75K.

This is a bonfide supercar and THE supercar value right now. 420HP stock. Throw $2K in mods at it and you're easily iin the 490HP range.

Then you have that scrumptious full leather interior.

My car is lapis blue on savannah beige. Simply beatiful, deviating carpet...

.8 bar at 3k. The AWD system has inherent understeer, but the car will readily oversteer - then the front ratio drops to 5% unless the rear loses traction. Simply Stupendous handling.

theres a great best motoring dvd out there. Watch as the !king with hot tires after a full day of testing *still* bests the Nismo R34 (r450?) w/ 450HP

but for sure, you see less nsxs than 996 (just not turbos).