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    Caveat Emptor!

NSX R seats for sale

you can call SOS and ask if they have done business whith Kevin thats my name Deamon is my nick name sens my supra is called deamon
and you can allso ask Dali racing if you whant and when you have done that you can write here what they say about me

ofcourse i give the money to patrik
and if the money is in my account why is it -7000dollar -minus???
i dont have eny money on my paypal account at all
i do have about 153.283dollar on my company account if you whant to know
i would like vance to explain for me why paypal telling him that the money is still in my account when its not?????my account show -7000
Guys, I got an e-mail from Patrik today, he told me he will meet with Kevin in a day or so to resolve this issue, and will refund the money. I hope he will do just that, regardless what the outcome is, if this Patrik person is real. I hope he understand what kind of grief he has caused. Patrik needs to come out and make a statement.

Kevin, regardless if you're an innocent victim (just trying to help your friend Patrik do a transaction), or the main conspirator, either way, you hold to key to this matter.

Please don't be too hard on Kevin, let's wait for a little while to see where this is heading. I am with Kevin on this matter, I believe he's a good guy, but there is still a little part of me that is full of skepticism. Again, Kevin holds the key to this matter.

No scam just some problems to take care of sorry

[email protected] skrev:
Patrik, how come you're not replying my e-mail? I hope this whole transaction is not a scam. Please reply so I know we're on the same page.


im back now
i heard kevin was at my place and banging on the door
i will meat him tomorow and figure out what to do
in bad case senario i will refund you the money if so i will give the money to kevin so he would refund it to you
sorry for the delay
Mr Patrik

PS"it wasnt his fault tell him to cool it

[email protected] skrev:
Hello Patrik, where are you? Are you back from Holidays?

Please reply.


You guys, leave this subject alone for while. Let Deamon do what he needs to do to help ease/resolve the matter. I have been overly stressed over this and it's time to find a closue. If Patrik meet up with Deamon todayy (as Patrik said he will), I believe things will resolve and hopefully everything end there. Patrik needs to come out and make an apology, and hopefully Deamon can go on with his life as well.
Deamon wrote me back, he basically said Patrik will refund my money; However, he did have all of it, he will need two months to do it, but he did not give me a break down of how much Patrik will return each month.

I did tell Deamon if the seats do exist, and they are authentic, feel free to sent it, but he didn't want to do it, citing that I will claim they're fake when I get them:confused: The whole deal was to buy the real NSX R seats, but from the look of it, Patrik doesn't have them to begin with, but that's just speculation... What are digital camera for:confused: At this point, all I can hope for is to recover the money; hopefully, it will happen. Guys, thanks for observing the thread and show your concern, appreciated greatly.
Vancehu said:
Deamon wrote me back, he basically said Patrik will refund my money; However, he did have all of it, he will need two months to do it, but he did not give me a break down of how much Patrik will return each month.

I did tell Deamon if the seats do exist, and they are authentic, feel free to sent it, but he didn't want to do it, citing that I will claim they're fake when I get them:confused: The whole deal was to buy the real NSX R seats, but from the look of it, Patrik doesn't have them to begin with, but that's just speculation... What are digital camera for:confused: At this point, all I can hope for is to recover the money; hopefully, it will happen. Guys, thanks for observing the thread and show your concern, appreciated greatly.

Get the police involved ASAP.
for the first vance as i told you you are free to do what you whant ,
for the second if i was i thef ,why should i care to stay on this forum and make time to try make this work???
souldent i as a Thef close my account and never login to the prime site????
and allso if i was a thef why do i try to help paypal whith the dokument that they need??????
allso why do i talk in the phone whith vance if im the "Creep"???
does this make sens????? Not to me???
but hej ok by me vance you do have all the dokument of patrik adress and birthday date go to the police, and they will help us all,, it takes only about one year after that you make clain untill the thing are resolved , and its not sure that you get ney money if patrik dont have eny
This is Sweden Not USA we can just go around and sue peopel just when we like it
i dont give a fuck
some Idiots whith peas to brain have calling me names and pointed fingers it shows how stupid some americans can be (not all but some)
I have god lust to just fuck this forum and let vance try to fix this by him self sens i get only shit for it
so know i will do it i will logout

ps" Stevenuy you can send the 100$ to Patrik he would need it , vance have his adress you fat fuck
Autophile said:
I agree 100%. They are thieves, and they are trying to stall you to prevent you from getting your money back. Get all of the authorities you can involved in this, or else you are going to lose your money.

