nsx to dealership

22 January 2006
have you guys ever taken your nsx to go car shopping?

i went to a bmw dealership in my area at like 8pm on a saturday just to check out what they had and gawk over some cars. the second i stepped out of the car some guy came up to help me, so i just played along, saying i wanted an M3. so he showed be a bunch of them and told me that i could test drive one the following day (since they were about to close).

the next day i went to some porsche dealership, and the same thing happened. dude offered to let me drive a cayman S with a $79,000 sticker. :smile:

then, the best one..... at a benz dealer i was offered to drive a 2006 SL65 AMG.... hehe

i'm gonna have to go back and get some wheel time with these cars... probably no big deal..... but i'm 23 and i went to each of these dealers lookin like a bum. usually salesmen don't even approach me at a honda dealership.

yeah, i know.... i need to find better stuff to do with my time, but i live in bama now :frown:
The same exact thing happened to me, Im 21 and I rolled into the mazda dealership and they practically threw the keys at me for the new rx-8. Then at the mitsu dealer they offered to take there only evo (in the show room) out so i could test drive it. Then i rolled into the local Honda dealer and the salesman came out and asked what kind of motor "that" car had. I replied 3.0 liter v6 vtech, then he replies vtech with a stunned almost ghostly look. I then proceded to leave.
Synthesis said:
have you guys ever taken your nsx to go car shopping?

i went to a bmw dealership in my area at like 8pm on a saturday just to check out what they had and gawk over some cars. the second i stepped out of the car some guy came up to help me, so i just played along, saying i wanted an M3. so he showed be a bunch of them and told me that i could test drive one the following day (since they were about to close).

the next day i went to some porsche dealership, and the same thing happened. dude offered to let me drive a cayman S with a $79,000 sticker. :smile:

then, the best one..... at a benz dealer i was offered to drive a 2006 SL65 AMG.... hehe

i'm gonna have to go back and get some wheel time with these cars... probably no big deal..... but i'm 23 and i went to each of these dealers lookin like a bum. usually salesmen don't even approach me at a honda dealership.

yeah, i know.... i need to find better stuff to do with my time, but i live in bama now :frown:

Instant credibility......gotta love it.....especialy at your age that is fun. When I told my sales guy that I wanted to give them back my RL for the NSX the other sales guys did not think I could pull it off cause I dress like a bum on the weekends. You should have seen their faces when the car was waiting in the prep area and I drove it away. Like I stole their girlfriend or something.

I got to admit I was thinking of going to the local Ferrari store and take a look around. At least they may think I am legit as a serious looker.

After reading this thread play out, I agree that a test drive is bad form if you have no intention or ability to buy. I did not ask to drive my brand new NSX until I was sure that if I liked it I could pull the trigger. I appreciated that my car only had 23 miles on it when I took the test drive.......Steve
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sweet, when i get my nsx man ill be getting all kids of free test drive. yea thats right im getting an nsx. who cares if im only 17 and i have 0 dollars, i getting one man
NSXboy2000 said:
sweet, when i get my nsx man ill be getting all kids of free test drive. yea thats right im getting an nsx. who cares if im only 17 and i have 0 dollars, i getting one man
Hopefully it doesn't take you as long as it did me. I was about your age when they first came out. I remember seeing one on the road for the very first time, not having even heard about them. It was love at first sight.
i had never really seen any exotics on teh road, and about 2 weeks ago a black nsx with loud exhaust was driving next to me on the highway and i just about died, i also saw a red 1992 i the highway and i also was stunned at how cool it was- to bad like NONE of the dealerships within 50 miles of me have one. i also saw a red nsx parking as i drove by, to bad my stupid freind was driving- i would have stopped to see it. then i saw a black one parking as my mom drove by it, again if i was driving i would have gone to see it.

so yea, ive seen about 4 nsx's im my life. i bet you guys have seen millions at NSXPO, i think it would be a danger to my health to see that many nsx's t once anyway...
Well I have a little problem with the game you are wanting to play.
You know how picky a buyer can be when buying a brand new sports car or exotic or something right? They want one with very, very few miles on it so they are confident that it hasn't been dogged and if it's got to many miles on it they won't even consider buying. Wellllll, guess what you are doing. You are wasting your time, the salesman time, and ruining the chances of someone later down the road serious about buying the car but is hesistant because of the additional miles that you put on it.
Think about that while you are joyriding.:rolleyes:
There is this huge game I found out when wanting to buy a Ferrari but I dont want to get too far off topic so here we go. I went to the Lexus dealership with my bro who was looking for a GS300 and the salesman who should have been trying to help my brother couldnt stop asking me questions about my can and wanted to go look at it more :rolleyes: needless to say my brother and I left to go to another dealership.
But that is why alot of good dealerships will always have one or two of each model for just that, test drives. Then if the buyer still is biting, you take them out in the specific car they want. Thats what the landrover/infinity dealer does here.

