NSX trends


22 November 2003
As the price point of NSX is slowly approaching the magic 25K mark, there is more and more cars that are ready to be purchased by people who would otherwise buy a high end Civic, Subaru, Mitsu ect ect. My dilemma is, will this introduce more NSX that are "done" to resemble te latest in "rice" fad? Stickers, potato muflers, special seats, LCD monitors installed in ever possible place, ect, ect. ...well you get the drift. I love NSX and everything that goes with it. I have no problem with serious mods like turbo charger and other accesories that make the car go faster (not make the car appear to go faster). However, I am afraid that soon there is going to be more NSX's that resemble "rice rockets" in a negative sense of the frase. Am I being too paranoid or is it time to move up to something less "rice-desirable"?
Time to Move Up!

I think Cadillac should be immune from the rice rocket phenomenon for some time, keeping you safe for years.

I agree with your thoughts if you were to drive a riced out Civic. But if you want an NSX, get one. If someone confuses you with a fast and furious ricer, too bad for them.

Just remember you will need exhaust tips exceeding 8" in diameter to steal my crown.
The Porsche 928 is a good example of what happens to an expensive car that depreciates into the range of people who can finally afford the car, but cannot afford the maintenance.

The 928 was approx. $27K in 1978, $72K in 1988, and $105K in 1995, its final year. The 928 may well hold the record as being the most complicated (for complexity's sake) as well as one of the most expensive to repair. It was also one of the fastest depreciating cars ever with many cars now selling for 1/10 of their original value. Consequently, the vast majority of 928's for sale are sad cars in need of repairs that would exceed the car's value. Truly excellent cars are rare and sell well above market value.

I think the same thing will happen to the NSX, but at a slower rate because the NSX depreciates more slowly, and they are for the most part not prone to early failures.

As time goes on, there will be more and more ratty NSX's, but truly excellent examples will still be prized and desirable and will not be selling for the "average" price.


PS. I had an 88 928S4 for 9 years. I sold it in 01 to buy the NSX. I loved it and wished I could have afforded to keep both. The 928 is an amazing and unappreciated machine. With an average market value of $12K for an 88 in 2001, I easily got $22K for mine and I believe could have held out for more.
As others have noted before in similar topics, $25k is something of a magic number for the NSX.

Below $25k, demand for the NSX far exceeds its limited supply.

As a result, it appears that $25k is the bottom of the NSX market and that may last for some time, as the early cars are basically holding their value.
Re: Time to Move Up!

Soichiro said:
I think Cadillac should be immune from the rice rocket phenomenon for some time, keeping you safe for years.

I agree with your thoughts if you were to drive a riced out Civic. But if you want an NSX, get one. If someone confuses you with a fast and furious ricer, too bad for them.

Just remember you will need exhaust tips exceeding 8" in diameter to steal my crown.

Sorry to disappiont, but I do not possess a Cadillac nor do I plan on purchasing one in the near future. However give me another 25 years and I might be swayed. Returning to my original question: Will NSX become the next "rice rocket", that is will it become a hot and desirable item for those who love fart muflers and the whole "sticker scene"? As for your 8" exhaust tip. I can only hope that during your university years, you have been intorduced to a certain person well known in the field of psychology who I am sure would explain your fascination with your EIGHT " exhaust tips. ;)
Depreciation so that now more people can afford them used is inevitable. You can even see this in Prime where the average age of the members is always decreasing. Some NSX owners are in their teens and early 20s now.

This is not just an NSX trend. Every car is like this.

I see riced out Ferrari 348s from time to time too.

The NSX is not mass produced so I wouldn't worry about seeing too many riced out NSXs, but it looks like this really bothers you.

Even if these younger folks can afford a nice used example, its still going to be used and maintenance and the longevity of the car is not like it was when it was new.

I personally do not buy used cars because of this. In all honesty, no matter what happens I will keep my NSX, owned since new, and driven only 2,500 miles per year.
I don't care if NSX's get riced out.

Reality check! the NSX is ONLY a car. It is a non-living thing. Don't feel sorry for it. Ricing one out is not what I would do to my car.. but that is just my taste.

The owner of a car has a right to do with it whatever he desires and whatever makes him happy. He paid for it. If he chooses unwisely and devaluates it, that is HIS right and no one has the right to impose their will.