I have been in contact with Swedish authority through e-mail, they're waiting for my word to make a visit. I have give them all the information, such as our ecxchanged PM, Prime thread link, etc. They told me they rather wait for Paypal result, but if I want to push it, they will make a stop, but they want to give them the benifit of doubt, in case it is a misunderstanding. It's really up to Patrik and Deamon to act on this matter to make sure this is resolved in a peaceful manner

Swedish Police e-mail I used: [email protected]

I was surprise how fast they responded to my e-mail. And they sent me a follow up e-mail today. I haven't respond yet, but I will tomorrow, to keep them updated.
I talk to Paypal today, and there is some stuff I cannot disclose to the public. However, one piece of information turns out to be very interesting. Paypal disclosed to me that if the case is ruled in my favor, and Deamon decline to refund the money, not only they will contact the Swedish law enforcement authority, but also impose a collection on his credit report as “Internet Fraud Related Collection.” I can’t imagine my credit report with a fraud related collection along with an arrest warrant. Paypal did not elaborate further when they disclosed the information, but they give me an idea on how far they will go regarding this matter.

I am looking out for myself carefully, so I will do everything with caution. I have been in e-mail contact with Swedish law enforcement authorities, and they will act on this matter if I ask them to, but since Paypal will do just that if this matter turned to the worse. Like I mentioned before, if this case can be taking care of through Paypal - Patrik/Deamon refund my money without incident, I will have absolutely no problem to end this matter without incident.

Just have to wait and see. Yes, the writing on the wall is clear. But like I said, give Deamon a benefit of doubt and let him do what he needs to do.

After all, this started as a public matter, and I like it to end with all eyes watching.
Last edited:
quote=Vancehu]Hello Kevin, my name is Vance and I'm in the process of completing a deal on the NSX R seats. Patrik ask me to send the money via Paypal to you, so I'm here to verify that you are awared of the situation. Patrik also told me you will package and ship the seats for him.

Please let me know ASAP, and also your paypal address.



yes he told something about that ,
he said that you are going to buy his seats
and yes he told me that he whanted you to send me the money by paypal because im allready registred

and yes i will packege the seats as soon as he bring them over to me,
Originally Posted by Vancehu
Kevin, I have requested Payment via Paypal for the pair of NSX R seats. They have to transfer fund out of my account, so the estamated complete date is April 3rd. Paypal should have notified you by now about the payment request.

Please keep me posted, and thanks for doing this for me and Patrik.


yes i get a email from paypal
i called patrik yesterday and told him sbout the email ,
so his waiting
god bye
Originally Posted by Vancehu
Originally Posted by Deamon
Originally Posted by Vancehu
Kevin, I have requested Payment via Paypal for the pair of NSX R seats. They have to transfer fund out of my account, so the estamated complete date is April 3rd. Paypal should have notified you by now about the payment request.

Please keep me posted, and thanks for doing this for me and Patrik.


yes i get a email from paypal
i called patrik yesterday and told him sbout the email ,
so his waiting
god bye

Hello Kevin, Paypal pulled the money from my bank account, just want to check with you if they have cleared the payment.

Pleasae keep me posted.




i did not get eny email from paypal yet,
it takes some days i think
about foto i will send you the foto from the seats as soon as i get the seats ,i dont have them here in my place ,patrik say its in his place and he will bring it over on monday or tuesday ,

have a nice weekend
sesns everybody is intressted i disaided to put in all the emails trou me and vance and patrik for display
forward i have allready emailed paypal to resulv the situation
and about patrik he will return the money sens he have some guys taiking to him yesterday
and how old are you guys emaginari friend???
everybody here knows so much obout everything as you guys say you do how does it come that nobody have check the last time patrik was logedin and if its the same ipadress??
and allso how does it coe that he is in the swedish phonebok???
Deamon said:
sesns everybody is intressted i disaided to put in all the emails trou me and vance and patrik for display
forward i have allready emailed paypal to resulv the situation
and about patrik he will return the money sens he have some guys taiking to him yesterday
and how old are you guys emaginari friend???
everybody here knows so much obout everything as you guys say you do how does it come that nobody have check the last time patrik was logedin and if its the same ipadress??
and allso how does it coe that he is in the swedish phonebok???

Kevin/Deamon. I just talk to Paypal and they told me you have not send them an e-mail authorizing the refund. Did you send it to the right e-mail address I provided? If you need additional assistance, let me know, so I can ask Paypal.
forst email
Dear Kave Farzaie,

Thank you for contacting PayPal, my name is Rebecca and I am happy to
assist you today.

I’m afraid this is not a tracking number. This is the transaction id for
the payment going thought. A tracking number is provided by a postal
company so that they and the people sending and receiving the item can
track where it is.

