NSX, Viper, or Cobra?

6 January 2003
Tulsa, OK USA
I'm trying to decide what to buy for my next weekend / third car and would like some advice pro and con for an NSX, Viper, or old style kit Cobra. I've had two NSXs and I believe these cars are absolutely fantastic. I've kicked myself each time after I sold them. I know these are three totally different cars. The underlying driver is "something different". I could go out and buy a C6, 911, etc but I want something unique that you don't see at every stoplight. My target budget is around $40K +/- but my guess is I'll probably go over versus under that number. I'm in no hurry and I'll wait for the right car to come along.

With three young children, I don't have the time to build the Cobra and I certianly don't have half a million dollars to buy a real one so I'll look to buy one already built. As to the Viper, I want a coupe only. As for the NSX, I would like to go with '97+ but I really want a CTSC on the car so I'll leave the door open for an early model as well with tasteful mods.

Sounds like you are kinda burned out on the X. I would go for the Cobra. More unique, and a different kind of fun, which is what it sounds like you are after to me.

I'm with Bat on this one. You've already tasted two NSX and you only live once. Get the Viper. If you don't like it you could always sell it back.
A buddy of mine once rented a Viper GTS coupe out in Vegas- he said it was a sauna in there. Lots of engine heat through the firewall. Car sure is bad ass though- so a tough choice for sure.

Given that Oklahoma summers can get stiflingly hot, I would think the Cobra alternative is best if you were planning to get something other than an NSX.

If you went the kit car route I would be pretty careful about what kit, and who built it. Given your budget, I would think you would want something of superior build quality, staying away from a car assembled by shade tree mechanics.

HERE is a resource for you. Some NSXers from down Houston way went the kit car route back in 01, or 02. The guy that used to run NSXSC.com was among them. The above link goes to his Cobra site (I think). It looks pretty solid.

In any case, all three are really cool cars. Yours must be a nice problem to have! :biggrin:

I have visited the Factory Five Cobra Kit company in Massachusetts. Unbelieveable quality for a kit. The best for the money, so long as the builder was "trained" by them and not some backyard guy. Of course Superperformance is probably the best but for under $40K get a Factory Five.
JMP - Factory Five is the one kit manufacturer that I was considering. I'll contact them for some more info. Thanks

Philip - Remember your dad is the one that got me hooked on the NSX and introduced me to this addiction! As for the Oklahoma heat, you're right; it is brutal but again, it will be a weekend / temperate weather therapy car so if I bake, I'll just put it back in the garage and wait for a better time to drive it.

My nephew had a Viper a few years ago that I drove and as I remember, pure brutal raw power. Not the refined kind we find in the NSX. The beef I frankly have had with the NSX since the first drive after the euphoria wore off is that it just doesn't pull hard enough for me. It is a perfectly balanced car but as "Chromotose" said in a recent post, the car was made and balanced for 270 / 290 horses and when he put 420 RWHP in his (CTSC and other mods), it threw off the balance aspect while his F360 was made for 400 HP and is balanced for that. Maybe a CTSC with I/H/E at around 360 RWHP would solve the power issue yest still maintain most of the balance of the car?

Bat - I'll PM you about some sources you can refer me to on the Viper route.

The more I think about this, I might be narrowing it down to the NSX versus Viper. The Cobra, although very cool, is not something that I can take in to get serviced like the NSX and Viper and as I previously mentioned, I don't have the time to tinker with this stuff anymore.

Please keep the comments coming. Thanks
I read all the way through this post and only when I saw the signature did I realize that it was you Tory! I didn't realize you sold your "purple" NSX too!

I totally think you should get the Viper so long as you have something else to drive to work. I think it'd be cool to have one for a little while too. Tell you what, buy a Viper and I'll lease it from you for a few months when you tire of it. Then I'll give it back, you'll sell it and we can start the process again. After the Viper, what should we get?? :) Perhaps a C6 ZO6, a 355/360, maybe even something totally different like a Prowler (great for just cruising)! :)

Anyway, someone in my neighborhood has a Cobra kit and it sounds absolutely awesome! It's much louder than my CTS-V with a Corsa exhaust and probably somewhat louder than my (your) NSX with an Ark exhaust and test pipes. I've never met the Cobra guy, I just see and hear him go by, so I don't know what he's got in it, but it sure sounds great.

That said, who's going to fix it for ya when it breaks? Also, they have no creature features at all!

Good luck w/ the search.
ISONSX said:
Philip - Remember your dad is the one that got me hooked on the NSX and introduced me to this addiction! As for the Oklahoma heat, you're right; it is brutal but again, it will be a weekend / temperate weather therapy car so if I bake, I'll just put it back in the garage and wait for a better time to drive it.