Also, this will only drive the value up on the pristine unaltered examples. Thats good news for us owners who keep their car clean, well maintained, and unriced.
At what point does that person that wants to rice out a NSX, or thinks they would like to aquire one for that purpose. Given your assumption on what the ricer would do, that person after the purchase could realistically have $10 to 15k in rice options not including the $25k investment. We can all do the math on this. Trying not to think 20 years ago what I might do given the chance to own a NSX type car, even if I had the $ to do such and knowing what I've seen in mags w/custom body work, wheels, etc. if I wanted to customize "rice", that person would have to be nuts and $10 to $15k would only be a start. IMO a fart can NSX just would fit the profile or economic means in which that type of person could afford a NSX. The customized ones that are out there have major $'s in them.

Hey, don't worry what others think. If you like it, buy it! When you own one and a riced out civic pulls up next to you w/neon lights hanging all over it. Ask yourself, can you see them owning a NSX.
I don't think $25K is any real magic number for younger buyers to get an NSX and so called "Rice" them out. Most of the NSX owners I know (Including the guy with the White engine cover) are all well off adults over 30+ years of age (Not saying that is an old age:D ) with mor than one car including myself. Fixing up cars is nothing new. No matter what age bracket or what car there are groups of people who simply like to fix them up. That may be for perfomance or looks. In reality, I bet if you poll all the NSX members who modify their cars for speed or looks, most of them are in the older age bracket. They have the expendable money and not the young kid who can now afford a $25K NSX. For my NSX, I pan to lower it, add the ww side skirts, 02 rear valance, I have 18/19" rims, RM front lip, custom suede leather seats on its way, I have a wife and baby, a house, a job that pays okay and I'm over 30. Does that make me a rice boy? Truthfully, as a Japanese/Chinese adult, I actually find that term a little demeaning:rolleyes:

Im opinion, who really cares what others are doing with their own car? There are more things in life to worry about than what people are going to do to their NSX and its resale value. Like others mentioned, it is just a car. It is a great car, but still just a car. Besides, most of the young kids who can afford $25K+ cars are buying WRX's and EVO VIII and dropping another $20K in modifications. Or they are buying Supra TTs. Take a look at any car show and the majority are Civcs and Integras or cars in that range. Many of these guys are dropping $20K-$50K or more on their modifications. They can arleady afford an NSX if they wanted it.

ChrisK said:
I don't think $25K is any real magic number for younger buyers to get an NSX and so called "Rice" them out. Most of the NSX owners I know (Including the guy with the White engine cover) are all well off adults over 30+ years of age (Not saying that is an old age:D ) with mor than one car including myself. Fixing up cars is nothing new. No matter what age bracket or what car there are groups of people who simply like to fix them up.
I have absolutely no problem with people fixing their cars. I just do not like the rice look and do not want to have a car that is considered to be a "rice boy hot rod", even if mine is not one. This is the same reason why I would not buy a Civic or Subaru. It is considered to be a car for those who wear basebal caps, Nike sneakers and Rocawear attire (not necessarily at the same time). While I have no problem with them, hey this is America, I do not want to be associated with them even if it is only through my car. Same logic applies to owning an NSX.

That may be for perfomance or looks. In reality, I bet if you poll all the NSX members who modify their cars for speed or looks, most of them are in the older age bracket. They have the expendable money and not the young kid who can now afford a $25K NSX. For my NSX, I pan to lower it, add the ww side skirts, 02 rear valance, I have 18/19" rims, RM front lip, custom suede leather seats on its way, I have a wife and baby, a house, a job that pays okay and I'm over 30. Does that make me a rice boy?

Yes it does in my book. You could be 50 and have four kids. If this is what you are planning on doing to your car, you are a rice boy. This is exactly what I am trying to find out. Namely, how many of people just like you who in my opinion are scaring NSXS's making them look like a Civics?

Truthfully, as a Japanese/Chinese adult, I actually find that term a little demeaning:rolleyes:
The term was not invented by me so there is very little that I could do about. Is there a different name that you would like people to use?? If so please provide it.


Im opinion, who really cares what others are doing with their own car? There are more things in life to worry about than what people are going to do to their NSX and its resale value. Like others mentioned, it is just a car. It is a great car, but still just a car.