He, like many of us, test drive but don't always buy. We're one of hundreds or thousands of people who do that at say one car dealership in particular.
92NSX said:
Well I have a little problem with the game you are wanting to play.
You know how picky a buyer can be when buying a brand new sports car or exotic or something right? They want one with very, very few miles on it so they are confident that it hasn't been dogged and if it's got to many miles on it they won't even consider buying. Wellllll, guess what you are doing. You are wasting your time, the salesman time, and ruining the chances of someone later down the road serious about buying the car but is hesistant because of the additional miles that you put on it.
Think about that while you are joyriding.:rolleyes:

92NSX, dude, you don't like to speed, you don't like to be treated good while driving the car, and yet you drive a NSX. If I happen to stop by a high end dealership to check out some cars, and the sales person happen to offer me a test drive, I will take on the offer. View it from another angle, if you seriously want to by a M3/911/Ferrari, and you happen to show up in a beat up Civic, most likely they will ignore you, even if you have the money to buy the car. Therefore, it's not a game. However, if a person made a habbit of it, perhaps you are right.
Vancehu said:
92NSX, dude, you don't like to speed, you don't like to be treated good while driving the car, and yet you drive a NSX.....However, if a person made a habbit of it, perhaps you are right.
You're right about not like to speed...on a public street where it endangerous other innocent people, that is what they make race tracks for. I don't mind being treated good while in the NSX, where did I said that I did
I'm with 92NSX on this one. If you're not seriously considering buying a car you should not take it for a test drive, unless you've disclosed this in a very clear fashion to the salesman. Using an NSX (as evidence of your ability to buy xyz car) to bolster a false impression that you are seriously interested is real poor form IMO. On top of 92NSX's points this is (1) dishonest and (2) wastes the salesman's time. He sells cars (not free rides) for a living. When you waste his time you're driving down his (and thus his family's) income and driving up the overhead for selling cars. Just say no.

If the salesman knows you're not going to buy (it's very clear & mutually understood) and he still wants to hand you the keys, go for it. I've had this happen where salesman just wanted to get out of the office for a bit - so we went for a drive.


  • ...keeps you from wasting the salesman's time (if they decline to take you anyway)..
  • ...allows a test drive that does happen to not be under false pretenses (you don't have to lie and pretend you're interested, they don't have to talk up the car and try to close the deal).
  • ...is the right thing to do which allows you to keep your integrity.
  • ...is the right way to deal with people.
Whenever I goto the dealer and I'm just checking things out, I usually tell them straight up my situation. Then I tell them I don't want to waste their time because I hate having people waste my time and 9 of 10 times, I get the response that I'm not wasting their time and by looking around there's nothing going on. So usually they're more than happy to go out for spin. Then again this is on used lots and "Average" people car dealerships.
I was very honest and noted that I wanted to try out the Ferrari and see how they compared. Since then I've referred several people to the sales rep at the Ferrari dealership. < shrug >
Well wasting people's time is bad form. This is typically what hgappens when you see the changing demographic of the NSX owner as these cars age and become affordable for those that could otherwise not afford one. I think it is sad that some think it good sport to go to dealerships and just drive what will become someone's car and trash it. Ultimately the NSX owner's will suffer as a group and will come to be looked upon as just the owner of another ricer car. Sad really. The NSX is a classy, beautiful exotic and deserves to be treated with respect and not used as an "E" ticket for a free ride!
This is starting to smell like another recent thread.


We have been over this before...most dealers DO NOT HAVE cars that are designated for "Test drive use" It may make sense to you that they should ...but It really makes no sense at all....after 8 or so months of test drives that car would be basically a used car with a new window sticker....the dealer would have to take the huge depreciation hit on it...it makes much more sense to spread the test drive use over all the new cars and not let people who have no intent on buying, drive them.....a car dealership is not your playground.....don't be a punka$$....do you go and try on 400$ gucci pants that you have no intent to buy?...:rolleyes:
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zahntech said:
This is starting to smell like another recent thread.


