NSX succesor may get AWD in addition to V10

Well, if it is mid-engined, I think we can forget about a decent trunk. But I personally cannot see them making a front-engine supercar. It is IMO a step backwards from Mid-engined.
SolidCitizen said:
I was pretty specific about omitting the heavy, numbing AWD system. That is something that has already been done by Lambo, Porsche, Nissan, etc. How you extrapolate from that to mean omitting all amenities and technology sounds like some issues of your own.

My NSX gets me to work, etc., everyday, and I hope the new one is as comfortable and reliable.

My point was at some point in time, these were all looked at as unnecessary add ons. While somebody said, "Don't do it, we don't need it!" somebody else said, "Yeah, we can add that in and still make it work better than brand Y!" Just because you think you know AWD doesn't mean the new NSX will have to compromise itself to garnish SH-AWD. How heavy does it have to be? How numbing does it have to feel? Why do you imply that these thing MUST be negative? Instead of thinking about what can't be done, start thinking about what may be capable. There is a future for sports cars that is always one step closer to reality and some engineers look at negatives as a challenge to overcome. It is not necessary to compromise if you can find a way succeed on all levels.

Maybe Honda will add SH-AWD, maybe they won't. I'm sure there collective intellect is much greater than a fraction of yours or mine. I can guarantee that whatever they decide to do, regarless of outside aproval, will be the better course of action based off of more information and parameters than our egocentric opinions can muster.
So your point is Honda knows what's best. Great. Their announcement is that they are thinking about combining it with their V10 in some car. Your honda flag waving doesn't add anything to the discussion of AWD in a new NSX. If you want to change people's preference for RWD in the new NSX, how about exploring other benefits of AWD in a sports car? The arguments so far for AWD are: its theoretically faster, its an attractive marketing feature, its more forgiving, and it'll make the NSX more like the EVO.

Or just keep puffing the honda pipe. They're in charge, why think? I think they'll make a sweet ride, too.
Maybe a stupid question...Just as TCS, can honda put a button to switch on and off the SH-AWD ?? :confused: for those who want to have a little more fun...

Has anyone tested the SH-AWD on an RL ?? any comments. For what I've read, it is like taking a curve on train rails... for every person, FUN has a different meaning. If I could take a curve a little faster b/c of the benefits of SH-AWD, it would be more fun to me... instead of hitting a curb :rolleyes:
NsSeX said:
And the translated site:


:biggrin: you might just get that!

If honda does indeed decide to go ahead with the SH-AWD, I hope that they convert it to a rwd platform awd system instead of the fwd platform they currently are using in the RL.

its just logical that they convert it to a rwd platform since the RL was built off an Accord chasis. What I suggest is a system that improves track time/handling w/o the weight of awd. Its SH-RWD. thats right a RWD drivetrain that transfer power between right and left.
SolidCitizen said:
So your point is Honda knows what's best.

Your comment wasn't addressed to me, but i will go ahead and give you an answer anyway.

Actually no- I didn't say "Honda knows best". My theory is that they will do whatever they- with their market research, profit analysis, and "corporate spirit" choose.
No number of threads on the internet, petitions by current owners, phone calls to the dealers, or tantrums to your Mommy are going to change that.

Mr. Honda loved racing, Mr. Honda was an enthusiast, but Mr. Honda has also passed away, and his ghost isn't at the helm of the corporation.

I was suggesting, that for the sake of piece of mind it might be good to accept the fact that Honda is a big company that wants to make money, they are looking at the broader scope of the public, not just this cross section of existing customers.
Speaking of which...
Do you think they are taking us all that seriously? They already GOT us, they took the money when the current cars were sold new (I wouldn't buy new for what they want for them- but that is another post altogether...) Guess what-we don't represent that big of a market.

If they wanted owner input I am sure they would have asked for it- it isn't like NSX owners are hard to track down- Contact dealers- gather service records- Oh look! Joe Whoever owns an NSX! What is the address?
Mail survey.
Did you get your survey yet?
Don't go checking your mailbox. :frown:

I love the current car- I wouldn't be here if I didn't- but to speculate that the next car would be on a technological level with the current 15 year old car adding only a V-10 is silly.

Maybe they will do something with the RWD, maybe it will be AWD-

Who knows with the Japanese- maybe it will be a cube with one wheel, have a control stick for directional control, and a motor that runs on the sunshine coming out of your ass from watching the non-stop "Hello Kitty" cartoons playing on the media pod in the dashboard- we just don't KNOW anything right now do we?