Thank you for the email and you are welcome! I do apologize for any
inconvenience this has caused you. We are pleased to have you as a
member of the PayPal community of online payment members. If you need
any assistance in the future, you can contact customer service by email
at https://www.paypal.com/ewf/f=default Thank you for using PayPal and
have a good day!

Thank you for being part of the PayPal community.

Community satisfaction and your experience with PayPal are very
important to me. You may receive a survey from our third party vendor,
Benchmark Portal, about the service you received.

I would appreciate any feedback that you can provide.

PayPal Global Services
PayPal, an eBay Company

second email
Dear Kaveh Farzaie,

Thank you for contacting PayPal, my name is Michela and I am happy to
assist you today.

Unfortunately if you receive the money in your account you are
considered the seller.

I have anyway attached the email to the case id PP-160-663-017.
You will have to go through the system in order to resolve the

I advise you to contact the seller and to ask him to provide you the
tracking information for the item.
Moreover you can send in the emails you have to the email address
[email protected]

It is my pleasure to assist you, M. Farzaie. Thank you for choosing

PayPal, an eBay Company

Copyright (c) 1999-2006 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe)
Ltd. is regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the United
Kingdom as an electronic money institution. PayPal FSA Register Number:

Original Message Follows:
Form Message
customer subject: Whats Going on
customer message: Additional Information: 'Hi
my name is kevin Farzaie
My email adress is [email protected]
and the last digit of my creditcard nummber is 2142
And the thing is that i dont understand why Paypal have -7000 usdollar
my accout ??
Mr Vancheu and Mr Patrik whanted to do do a trade and they whanted me as
thered parti as i understand they allready know eachother , thats what i
heard from Mr Laveryd enyway ,and Mr vancheu told me that he will
the money to Patrik via me and he should come ans give me some seats
that i
should send to Mr Vancheu , I did as they asked me to do i give the
to Mr Patrik but i have not recive eny seats yet , how ever i dont
understand why paypal whant me to pay the amount back to Mr Vancheu when
did as i was told by the both parti,
i have made a lots of bussiness by paypal but if its going to be like
then its over,
Buttom line i did as i was told to do ,, i have allso the emails from mr
let me know how to resolve this matter

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there email
Dear kave farzaie,

This Automatic Notification is to inform you that we have received your
email response, and that it has been forwarded to a representative for

Once our investigation is complete, we will notify you regarding the
outcome of your case.

Please note:

- Investigations may take up to thirty days to complete

- Replies to this Automatic Notification will not be processed

PayPal Complaint Resolution Team

forth email

Dear Kave Farzaie,

Hello my name is Craig, I will be happy to assist you with your question
about regaining full access to your Swedish PayPal account.

Thank you for providing this information to us. The information has been
added to your claim. We make every effort to resolve claims within 30 days
from the date of filing, although we may occasionally require additional
time to complete our investigation. If additional information is required,
you will be contacted via email. If you have any other questions, please do
not hesitate to contact us again.

Thank you for being part of the PayPal community.

Community satisfaction and your experience with PayPal are very important
to me. You may receive a survey from our third party vendor, Benchmark
Portal, about the service you received.

I would appreciate any feedback that you can provide.

PayPal Global Services
PayPal, an eBay Company

Copyright (c) 1999-2006 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) Ltd.
is regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom as
an electronic money institution. PayPal FSA Register Number: 226056

Original Message Follows:
if you need eny info
cal me sens Im bussy

kevin farzaie

My last email that i recived from paypal

Dear kave farzaie,

Thanks for contacting PayPal. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you
with your questions.

We will be unable to review the limited access on your account until the
balance is brought to zero or a positive balance. In order to secure your
account and to have the limited access quickly reviewed, we require the

Reimburse the negative balance amount to PayPal by sending a personal check
or money order to the following address:

P.O. Box 45950
Omaha, NE 68145-0950
Please make your payment payable to PayPal. In the 'memo' area of your
check or money order, write 'RE: Add Funds ', along with your PayPal email
address. Please allow 10 business days for a personal check to clear your

Should access to your account remain limited for an extended period of
time, it may result in further limitations or an eventual account closure.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We apologize for any