Precisely my point. It is only a car, yet if I am going to spend $45.000 on something, I would like to know if I am going to be admired by every high school teenager (not what I am looking for), or have a machine that will tell others that I enjoy driving fast, have a good taste and belong to a group of people that mostly have a higher than average IQ. Consequently, I worry whether NSX in the future will become a car that is driven by guys whose dream is to be in another Fast and F movie or a car that a doctor, lawyer or businessperson would own. While this may not matter to most, it matters to me.

Besides, most of the young kids who can afford $25K+ cars are buying WRX's and EVO VIII and dropping another $20K in modifications. Or they are buying Supra TTs. Take a look at any car show and the majority are Civcs and Integras or cars in that range. Many of these guys are dropping $20K-$50K or more on their modifications. They can arleady afford an NSX if they wanted it.

Maybe they do not know about NSX. I have driven Supras and they do not approach NSX in any category (except for raw power). Be that as it may, this is precisely what worries me: namely the day when all those "leaders" will find out about our NSX secret and start "modyfing" them making them look like the rest of "sticker+fart+tinted windows=fast and cool car" machines.
When I bought my new '01 NSX, I was not thinking about the kid next door buying a '91 NSX and then modding it to hell.

Do you consider this rice? :


I sincerely hope you don't lose sleep over this. What is the purpose of owning an NSX for you? Prestige? To let people know you drive an expensive sports car?

Let's put it this way, you can't stop anyone from doing what they want to their own car.

saxonsaxon just for the record, I have nothing against you, All this is simply for argument sake only. No hard feelings:D

Anyway, I would prefer if people stopped using the rice boy label and simple stated that his/her mods is not my taste and leave it at that. What makes your idea of tasteful modifications correct while others wrong? I think the stock 15/16 rims on the 91-93 is ugly, but I don't call those who keep their NSX stock distasteful or not classy. Nor do I put a label on them. Even people who own Ferraris mod them. Some with go fast parts and some have mods that many would feel is not in their taste range, but would that keep you away from buying one?

As for my modification taste, I have all OEM parts. Any OEM part that was modified I bought a spare part. My car can be brought to 100% OEM stock if and when I needed it to be. I use the stock 16/17 rims from normal driving and will be using the 18/19 rims for car shows. Does that mean normally I am not a rice boy but when I enter car shows I am?

As for taste in modifications, I don't like stikers, tinted windows IMHO is a regional thing. Living in Hawaii everyone has tinted windows even on stock cars. My Lexus RX330 is bone stock and will stay that way.

I guess I'm not in the "Elitest" class. I'm not saying that you are either. I don't feel that I am any better of a person or less of a person than the next guy. I'll leave the judging to a higher power.

I have no problem with you having a different set of taste in cars or modfications then others. Like you said, this is America. I just don't quite understand why one persons modification taste would put them in a lower class level then you. Maybe they have poor taste compared to your standards, but why would that make them low class? There are many rich people driving great cars with piss poor attitudes. I rather distance myself from those types of people whether they are driving high end exotics or Mustangs than distance myself from a good nice person who simply has a differnt taste in cars and modifications. Many of us who do certain cosmetic mods are really nice people with good hearts and nice families. I would hate to know that if I ever make it to NSXPO that you would distance yourself from me just because of what I may or may not have done to my NSX.

You mentioned that you want to be seen as a person with a machine that enjoys driving fast? Are youonly driving fast at a track? I'm not preaching as I drive fast on occation on the street myself, but many people will put fast drivers in nice exoitc cars as crazy rich folks with too much money and think they can do whateve they want. Just look at all those Players run type of events. They are filled with guys with great cars breaking the laws driving really fast.

For me, I don't care if I'm seen as a person with a nice car, a distasteful car, a slow car, or a fast car. I just want to hopefully be seen and known as a nice guy who takes care of his family, had his heart in the right place most of the time and was a good friend. ;) :D
saxonsaxon said:
As the price point of NSX is slowly approaching the magic 25K mark, there is more and more cars that are ready to be purchased by people who would otherwise buy a high end Civic, Subaru, Mitsu ect ect.
I disagree. Not too many young people can pay $25k in cash for a used car (unless their parents chip in), as it is much more difficult to obtain financing for a 10+ year old vehicle than it is for a new car.