We have been over this before...most dealers DO NOT HAVE cars that are designated for "Test drive use" It may make sense to you that they should ...but It really makes no sense at all....after 8 or so months of test drives that car would be basically a used car with a new window sticker....the dealer would have to take the huge depreciation hit on it...it makes much more sense to spread the test drive use over all the new cars and not let people who have no intent on buying, drive them.....a car dealership is not your playground.....don't be a punka$$....do you go and try on 400$ gucci pants that you have no intent to buy?...:rolleyes:

First statement sounds pretty much like what i said only opposite. You said "MOST ** DO NOT", and I said "some ** DO". Then after a year, "SOME" dealers will "pre-depreciate" that specific year car to sell it anyhow regardless of how many test drive miles are on it. ok and let me reemphasis "SOME", so please don't try to bite off my head for making a statistically true statement that also doubles as my opinion.

Ah I can see how from your link why you're all upset over this. You must have gotten the test drive w/o the buy many many times. Well #1, we all don't live in the seattle area. #2 How do you know the intent of these people that didn't buy from you w/o asking them? I'm sure they were in the market, but because of multiple factors, price, other manufacturer options, or even SALESMAN attitude, they may have went to other places. Now you can't neccessarily ask them, because then you come off as an a$$hole. Just like my post in that thread you linked, I walked off because I perceived him as a jerk who didn't think I had the cash and was wasting his time. Now I definitely had the cash for a stupid used G35 coupe. My thoughts on it: Just do your damn job, smile, and treat everyone equally WELL, unless of course it's a known good customer, then kiss their @ss. I've known far too many POOR immigrant south east asians who drive to the toyota dealership in a poodunk looking 198X toyota pickup loaded with the wife(wives), multiple kids, on public assistance (welfare/food stamps) but save every dollar they can for years and years, sell veggies and chickens at the flea market, then pull out a HUGE wad of cash and buy a brand new Tundra or Sequoia for $30k+, cash. Ask any s/e asian from the california central valley and they should be able to tell you the same story.

I'd never wear gucci pants by the way. $400 or WAY discounted to $100. Now if they were free or more down to earth at $50 or something. Their designs are much too "metro sexual" for me. I think alot of WOMEN do though, "test wear" clothes with no intent to buy no matter how expensive it is. Oh yeah and jewelry too with no intent to buy, and that's much more expensive than gucchi jeans generally. Maybe they need a lecture?
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i understand your guys' points.... but i don't agree with them entirely....
couple of points.....
- I didn't ask any of them if i could drive these cars. they offered. they're suckers for status symbols.... not my fault. why should i feel bad about driving it? they didn't ask me straight out if i was going to buy it, and they didn't ask for a credit check..... i could just as easily been wasting his time if i were serious but looking at multiple cars.

- i'm not really wasting their time. these are cars that you either want or you don't want. you don't need some sales man to give you some numbers that he's not even sure about. (these cars don't get sold by the sales man.... that part is already done) you know when you want an M3, a cayman, or an SL65. (unless you are one of those douche bags that buys a car cause it says BMW, porsche, or mercedes on it.... and in that case, you don't care enough about cars to care if somebody tested the car out, you just want people to respect you for the wrong reasons.... and you're probably a loser with no personality on top of it all :tongue: ).

- for these types of cars.... salesmen are making commission on cars that they didn't do anything to sell. like..... when i buy anything, i research it myself.... everytime the salesman gets commission from sellling something to people like me it's bs.... i should get that money discounted and his bitchass shouldn't get the money :mad:

- if you're smart, you won't buy the one with 200 miles already on it.... leave that for the type of person mentioned above.

- i'm not going to beat up the car i'm testing. it's a brand new car, and most times i'm sure the guy would go with you (which he doesn't have to do if he doesn't wanna waste his time).

- i'm never gonna be able to drive these cars otherwise (unless my plans to win mega millions actually happens hehe)

- that's what you get for discriminating

unnecessary anguish aside, fact of the matter is.... i don't think it's that big of a deal if i take it on a 10 min test drive and put 3 soft miles on the thing. maybe when i grow up a little, my perception will change, but i dont' really see the harm. i didn't even drive any of them. i just thought it was weird to see the 180 change from last year.... right before i graduated.

when i get my first ferrari (yeah right), these cars wont' matter anyway :smile:
Personally, I don't test drive cars unless I am really considering purchasing. However, I've been to dealerships where they practically beg me to go for a test drive. Most recently was a new S2000. I declined and just told them I was there just to take my Honda Odyssey for service. I was not in the market for a roadster. I think the sales guy was bored, and offered to take me for a spin in it anyway, so I obliged.

He totally redlined this brand spanking new S2K, and all I was thinking is that if I was in a market for an S2K, I would definitely not get this one. I like to be careful and break-in my cars properly.

