NSX slant on Hummer forums...

No poke...new loaded H2s are ~$55K.
Heres an idea for the Ford truck though. Replace where it reads F-350 with a custom decal of "Chef(picture)"-Treefitty. lol
Originally posted by NeoNSX:

(i mean you're right; he's stupid...

Thanks for clarifying!

Originally posted by stevefromatl:
That reminds me the first time I was pulled over in my NSX the cop walks up and says, "Is this a NSX or a NXS, I've never pulled one over before." Bastard still gave me a ticket.

You shoulda offered him a ride!
The guy's being an obvious ass and trying to bait you.

"NXS or NSX" over and over... Yeah right... jerkoff doesnt quite remember the order of the THREE LETTER NAME, yet remembers it used to turn his head all the time and remembers how low it was!

Then goes on to claim "all of these Japanese sports cars look the same" (guess they all turned his head then and guess he remembers how low all of them were, eh?).

Seems like jealousy to me. Guess he's upset that there are already 8 million H2s on the road with no end in sight.

I get the feeling there are going go be a lot of H2 guys with an H1 attitude. If I were an H1 guy, I'd be thinking "there goes the neighborhood".

[This message has been edited by spookyp (edited 13 March 2003).]
Originally posted by matteni:
Anyway - in the forward they referred to a study that was done with high school senior boys (I believe) and basically asked them if they could have a H1 or a new Ferrari - which one would they choose. They said something like 70% would choose the H1! They were making a point about changing tastes and if anything it seems to have gotten worse - not better.
Anyone read this or are aware of this study? I tried to find it on Google but came up empty handed.

This is not the study that you refer to but it is a pretty interesting read from a New York Times article from 2000, if you read almost all the way through you get to some of the marketing thoughts behind the brand. http://mathforum.org/epigone/HENSE/gloismothex
Originally posted by spookyp:
Seems like jealousy to me. Guess he's upset that there are already 8 million H2s on the road with no end in sight.

I get the feeling there are going go be a lot of H2 guys with an H1 attitude. If I were an H1 guy, I'd be thinking "there goes the neighborhood".

I think you are right on in your assessment.

If any H2 owner runs around with H1 attitudes, the joke is on them since they are poseurs but don't even know it.

I asked my good friend who owns a yellow'01 H1 about the H2, and he said angrily:

"There is only one Hummer. The H2 is a poseur"

There are so many H2s running around nowadays that everytime we see one my wife says "look, there goes another of those wannabe Hummers..."

BTW, few months ago a silver H2 still with dealer stickers tried to race my NSX. In fact, this was right outside Los Gatos Hummer. He kept up his antics (revving engine / "trying" to take off hard / etc) for several blocks.

He had no clue how ridiculous he looked and how hard my wife was laughing at him.

Isn’t it enough that we know NSX is a great car? It’s not that uncommon people on this forum in the same sentence write how hard it is with prejudices against race, culture and choice of car but at the same time write how “right” they are in their choices and bash others. “The guys on the Viper forums are so immature, thank god we are so sophisticated”.
I think of my self as a car enthusiast but I admit I don’t have a clue about SUV’s and such, with my criteria’s for a fun/good/fast/functional car I don’t find them interesting. I can understand how those who chose a H2 don’t find Japanese sport cars interesting and I respect that. Maybe it is in your culture to assert your self, “if I’m not seen – I don’t exist”
Some should read the FAQ on prime more thorough, “Exotic Owners Code of Conduct” http://www.nsxprime.com/FAQ/ownership/exoticcode.htm
Originally posted by Brian2by2:
hey john, sucky news i guess? don't know if that 55k was a poke at me...i'm not sure the price of them. I just assume its around there. Personally, a F-350 lariat will do the same thing a hummer can and more within logical and realistic use. And its about 20G cheaper

Your Ford F-350 would probably be able to keep up with an H2 off road but if you think a F-350 will do the same thing a H1 will do off-road I suggest you don't try it. You will end up with a big bill having to be air lifted out or having to ask the Hummer owner very nicely to pull your four ton truck out! I have pulled my share of Ford / Chevy trucks out of place they don't belong with my Hummer.

I am one of those guys that bought a Hummer over five years ago and the new H2's make me cringe.

Could you imagine if Honda took an Integra and made it look like an NSX and called it a NSX-2? If I didn't love my Hummer so much I would probably get rid of it in protest.

Oh well I just had to rant a little!
No offense, but what on earth do you guys expect from the kind of people who buy these to get groceries in; H2, H1, H0, or anything else? If it's intelligence, you're going to be disappointed. Note: This comment is not directed towards the one-in-a-billion owners who actually have mud on theirs

- Richard
The first weekend I had mine, I buried it in snow, mud, broke the windshield, and had a great time doing it.

It is interesting to note the strange anger toward the H2 though. I bought mine not because I wanted to be an army poseur, but because for $50-60K, there was no better SUV IMO, I drove them all. I get good use out my H2, I wanted something big, useful, and good at doing what it is supposed to do.

Do I ever drive it around town? Sure. Would I care if I took it off road and picked up some damage? Not really.

I can understand how H1 owners could feel slighted though (as noted above). That's a good example, 'NSX2' that is. However you cut it though, the H2 is a very capable vehicle, and rather than compare it to the H1, I compared it to the rest of it's class, and it beats the rest of the class quite easily.

Anyway, like I said in the first post, I would never take the bait on a post like that, I was just sharing an interesting POV by someone who had never had the pleasure to see (or ride in, or drive) an NSX in person.

Be careful taking the same position on the H2 though, you just might get embarassed in the same way

I love my NSX with a passion, I also love our CLK (a very capable and enjoyable coupe), and yes, I love H2 for everything it is, and isn't.
well put...I think some of you guys are being a little hard on h-2 owners.

there is something to be said for owning one that you never intend to take off road. It may not handle the best or help you avoid accidents, but if you get into a collision---mass usually wins.

Im personally tired of driving landyachts everyday, and recently went back to a sedan after putting 42k on an escalade. but realistically i am 'less survivable' in a sedan, even a volvo

the h-2 may have replaced the escalade as the new 'pimp mobile', but that doesnt necessarily make all h-2 highway drivers 'posers',or less intelligent.

(but i personally dont care for them---i think they look kinda ridiculous) the mercedes 'jeep'(gelandwagon or whatever its called), looks pretty cool though.