NSX Shopper: Anyone know this SEMA build?

28 April 2016

Hi there,
I've been a long time lurker and now in the market for an NSX, and not scared of highly modified cars. I apologize if I missed it, but I couldn't find any information on that car through searching, and that was surprising. Is anyone familiar with it?

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Probably couldn't build it for what they are asking. Not sure how the air suspension effects things like sway bars and the like. I can't imagine this thing handles very well. Probably all show and no go.

Was previously for sale here back in 2006. Likely unmodified at that time.


I don't know what the material is on those seat cushions and the door panel inserts; but, with the carpet it is all a little too much Las Vegas Bordello for me. Also, the roll cage is just stupid on what is obviously not a track car. Notice how the roll cage precludes ever using the sun visors - so why not just remove them. I expect the graceful bends in the roll cage tubes pretty much ensure that the roll cage would never pass muster on a technical inspection if the car was entered in a class requiring a roll cage. The side roll cage tube combined with the low ride height when parked would make for some interesting entrance and exit moves. Perhaps a car best avoided by anybody over 5' 10"?

Style is subjective and I am normally inclined to avoid offering opinions about personal expression of automotive style; however, this one does seem to have hit a nerve as a particularly egregious triumph of form over function. Perhaps it could be labeled the Kardashian edition? The last NSX styling exercise to generate such a reaction was the one with the Lamborghini door retrofit. Or perhaps I am just suffering the effects of that 4th espresso with breakfast and maybe this will look just fine after the caffeine has finished doing its thing.
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