In all honesty- the belief that Honda will always do the right thing is pretty naive. {edited to remove SolidCitizens misquoted remarks}

Don't believe me?

Go talk to members of the Integra Type R owners club about the RSX Type-S
Not enthusiastic.
Ask them about the petitions to get the current Integra Type R exported to the U.S.
Not gonna happen.

Go on over to Club Si and ask about the current Civic Si vs. the previous generation.
There might be a few who like it.
The guys I know weren't enthusiastic.

Public opinion amongst the enthusiasts that I know suggests that the only thing Honda has done right at the enthusiast level since 2001 has been the S2K.

They have however been jamming their latest/greatest sedans with all kinds of gadget goodies... (Hmmm, wonder where I got my theory about their next highline platform car...)

Actually- why not just enjoy the car you have and not get yourself all worked up over speculation/theory/conjecture.

Honda will build whatever they want based upon whatever reasoning they want to base it on.

Are they always right? Nope.

Is it a fact of life? Yup.

Cross you fingers- hope they do something that will blow all of our hair back- but speculation will always be just a guess until the new car- whatever it is rolls accross a platform for the world to see.

Or you could just go ask Miss Cleo...

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Animate said:
H-carWizKid: Do you have a preference for either RWD or AWD?


I posted my personal wishlist for an AWD front mount mid-engine GT car in the thread above. It was still just my personal wishlist though- I don't want to force what I want on you folks.

Actually I like the mid-engine RWD 94' listed in my user CP. I like it a bunch. I like it so much, I have nothing tied up in the "new car".

Point is- what is the point of speculation? Setting yourself up for disappointment?

Why not enjoy what you have?

Who knows what the new car that is ment to replace the NSX in the Honda product line-up is going to be?
Pure Sportscar? I like RWD or maybe AWD depending on execution
GT car? I like RWD, or maybe AWD depending on execution
V-10? V-8? Hello Kitty Sunshine motor?
Who knows?
Will I want one? I dunno.
Nobody knows :rolleyes:

We won't know jack until they let us in on it.

Nice to know what they are considering though. That is the use for this thread, and infact this whole section of the forums- lets share the news Honda shared with us.
Funny when people start injecting the dispersement of facts with conjecture

"Don't do it!" and "SH-AWD will be numb" we don't know that- maybe they will get it right and it will be the greatest thing since...well since the current car.

Everyone wants to hurry up and wait.

It will be what it will be, maybe you will like it, maybe you won't. Maybe you like the Hello Kitty car idea...:biggrin:

The NSX is dead- long live- The NSX! They might not be building them after this year, but it will always be on damn fine car.

Whatever comes next will come next.

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H-carWizKid said:
I love the current car- I wouldn't be here if I didn't- but to speculate that the next car would be on a technological level with the current 15 year old car adding only a V-10 is silly.

Where was "adding only a V-10" said anywhere by anyone?

Quit thinking my or anyone's opinion is direct attempt to change a corporate direction. This is an internet forum, where ideas, opinion, and speculation roam free <end after-school special music>. Stating that Honda will base the next car on a bunch of research is obvious, and again doesn't add anything to the discussion.

Everytime an interesting press release comes out, should we all just acknowledge "Honda will do what they think is best" and keep quiet? snore!

H-carWizKid said:
In all honesty- this statement is totally untrue-

How can me thinking the next car will be sweet not be true? So you're saying I definitely won't think the next car will be sweet? hahahaha

H-carWizKid said:
Actually- why not just enjoy the car you have and not get yourself all worked up over speculation/theory/conjecture.

Who's speculation/theory/conjecture am I getting worked up over? I'm one of the ones bringing forth speculation/theory/conjecture. AWD vs RWD is a fun debate. The only posts that seem to be getting "worked up" are ones like yours that target all opinions and try to stifle them.
SolidCitizen said:
Where was "adding only a V-10" said anywhere by anyone?

I dunno- maybe in the subtext of refusals to accept the introduction of new technologies other than the V-10. The Engine news is the only news I have observed recieving a warm reception. with regards to this car- and someone actually started a thread supporting a V-8, so I guess there are detractors to the V-10 too...