Also, I haven't seen many kids--if any--purchase cheaper older vehicles, such as Vipers and Corvettes, and modify them with "distasteful" mods.

I wouldn't be too concerned IMO. Buy the car that you want and don't worry about what other people do.
Careful bashing the "ricers". That demographic generally worships the NSX as a pagan god and is part of the reason our
older cars are holding their values. Besides, I'm starting to warm up to some of the styling cues of the import racer scene. (Maybe
I've been playing my son's NFS Underground too much);)
Price is not the only factor when it comes to chosing cars though.

Some old people are poor, and some young people are rich, and others are average...

Some people dont want a used car, so they rather have a Civic than a used NSX...

I've been a Honda fan for long time, I have the ultimate rice rocket, the CRX, and now I have the NSX cos I always wanted one and I thought the price has bottomed out. I'm not a fan of losing money on depreciation, but I might consider buying the HSC/NSX Type R new. Its not cheap to mod a NSX as you know, cos for the price of an exhuast system, you can buy a CRX!
Re: Re: NSX

ChrisK said:
saxonsaxon just for the record, I have nothing against you, All this is simply for argument sake only. No hard feelings:D

Anyway, I would prefer if people stopped using the rice boy label and simple stated that his/her mods is not my taste and leave it at that. What makes your idea of tasteful modifications correct while others wrong? I think the stock 15/16 rims on the 91-93 is ugly, but I don't call those who keep their NSX stock distasteful or not classy. Nor do I put a label on them. Even people who own Ferraris mod them. Some with go fast parts and some have mods that many would feel is not in their taste range, but would that keep you away from buying one?

As for my modification taste, I have all OEM parts. Any OEM part that was modified I bought a spare part. My car can be brought to 100% OEM stock if and when I needed it to be. I use the stock 16/17 rims from normal driving and will be using the 18/19 rims for car shows. Does that mean normally I am not a rice boy but when I enter car shows I am?

As for taste in modifications, I don't like stikers, tinted windows IMHO is a regional thing. Living in Hawaii everyone has tinted windows even on stock cars. My Lexus RX330 is bone stock and will stay that way.

I guess I'm not in the "Elitest" class. I'm not saying that you are either. I don't feel that I am any better of a person or less of a person than the next guy. I'll leave the judging to a higher power.

I have no problem with you having a different set of taste in cars or modfications then others. Like you said, this is America. I just don't quite understand why one persons modification taste would put them in a lower class level then you. Maybe they have poor taste compared to your standards, but why would that make them low class? There are many rich people driving great cars with piss poor attitudes. I rather distance myself from those types of people whether they are driving high end exotics or Mustangs than distance myself from a good nice person who simply has a differnt taste in cars and modifications. Many of us who do certain cosmetic mods are really nice people with good hearts and nice families. I would hate to know that if I ever make it to NSXPO that you would distance yourself from me just because of what I may or may not have done to my NSX.

You mentioned that you want to be seen as a person with a machine that enjoys driving fast? Are youonly driving fast at a track? I'm not preaching as I drive fast on occation on the street myself, but many people will put fast drivers in nice exoitc cars as crazy rich folks with too much money and think they can do whateve they want. Just look at all those Players run type of events. They are filled with guys with great cars breaking the laws driving really fast.

For me, I don't care if I'm seen as a person with a nice car, a distasteful car, a slow car, or a fast car. I just want to hopefully be seen and known as a nice guy who takes care of his family, had his heart in the right place most of the time and was a good friend. ;) :D

well said ChrisK, Like everybody else said if you want the NSX get it don't worry about what other people are going to do with the car. People have different taste on fxing up cars you don't have to like it but just respect it. by the way i'm 25 I got my nsx when I was 24, my car is bone stock and I still get people labeling me as a ricer because I look young. it's ridiculous
I had a NSX for 6 years and sold it and bought a Mitsu Evo. I think most people do not have the credit to buy a 10 year old car and that will keep a lot of the "Rice" out of the market. A strange thing is going on with the new evo's a lot of people get them and can not afford to keep them and have them for sale in 3-6 months for DIRT prices, paid 30k for it now you see them for sale from 26-24 even one at 22k because they HAVE to get ride of it. I hear this happens a lot with new cars but it's strange someone would would 2 jobs for a car. I never did see this happen with the NSX's though, I guess it's a smarter group. One last thing. I will have a 700hp evo by the end of next year :D I know who gives a shit, just had to add that :rolleyes:

