Nsx used prices

9 November 2019
Where do you guys see this going, looking to acquire one here in the winter. 2017 hanging around 120k.

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the common sense judgement would be more supply starting in summer 2020 as cars come off lease...
I’ve also haven’t seen too many high specs on the market. Looks like a lot of dealers didn’t spec them with all the carbon.

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I’ve also haven’t seen too many high specs on the market. Looks like a lot of dealers didn’t spec them with all the carbon.

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... well there are a few out there that did and if you are patient, one will show for a reasonable price... I picked up my 17 with 5000 Kms on it and it had ALL the carbon options and was priced aggressively on a trade so sometimes a deal will show up - you have to be ready to jump tho... :)
Where do you guys see this going, looking to acquire one here in the winter. 2017 hanging around 120k.

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I am looking to buy one this winter also. I have been following prices diligently. Many have a free Car Fax report showing cars coming off lease all the time already. I note that the new C8 is starting production in February. I wish they had started already.
That imo would had put further pressure on NSX pricing. I also am seeing 2018s in the low 130s, only trailing the 2017s by about 10k in price.
like any commodity timing is everything...bottom line the guys who got the best deals so far did the legwork....calling all over and striking while the iron was hot...