My nephew had a Viper a few years ago that I drove and as I remember, pure brutal raw power. Not the refined kind we find in the NSX. The beef I frankly have had with the NSX since the first drive after the euphoria wore off is that it just doesn't pull hard enough for me. It is a perfectly balanced car but as "Chromotose" said in a recent post, the car was made and balanced for 270 / 290 horses and when he put 420 RWHP in his (CTSC and other mods), it threw off the balance aspect while his F360 was made for 400 HP and is balanced for that. Maybe a CTSC with I/H/E at around 360 RWHP would solve the power issue yest still maintain most of the balance of the car?

The more I think about this, I might be narrowing it down to the NSX versus Viper. The Cobra, although very cool, is not something that I can take in to get serviced like the NSX and Viper and as I previously mentioned, I don't have the time to tinker with this stuff anymore.

Please keep the comments coming. Thanks

The Viper definently has the WOW factor sewn up tight. Viper GTS is a bad ass exclusive ride. If you were dead set on getting something different, then I say HELL YES!

Just a point of concern. You probably aren't going to be able to obtain a Viper GTS within warranty at this point. Have you looked into any of the long term service issues for the older ones? With NSX's being Hondas we don't generally think about long term failures. Most NSX's are easily as reliabile as my Honda Accord. This is just pure speculation on my part- I haven't really traveled in Viper circles, so I have no idea if they have any long term issues or not. I am going to guess that since I haven't heard of anything specific, and my ear is usually to the ground on these things- you are in good shape with a well maintained example.

NSX + forced induction seems like a good way to take an occasional car, a CTSC might remedy your need for acceleration. BUT as you have problably seen in the F/I forum, there always seems to be some tinkering involved whan you strap a blower onto an NSX. It probably still won't match up to a V10. When it comes to the NSX you have been there, and done that (twice got the t-shirt, and sent a post card). Maybe it is time to try something else. You can always come back (at least I think you can... don't let anyone tear up your membership card)

I have always loved the Cobra kits, but there is that nagging build quality issue, and of course the service issues. Although one of the benefits of the kit is it's simplicity. I imagine you could have most major issues remedied by any Ford mechanic. I would venture that if you are looking elsewhere already, then the appeal isn't really there for the kit-car.

Still a nice problem to have, good luck deciding!

You will actually have a harder time with the Viper when it comes to repairs. For $40K, you aren't getting a Viper under warranty, and I have a friend that has blown two motors.

With the Cobra, just about any mechanic should be able to work on the car, and it is much more basic than the Viper.

I would think the kit would be MUCH more cost effective, given a Viper out of warranty is not going to be like an NSX out of warranty.
I was in the same boat your in now for a long time! I couldnt decide betweeen the NSX and Viper. Both great cars, but also both on the opposite end of the spectrum. I chose the Viper because of its raw power. Not refined like the NSX but has an in your face attitude! Go with the Viper. I have an 06 Coupe :).





my 2nd gen:

That's a tough call ... I hope I get to drive them all someday. Here are some questions to ponder.How long do you plan on keeping it? How often do you plan on using it? How many miles per year are you gonna be driving it? How far away are you gonna take it?


You can be like the bean counter in me that looks at the dollars spent versus the fuel, maintence costs, and repairs...represented in cents per mile. With the 40K budget, that is going to be a stre t c h.

The Cobra is a Vintage KIT vehicle with a big motor in a small space.
The Viper is a Limited Production Domestic vehicle with an enormous motor in an adequate space.
The NSX is a High Tech V6 with a car wrapped around it.

The Cobra you could probably wrench on your own, unless you get a really delicate setup. Any good speed shop can work on it.
The Viper and NSX you need to stay up on the maintence and find a guru to work on it for peace of mind. You know the drill.

This probably favors the Cobra, but coupled with short wheelbase makes it spin out more easily.

NSX is tough to beat for longevity.

All 3 Cars are pretty rare and not usually seen in large numbers.
All have forums and/or clubs for enthusiasts to become involved in.

For me, it comes down to your driving style.
Are you just cruzin the boulevard and want something that really turn heads with muscle factor? Viper and Cobra can do that.

Do you like the twisty mountain roads and want an exotic sportscar that is easy to handle. NSX is all about that.

Too bad most of us can't own one of each...:smile:
Blue Batmobile said:
Here's a thread I started on the Z forum:



Love the Viper that you had as well as your new one. You're old one is simply one of the meanest looking Vipers I've seen. I wish I could have caught you before you sold this one! The thread you refer to is a good reference point. I feel the pull towards the Viper right now:eek:

Big D - I'm not really focused on cost per mile or any of those metrics frankly. The car probably won't get a couple of thousand miles a year on it. I'm a finance guy but when it comes to your passion, and cars are my only real vice (except for working out 6 days a week), unless I blow a motor or get a very major cost hit from something undiscovered or unexpected, I really am not too focused on micro-managing the cost. I'd be fine with an all-in cost (insurance, preventative maintenance, depreciation, mods, etc. ) of a couple dollars per mile based on my expected usage.