This is exactly why for most of the high end cars I get, I pay a little more and place a special order for it. Most of the dealerships don't stock cars that have all the options I want anyway. I make time to go to the dealership to see the car being unloaded from the transporter, and do the paperwork while they are removing the white film and other protective coating.

I did the same for my NSX. I placed an order for my 2005, and the dealer notified me when it was being unloaded at the dealership.
KooLaid said:
First statement sounds pretty much like what i said only opposite. You said "MOST ** DO NOT", and I said "some ** DO". Then after a year, "SOME" dealers will "pre-depreciate" that specific year car to sell it anyhow regardless of how many test drive miles are on it. ok and let me reemphasis "SOME", so please don't try to bite off my head for making a statistically true statement that also doubles as my opinion.

Ah I can see how from your link why you're all upset over this. You must have gotten the test drive w/o the buy many many times. Well #1, we all don't live in the seattle area. #2 How do you know the intent of these people that didn't buy from you w/o asking them? I'm sure they were in the market, but because of multiple factors, price, other manufacturer options, or even SALESMAN attitude, they may have went to other places. Now you can't neccessarily ask them, because then you come off as an a$$hole. Just like my post in that thread you linked, I walked off because I perceived him as a jerk who didn't think I had the cash and was wasting his time. Now I definitely had the cash for a stupid used G35 coupe. My thoughts on it: Just do your damn job, smile, and treat everyone equally WELL, unless of course it's a known good customer, then kiss their @ss. I've known far too many POOR immigrant south east asians who drive to the toyota dealership in a poodunk looking 198X toyota pickup loaded with the wife(wives), multiple kids, on public assistance (welfare/food stamps) but save every dollar they can for years and years, sell veggies and chickens at the flea market, then pull out a HUGE wad of cash and buy a brand new Tundra or Sequoia for $30k+, cash. Ask any s/e asian from the california central valley and they should be able to tell you the same story.

I'd never wear gucci pants by the way. $400 or WAY discounted to $100. Now if they were free or more down to earth at $50 or something. Their designs are much too "metro sexual" for me. I think alot of WOMEN do though, "test wear" clothes with no intent to buy no matter how expensive it is. Oh yeah and jewelry too with no intent to buy, and that's much more expensive than gucchi jeans generally. Maybe they need a lecture?

If I was now or had ever been a SALESMAN I would possibly take offence at your comments..If a SALESMAN asks you to go on a test drive than It's up to you to let him know you are not going to buy it..if he persists than go for it!..he is the one that has just caused the car to have more miles on it for no reason..not you....but if your intent is to tour the dealers that sell cars you would like to someday own and drive them ...that's just a waste of other peoples time and resources...but that's how kids are these days, when you get right down to it.."me me me, screw everybody else".
KooLaid said:
I've known far too many POOR immigrant south east asians who drive to the toyota dealership in a poodunk looking 198X toyota pickup loaded with the wife(wives), multiple kids, on public assistance (welfare/food stamps) but save every dollar they can for years and years, sell veggies and chickens at the flea market, then pull out a HUGE wad of cash and buy a brand new Tundra or Sequoia for $30k+, cash. Ask any s/e asian from the california central valley and they should be able to tell you the same story.

You are very correct about that w/ the southeast asian's people. Being of southeast asian decent myself my parents have always payed for their vehicals in cash, but they were fortunate enough not to have to sell veggies or chickens at the flea market (to bad not all of us are that fortunate). Here is an intresting story i have to share. I will never buy a vehical from the sales department of the "Hendrick automotive group". I walked into there dealership for service on my TYPE-R and the service and parts department were great. But, later i asked the service department if i could talk to a salesman in the new car department because my family wanted to buy two brand new 2005 TL's (navi pkg) about 40k a piece. The service department introduced me to a older man wearing a suit and tie and said that i was an Acura enthusist and my family was looking to purchase two new TL's. He really didn't help, never called even after myself and my family called. So we did the next best thing went to the Acura dealer in MO told them the story and my family purchased a MDX (navi pkg) and the in laws bought a TL so they actually spent more than initally planned. The KS Acura dealer lucked out selling two vehicals for 80k +/-. Months later at the KS Acura dealership i saw two nsx on there showroom a new silverstone and a used 03 spa yellow. After exchanging a few words with the two salesmen they made a comment about the last buyer of a NA2 spa yellow nsx. The man stated "we had a buyer (of white male decent) for a new spa yellow NSX come in and he cashed it. you wouldn't think a old farmer looking guy wearing jeans and a t-shirt could afford a car like this." after that being said they lost all credibility w/ me as a sales deparment. since then i have only used their parts dept. because of the 20% off as a NSXCA member and trying the get the MO acura dealer to do the same. I have walked into the KS Acura dealer on two other occasions to buy parts and saw a southeast asian family which i recognized and was wanting to purchase a red A-spec RSX for there son. After they sat down and was negotiating on the purchase i walked over to them and said "this dealership really disrespects there customers". They responded thats what my daughter in law said when she over heard two sales man when they came by yesterday with my son to look at the RSX. So i gave him the name of my salesman in MO and they purchased their Acura from the MO dealership. Second time i saw a younger couple (of white decent) wanting to purchase a TL & the same sales man that i talked to about the 2 TL's was talking to them in a condescending way. after he left i handed them the business card of the sales man of the MO acura dealership and never heard if they bought one or not. Many of my friends had the same experience w/ the Hendrick Automotive Group w/ Lexus and VW.

