NSX-R test car ECU troubleshooting...

Matt, I didn't see that thread because I don't scan the forums much anymore but you have a really worthy cause. I think in the interest of time for all of us, it might be a better idea to have the ECU shipped to you if you can just please be able to return it if needed, I don't know that it will be necessary. But I think with it going into capable hands and based on the sharing of information you've posted in the other thread it would be a huge benefit to the community. PM me your info, I can talk to my friend about getting the ECU sent directly to you or if I have a trip abroad next month I will be able to pick it up.

That would be absolutely awesome! Take your time, as I have a few other projects I'm working on as well as a move of my shop I'm still in the midst of. I have no problem returning it, just give me a timetable of how long you can lend it and I will work around that. Sending PM with info now.

That would be absolutely awesome! Take your time, as I have a few other projects I'm working on as well as a move of my shop I'm still in the midst of. I have no problem returning it, just give me a timetable of how long you can lend it and I will work around that. Sending PM with info now.


Matt. Did you guys ever get together on this ECU. After seeing your other thread I was wondering if you got anywhere with this ECU.
He sent it and very patiently waited for me to do something with it, unfortunately I just didn't have the time to get to it had to send it back.

The difference is that this ECU had to be sent back in working condition and couldn't risk being destroyed.