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

Protection Services Department
PayPal, an eBay Company

Original Message Follows:
PayPal Case ID: PP-160-663-017
Transaction ID: 0VK38620WM669532U
Seller Name: kaveh farzaie

i whant to refund the money to vance , but sens i did not have enything to
do whith thw transaction between him and Patrik laveryd
i have only been fucked , ,
i have all the detail regarding patrik and have allso talked to the polis
here in my town and they say they cant do enything about it sens he whants
to refund the money
the thing is that as he says he have allready spend a bit of the money so
cover this i have taken his motorbike to sell so that the money would go
back to vance
this will be made in two payments
thats all i can do
is it okej or not im really tired to hunting Patrik and he is not a emagine

friend you can ask the polis in sweden
his name is
Patrik Laveryd
his birthday is 780414 i dont have the rest 4 digit , but he exist i asked
polis last monday
so tell me how to do
i have allready emailed 3times to the resoulution mail and get answers from

rebecca and some athoter girl i have the emails if you whant me to send te

its all about money

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Update regarding NSX R Seats

This is an update for the observer of the Thread “NSX R Seats.”

Deamon and Patrik failed to provide information Paypal requested - After 10 days from the initial complaint. Therefore, Paypal ruled in my favor; However, there were no money in Deamon's account (I was misinformed by the first Paypal agent), therefore, there is not much I can do at this point but to wait for Paypal's action.

Paypal told me that since the money is not recovered, they would demand the money from Deamon and arrange payment from him. They will guide him through the steps if needed.

If Deamon failed to do so, Paypal will go after him. Whether I recover the money, it's up to Paypal at this point. The action they will take is going to be simple: Due the high dollar amount (Over $5000 USD), the case falls under the Federal Crime Category of “Internet Fraud, ” “Conspiracy to Commit Fraud,” as well as “Grand Theft Felony,” etc.

According to Paypal agent today: By law, Paypal will turn the case over to FBI. FBI will contact their Swedish equivalent and continue the investigation. Internet Fraud with Grand Theft is a Felony in the US, I’m not sure what the Swedish law is, but should be similar. If find guilty, the accused party will be penalized severely financially, and carry a jail sentence.

Deamon wrote me yesterday that Patrik will pay me back in two Installments, $3500 this month and $3500 next month. At my request, Paypal has sent Deamon an E-Mail regarding the instruction of repayment. I have forward the same information through PM. At this point, I’m done pursuing, I’m tired of e-mails, PMs, etc. The FBI will take over, and I’ll let them do their job.

Deamon, if you’re innocent, which I hope you are, sorry for this to happen. If you and Patrik started this scam, prepare to face the legal system. It will not be today, or tomorrow, but soon.

Guys, Prime Administrator moved the original thread because it caused some problems. So easy on the posts.
so whats the progress on this?

i suppose your paypal account is still frozen, but that does not limit you to refunding payments for failure of delivering promised goods. if you have insufficient funds, you will be able to add funds from your own bank account regardless if your paypal account is frozen.

if you're still having a hard time understanding how to go about paypal,
all you have to do is send an email to paypal to the proper address.

send an email to [email protected] and include the following:
the original transaction ID number
the original date of the transaction
the original amount of the transaction ($7000 USD)
and both original buyer and sellers names and emails.

and lastly, type in the body of the email that you authorize paypal to refund vancehu the full amount of $7000 usd.
make sure you have the complete amount of money in your paypal account before you authorize them to refund vance.

keep in mind the longer you take to get this issue resolve, it will be less likely that paypal will allow you to continue to use paypal as a service.
i suggest you take it as a lost for now, and get your paypal in good standing so you can continue to use paypal for your business.
Deamon is going to wire transfer back half the money this month, at least that's what he told me. Paypal is on hold with the investigation due to my wish. Hopefully Deamon can complete that this week.
Re: Update regarding NSX R Seats

Still no result from Deamon. He kept on claiming half the money will be wire back to me soon, but I'm sitting here waiting. Paypal have filed a report with the FBI and I got a notification from them. The case is also refered to IC3 (International Internet Crime). That's all I have to say at this point.
Re: Update regarding NSX R Seats

Still no word from Deamon. I was contacted by FBI/IC3 yesterday via e-mail, they requested more information... Ready to turn the file to Swedish authority.
That was a wishful thinking. Nothing happen. I got two swedish member helping me out, and got me some really insteresting information. Will publish when my investigation complete.
Vancehu said:
That was a wishful thinking. Nothing happen. I got two swedish member helping me out, and got me some really insteresting information. Will publish when my investigation complete.

As i told you i can not do enything more
send the IC3 brian kelly is investigating all matter
and about the 2 nsx members if they are real then why have they not contacted me and ask me whats going on ,,or are they to affraid of me??
Re: Update regarding NSX R Seats

Vancehu said:
Still no word from Deamon.
He posted 3 NSX's for sale yesterday.