Or maybe they don't know about the supra. Lightly modified the car will dyno 400rwhp. What does it take to get the NSX to that power level? Brakes? Please... Handling is a push at best, just toss some tiens on the dawg and it shines. Now looks, maybe you have a point there, oh, you didn't make that point.

saxonsaxon said:
Maybe they do not know about NSX. I have driven Supras and they do not approach NSX in any category (except for raw power). Be that as it may, this is precisely what worries me: namely the day when all those "leaders" will find out about our NSX secret and start "modyfing" them making them look like the rest of "sticker+fart+tinted windows=fast and cool car" machines.
Re: Re: NSX

Again the supra is a 10 year old car, hard to get a loan on. Also the book vs what people are asking is crazy. People are still asking 30k for a 10 year old car that was 40k new. :rolleyes:

m@dm@n said:
Or maybe they don't know about the supra. Lightly modified the car will dyno 400rwhp. What does it take to get the NSX to that power level? Brakes? Please... Handling is a push at best, just toss some tiens on the dawg and it shines. Now looks, maybe you have a point there, oh, you didn't make that point.
Basically re-iterating what has already been said:

I've thought about this too, but it is really surprising what kids these days are driving. Many of the newer suppossedly "unnattainable" cars for the sub 21 group are rampant around even small cities. Personally I've seen kids driving brand new WRX STI's, EVO 8's, Rx-8's, modified Supras, and even one guy with a 91 NSX. Most of these guys are 19 or younger.

I think that at this price point, especially on a used car for $25k, the buyer will most likely be an enthusiast--not just some bafoon who got it to throw a park bench on the rear end and plaster it with Type-R stickers. Age doesn't buy class or style--doesn't matter if your 8, 18, 38, or even 80--anyone in these age groups will have a differing opinion and point of view when it comes to styling a car.

I've seen "old" ricers (but predominantly the young crowd). At the end of the day, the NSX or any car for that matter is a material possession and nothing more. No matter if we are the enthusiast, the guy who designed it, or the one who bought it, it is still just a car. This is almost hypocritical of me because I "love" my cars with a passion. It's just something that we all must ultimately realize--somehow somewhere someone will rice a car.

Price discriminates somewhat..but what're you gonna do, right?

Re: Re: Re: NSX

Psycnosis said:
Again the supra is a 10 year old car, hard to get a loan on. Also the book vs what people are asking is crazy. People are still asking 30k for a 10 year old car that was 40k new. :rolleyes:

40k new? :rolleyes: It was 66k-83k depending on the year. Even touh very few people paid 66k for it since in 1991 they were selling for a >10k$ premium...
saxonsaxon said:
Am I being too paranoid or is it time to move up to something less "rice-desirable"?

I think maybe both. Since a NSX is a rare sight even in a big city and , from what I see, since most owners are more mature-minded than average, seeing a "riced out poseur" NSX out there in the next few years will be about as rare as finding a good pizza place here in LA (now that's rare!). So rare, I might even enjoy actually seeing a NSX Type Rice in person.

Of course, more and more NSXs (wrecked/whatever) will be eventually transformed into "what the hell?". Even if it became common it won't change my opinion of my NSX, although I can't say never. My 7 year old daily driver (a cheaper Honda) is externally stock and I see horrendous examples of the same car everyday. Yet I love my car as much as ever and choose not to let those with different tastes bother me.

It's like your favorite old song that all of a sudden got played to death on the radio or whored out in TV commercials for some unpopular company. Do you hate the song because of all that? Do you worry what people will think of you if they find out that you like that song on TV? If you do maybe you are paranoid...

Anyway, I think nice looking NSXs will far, far outnumber the "ugly" ones for a long time to come, nothing to get upset about. I also think you are itching for something cooler and more exclusive than a NSX. If so, I hope you will be happy with it.:)
Re: Re: Re: Re: NSX

gheba_nsx said:
40k new? :rolleyes: It was 66k-83k depending on the year. Even touh very few people paid 66k for it since in 1991 they were selling for a >10k$ premium...

He means 40k for a Supra, not an NSX.