SolidCitizen said:
Everytime an interesting press release comes out, should we all just acknowledge "Honda will do what they think is best" and keep quiet? snore!

nope- talk about it- that is what this forum is for. hell argue if you want-

SolidCitizen said:
How can me thinking the next car will be sweet not be true? So you're saying I definitely won't think the next car will be sweet? hahahaha

Actually- I was addressing the theory that "Honda knows best, and keep huffing the Honda pipe... ect ect ect... "

I gave you a few examples of percieved gaffes on Honda's part (citing only public opinion for those folks I know) Where Honda apparently DIDN'T know best, and enthusiasts were merely luke warm to the car. (ex: RSX Type S, and the current Civic Si)

Your reaction that the statement was directed to you was just misperception due to poor editing on my part. Sorry.
Don't be so sensitive.

SolidCitizen said:
Who's speculation/theory/conjecture am I getting worked up over? I'm one of the ones bringing forth speculation/theory/conjecture. AWD vs RWD is a fun debate. The only posts that seem to be getting "worked up" are ones like yours that target all opinions and try to stifle them.

You ain't kiddin. So why address a cry "Honda Don't Do It!"? :biggrin:

Or did you not post that?

My comments could more accurateley be portrayed by the phrase

"what will be will be..."

If that phrase comes off as "Worked up" than I am so apologetic for harshing your mellow...

H-carWizKid said:
You ain't kiddin. So why address a cry "Honda Don't Do It!"? :biggrin:

Because that is my opinion. I'm not trying to stifle Honda's opinion, I'm stating a counter-argument. Do you see the difference?

In your train of thought, I should have first said, "Honda, the buying public will respond how they will respond." Y'know that's just not that interesting.
ADNOH said:
its just logical that they convert it to a rwd platform since the RL was built off an Accord chasis. What I suggest is a system that improves track time/handling w/o the weight of awd. Its SH-RWD. thats right a RWD drivetrain that transfer power between right and left.

The rear differential today is already a mechanical torque-biasing unit. You probably mean a computer controlled rear diff...sounds interesting.

I must say I love Honda's AWD in my gf's Pilot. It never slips pulling a boat out of the water, and I had to really try to get the truck to spin in the snow. I hope we see more applications of it.
NSX PTY said:
Has anyone tested the SH-AWD on an RL ?? any comments. For what I've read, it is like taking a curve on train rails... for every person, FUN has a different meaning. If I could take a curve a little faster b/c of the benefits of SH-AWD, it would be more fun to me... instead of hitting a curb :rolleyes:

My wife has one - which I drive fairly often. You can feel the SH-ADW effect if you say on the throttle when the car begins to understeer. But it is somewhat of a bandaid for a fundamental problem with the car's balance - the car is very front heavy (nearly 60/40 weight split) and it understeers like a typical front-drive car. The SH-AWD system helps but cars such as the 5 Series and M45 handle better and post better numbers on the skidpad and slalom. It helps, but it isn't a system to makes the RL head & shoulders better than the competition.
Re: If you think you cannot have fun in a AWD car you must not have

liftcontrol said:
heard of the Mitsu EVO. It is arguably one of the most driver oriented and fun cars you can buy irrespective of the price. That it handles at a Supercar level is a known and acknowledged fact.

Yea, look how well it does in the WRC :tongue: (wait, it doesn't compete).
Dave Hardy said:
All things being the same, yes the AWD will be faster. But all things aren't the same. If you've got a 3000# AWD car then that means that you could have had a 2700# RWD car. In that case, I'd rather have the lighter weight RWD.

All things being equal the RWD car will be faster. That's why many of the "fast" WRX's disable their 4wd...because after the launch, the 4wd is robbing power. Think of it, with the SH-AWD, you get 70% of your power to the wheels, the other 30% at the fron is being wasted. And while 4wd does do some great things on the track, RWD is superior for things such as drag racing and road racing.
Who knows with the Japanese- maybe it will be a cube with one wheel, have a control stick for directional control, and a motor that runs on the sunshine coming out of your ass from watching the non-stop "Hello Kitty" cartoons playing on the media pod in the dashboard- we just don't KNOW anything right now do we?


The vehicle on the lower right- Does that not look like my Hello Kitty car concept?

GM is listening!!!!!


I wonder how they harnessed the bunghole sunshine...

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


Oh BTW- to all the doubters from this thread...

I told you so...

LMAO at the hello kitty sunshine idea!:biggrin: