NSX Track photos








Exiting turn 6 at Road America.
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If this lime green was available here in North America, I'd own it. :biggrin: :cool: :biggrin:
I made this quick little video back in the day for Lance (nsxalot), our Spring Mountain track junkie :)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/b8owvy6NPsQ&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/b8owvy6NPsQ&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
^ I love those shots!

This was random, but decided this is actually the best thread for it. I like the roughness of it after some post-processing in PS.



I miss that brake dust!!!
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If this lime green was available here in North America, I'd own it. :biggrin: :cool: :biggrin:

Thanks! Couple new cool backgrounds for me :biggrin:




These were actually all from right before I went to the track with it... Limerock!!!
Actually raced/messed with a gt3 on the way back :D

I think I may have the only lime green one in the U.S.?
Very nice. What wheels are those?
Geez all those cool colors on those exotics and you throw in a pic of some douche is a silver car:rolleyes:

Wingz did you see my original post? I posted like 8 pics and now there are only 2? did a mod edit my post?!!
Wingz did you see my original post? I posted like 8 pics and now there are only 2? did a mod edit my post?!!

Yes that's why I made the comment that I did. Not sure what happened could it be because of the girl in one pic? , but then why delete the others and leave those two:confused:

The mods usually send an pm when they pull something along with the reason why.
Wingz did you see my original post? I posted like 8 pics and now there are only 2? did a mod edit my post?!!

I saw the original post and I presume the photos were deleted because they did not contain any NSX in them as required by this forum.

"NSX Picture & Video Gallery NSX pictures only! Post any non-NSX photos in Off Topic."
I saw the original post and I presume the photos were deleted because they did not contain any NSX in them as required by this forum.

"NSX Picture & Video Gallery NSX pictures only! Post any non-NSX photos in Off Topic."

Nazis... lol... the pics were from fully race prepped scuderias and a hot girl leaning on a lambo superleggera from my event at Monticell Motor Club, a place rarely seen by a lot of trackers. It was 5 pics and my car was actually in the background of a couple. Its not like I flooded this thread with irelavent pictures.

Man I guess being a contributor here 5 years still won't get you an ounce of leeway.
Nazis... lol... the pics were from fully race prepped scuderias and a hot girl leaning on a lambo superleggera from my event at Monticell Motor Club, a place rarely seen by a lot of trackers. It was 5 pics and my car was actually in the background of a couple.

Man I guess being a contributor here 5 years still won't get you an ounce of leeway.

Rules are rules. Non-NSX track photos are welcome in Off Topic (unless you piss me off since I am a Moderator there :wink:).

Length of time on this board doesn't mean rules don't apply. Some day ask me about the infraction I received for conducting and posting results of an investigation that I did on my time and dime to assist the community.......
Non-NSX track photos are welcome in Off Topic (unless you piss me off since I am a Moderator there :wink:).

Allright I will post them there you ninny. And I think your car and your driving suck.
Allright I will post them there you ninny. And I think your car and your driving suck.

I would expect that response from someone who posts non-stop questions about how to make a faster car before asking for help on how to make a faster/safer driver. :biggrin:

p.s. have you ever noticed that your lap times are so slow that I don't actually photograph your car but rather make a painting of it while I time you with a calendar?