I think this will solve my raw horsepower craving. These cars are clearly at two ends of the spectrum but it must be the raw muscle that I am yearning for again. I've had three Corvettes, including a 427 / 435 horse car, three Porsches (2 turbos), a twin turbo RX-7, and two NSXs among many, many other cars over the years so I think I'm going to seriously consider going to the dark side this round. My gut tells me I can't go wrong with the NSX and I'm a great fan of Honda (wife drives a '04 MDX) but I think I'm just ready to try something different.

However, I can't seem to stay away from Prime and this great community no matter what I move into since I've had the first NSX. My daily driver now is a '04 CLK 500 but in my opinion, for the money, you really can't beat a Honda for reliability, fit, finish, quality, etc. After owning Porsches, a BMW, and this M-B, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that German cars are not for me for many reasons. I don't know why it's taken me this long to figure this out but the grass always appears greener on the other side until you get there and find out about the weed problems!

I have a feeling that the last Midnight Pearl NSX I sold in January won't be my last one though.

Any additional insight out there is appreciated.
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ISONSX said:
I'm trying to decide what to buy for my next weekend / third car and would like some advice pro and con for an NSX, Viper, or old style kit Cobra. I've had two NSXs and I believe these cars are absolutely fantastic. I've kicked myself each time after I sold them. I know these are three totally different cars. The underlying driver is "something different". I could go out and buy a C6, 911, etc but I want something unique that you don't see at every stoplight. My target budget is around $40K +/- but my guess is I'll probably go over versus under that number. I'm in no hurry and I'll wait for the right car to come along.

With three young children, I don't have the time to build the Cobra and I certianly don't have half a million dollars to buy a real one so I'll look to buy one already built. As to the Viper, I want a coupe only. As for the NSX, I would like to go with '97+ but I really want a CTSC on the car so I'll leave the door open for an early model as well with tasteful mods.


I highy recomend the Factory Five cobra if you really dont mind it not being very useful other than less than 1-2 hours a day 1-2 days a week and a perfect track car.
I researched the FFR for over 2 years.
I had a Factory five cobra for one summer but sold it only because it was very impractical and not drivable as often as I would like. Other than it being hot as hell, loud, and attracting more attention than a ferrari, yes at every other gas station someone will go on and on about when they were kids and their life long dream of this original american dream car..... its absolutly crazy how every other car and minivan swerves to give you the thumbs up a folows you off the exit ramp just to ask questions. It gets so much respect and no arrogance, or there goes a rich guy, or some punk kid. People get out of your way the second they see you in there rear view they want to see the rest of the car.

This Factory Five Race Cars Cobras are no joke they are built to NASA and SCCA Standards for open GT-1 cars. 6-point roll cage. Roll bars. They are built with a full energy absorving steel tube frame complete with all aluminum sub-frame chassis paneling and side impact bars, colapsible steering column, externally mounted aluminum fuel tank, front and rear crush zones, SCCA drived Foot box protection full racing five point safty harnesses all this is standard. they come standard with fully adjustable supension sytems and 3-link rear ends or optional Independant rears. Everything is built by Factory Five all you add is engine transmission, brakes. Dont mistake these things for fiero, streched frame posers and bad fitted cars. these things are very very very well built from scratch so well that Factory five Sells more cars than EVERY single private car manufacture combined, they have sold over 8000 cars to date and only been in buisness scine 1998 thats comparable to the NSX production numbers.

They are no joke, when people often reffer to top Cobra builders then often speak of the authenicity, of Superperformance, Contemporary motorcariges, Everitt Morison are some of the top authentic replica builders, but thats Not by any means comparible To a Factory Five Race car Cobra (FFR). FFR is for whole diffrent type of buyer. FFR uses the cobra styling only for design and concepet although they look 99% authentic on the out side. They are built with modern chassis racing design and techniques. FFRs are NOT ladder chassis cobras that use the body as a structual component like old car and normal cobra replicas. FFRs can actually be driven with the body off, the body is just a fiberglass shell, all the saftety, and structual components are part of the tubular race frame.

These cars wiegh around 2300lbs and handle over 1g latteral with the standard suspension and are commonly found with the 302 engine that came in the original GT-40 (available new for around 5k) 350hp in these things get you to down the 1/4 in the low 12s without any problems what-so-ever with stock ford T-5 transmissions and normal street tires. Even with small ford 302 with 225hp it does 13.5 1/4s (these numbers are all FACTS from car and driver)

These cars are extremly difficult to control they have absolutly no mercy and lose the rear with a blink of an eye they are not for the faint of heart. Think Viper with shorter wheel base, no TCS, and 1000lbs lighter. The majority of design of the viper was derived from the 65 cobras. (before any one denies that they better do the research first)

There is also a huge club racing organization for Challange series FFRs, only if you really want some competitive racing.

Here are some links that should give more info

Here are some examples of the performance and handeling these things are cabable of.

here are some more fun vids

And one last one hat is not work safe but damm interesting to say the least.

So seriously consider a cobra and if you do dont let anyone talk you into the more expensive authentic replicas, that just even sounds stupid, :tongue: Authentic Replica :biggrin: A replica is a replica, a FFR cobra is a whole diffrent technology era and a the only cobra that can be considerd a race car by todays standards, dont forget saftey as being a major benift as well. By the way 99% of enthusiests cant even tell the diffrence between any of the replicas the biggest diffrence is usually authentic gauges and old frame design that I cant undersatnd why people pay more for a MORE authentic replica. Its a damm replica. Thats like paying more for a better replica rolex than a cheap replica rolex what stupidity.

Also To buy one either order one fully turn key to your specifications from levyracing
Around $32k Factory Five custom orderd. brand new with warrenty

Or go to ffcobras classifieds section where a decent one han be found around or under $30k

Also, FFRs are very cheap to maintain due to the availablity of its ford derived parts. You can pretty much get everthing from pepboys belive it or not. Ans as far as reliability if you take into consideration that most people use the engine/trasmission made for a 90s mustang, in which case the running gear is built for a 3800lbs car and your dropping into a car thats 2300lbs the running gear becomes virtually indestructible in a FFR thats weighs half of what the engine transmission was built to haul around. Reliability is Astonishing even when you beat the hell out of it. you virtually drag it every day doing 12s and not worry at all.
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Thanks for the advice and the links. The Cobra is definitely a unique and universally admired car. I've already found my way to Factory Five and they do have what appears to me a great product. I was actually interested in the big block version as opposed to the 302 small block.

I drove a 2001 Viper GTS yesterday with 17K miles on it. Bone stock. A guy that I know here in town owns a high line dealership and had it. Straight line acceleration - Holy crap:eek: :eek: :eek:

He did the same thing to me in an NSX when I started looking 4 years ago for one. This guy knows how to sell me on a car!!! After the NSX ride / drive, I was sold. After owning two NSXs, I must say that the Viper is in a whole different league. As many have already said, the NSX and Viper are at the complete opposite ends of the spectrum. The NSX is forgiving, perfectly balanced, and you are at one with the vehicle. It is an engineering masterpiece and is frankly still my favorite car. It is a completely comfortable and confident feeling you get with the NSX.

Drop the hammer on the Viper and it is a bare knuckle punch in the mouth! The 335 MM rear tires break loose immediately and you are not one with the vehicle but immediately are given a stern warning that you better focus or the rear end will come around and say hello. The first out-of-the-gate 0-100 MPH was fantastic. The torque is impressive to say the least. However, it took very little time for me to become the addicted to the go-fast crack pipe drug that this car delivers. Based on my very limited seat time, I am not in the least bit comfortable with pushing this car to the handling limits and it did not give me the same comfort at al as the NSX does cornering near the limits. However, the brutal horsepower, the sound, the old school rawness to this car really appealed to me at a completely different level than the NSX.

The NSX is the supermodel looking girl that has the perfect face, thin legs, great tan, perfect teeth, and polished manners.

The Viper is the nasty girl in fishnet stockings, mini skirt, bright red lipstick, 5" spike heels and a CFM attitude.

I think I like the nasty girl:biggrin:

I can always come back to the respectable upstanding NSX once I get this out of my system can't I?
ISONSX said:

The NSX is the supermodel looking girl that has the perfect face, thin legs, great tan, perfect teeth, and polished manners.

The Viper is the nasty girl in fishnet stockings, mini skirt, bright red lipstick, 5" spike heels and a CFM attitude.

I think I like the nasty girl:biggrin:

I can always come back to the respectable upstanding NSX once I get this out of my system can't I?

Just wishin Dad still lived in Tulsa so I could get a ride!

As it stands, all I know is supermodels, but I guess that isn't a bad problem for ME to have! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Enjoy your nasty girl- keep us informed!

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I came to my senses at the last minute. After doing some research and really sleeping on this, I came back full circle to the NSX. The Viper's power /torque is incredible but I am just so sold on Hondas. I bought a '97 spa pearl yellow pearl with 30K miles. I'm picking it up in Phoenix tomorrow and drivng it back 1,100 miles this weekend. The car has 18/19 HRE 545 full polished wheels, new tires, and a relatively new Comptech exhaust. Jury is still out on daily driver vs. weekend garage queen. Mark Basch did the PPI right befre he headed to NSXPO for me.

The funds were wired just now so I'm officially back in the NSX game! Here's a picture:


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