I thought maybe this would be intresting to anyone who has had similar incounters w/ the Hendrick Automotive Group or any others. Intresting on how people are treated on how they look and what they are wearing or not wearing so "what should the ideal acura (automobile) customer look like"?

by the way i never told any of the 2 dealers i drove a NSX.

My friend of mine is currently looking to buy a S2000 we take the NSX to go shopping now so they actually take us seriously. they previously never did before at any of the dealerships in an accord until we showed up in a nsx. (not that it should matter). But, yes Synthesis is partial right you do get better service/treatment buy driving a nicer car. even at the grocery store. But, then again you shouldn't use it for leverage. And should only test drive unless you are really intrested in purchasing that car.
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zahntech said:
If I was now or had ever been a SALESMAN I would possibly take offence at your comments..If a SALESMAN asks you to go on a test drive than It's up to you to let him know you are not going to buy it..if he persists than go for it!..he is the one that has just caused the car to have more miles on it for no reason..not you....but if your intent is to tour the dealers that sell cars you would like to someday own and drive them ...that's just a waste of other peoples time and resources...but that's how kids are these days, when you get right down to it.."me me me, screw everybody else".

gimme something better to do in alabama :tongue: i get your point, but i still don't see the big deal. why is it so wrong to go test drive some car at some dealership when you might just want to check it out. people at dealerships have been known to use some of these vehicles for personal pleasure...and giving them a little hell. so why should i feel bad about honestly sampling the car (with or without the intent to buy). should i feel bad for watching the commercials..... should they feel bad for airing it into my house while i'm watching it eventhough i can't afford the car?

i don't know, for some reason i don't feel bad for dealerships in this regard. maybe cause half the stuff they do is mad shady. and i'm not going to test something because i'm greedy and am thinking only for myself. it's a test drive.... not something you should need to confess in church.
zahntech said:
If I was now or had ever been a SALESMAN I would possibly take offence at your comments..If a SALESMAN asks you to go on a test drive than It's up to you to let him know you are not going to buy it..if he persists than go for it!..he is the one that has just caused the car to have more miles on it for no reason..not you....but if your intent is to tour the dealers that sell cars you would like to someday own and drive them ...that's just a waste of other peoples time and resources...but that's how kids are these days, when you get right down to it.."me me me, screw everybody else".

Oh not meant to offend you at all. Just debating a couple points. And it would only partly apply (the part about treating the clients the same buying or not, cause you never know) if you did sell cars. Just like owning an nsx and doing the "look at me I can afford anything I wanna drive that car thing" just to drive it ruins it all for nsx owners as a group, you can't that one or that small demographic ruin it for EVERYONE as a whole.

As with many things for me, I'm willing to pay more for something if the customer service is everything I'd expected. Things I remember that got high marks from me and I ended purchasing from someone:
#1 sales guy gave me $20 out of his own pocket to gas up my truck I bought used because it had less than half a tank
#2 sales guy bought $1 soda for my friend who was looking to replace her s2k with a family type vehicle (volvo dealer)
#3 sales guy (same guy, same dealer as #3, same visit) offered ME a soda too! lol
#4 sales guy respected my wish that he NOT pressure me at all, because I made sure he understood I was making the purchase because I can as a luxury, not a need.
#5 sales guy called me once a month to check up on my car hunt see if he could be of assistance, and didn't called me nearly daily some people would.
#6 currently, the nsx seller I'm working with in houston is spending the extra money, time and effort to make sure the car is top notch condition and ready for me to safely drive it home around the 1,000 miles.

So I'm not talking bad about car salesmen as a group, but rather those few bad apples do make the buying experience SUCK. I've also met some VERY great sales people, and some very great individuals alone.