NSX-R GT Clone with ITB's featured in the August issue of HondaTuning

Ditto to the above statement

I think they are s2k spoon mirrors

What base did you use ?

Please let us know, they are a nice upgrde imo
Everyone's comment is appreciated.:)
The mirrors are Spoons for S2K, manual... I custom fabbed the base for the NSX. What a PITA, glad I didn't have to fab another set.:redface:
Great article! I got mine in the mail a few days ago and turned right to it.
Gotta give Aaron Bonk props for the great writing too. It reminded me of the Honda Tuning from a few years ago. Lately the articles and cars featured have been very boring. Mostly hard parkers from the nwp4life site. And mostly articles written by Rodrez's friends, of which are not good journalists, or very knowledgeable.

This article was a breath of fresh air for Honda Tuning!!!
The photos are amazing, jordansx!
Great build NA1/2-R GT!
Beautiful car and incredible images, congrats to everyone involved.

I admit I don't read Honda Tuning much due to the lack of content but this issue I will definitely pick up.

I've been on the fence lately about selling my car, looking at these pics i feel rejuvenated :)
To be honest, I was pretty impressed with every article in the mag. They could have gone further in depth into the builds, but I did admire the over all class of both the builds and content. I plan to subscribe in order to support their efforts.
Dan I think you did a good job helping sell these honda tuning mags because they seem to be sold out everywhere. I'll email matt and have him send you one. If not, I'll send you one myself. I was able to pick up 3 before they sold out. Email me your address :)

Thanks Jordan,
But I think Matt is sending me one.:)
It was weird to see every other car magagazines are full and stocked on the shelf but HT was all gone in every book store.

I think if we were to go into details, then it would take additional 6 pages to cover it. But overall I think the article was classy.

Don't throw it way, lets trade...:) I'd take your car and terrorizing the street/track in style all day if I had your car...:)

Wouldn't be a fair trade:


is greater than...


Not to mention:

Number of Honda Tuning features?
Dan 1
Me 0

You win. :wink:

Big congrats on the feature BTW!
:frown: I'm still waiting on my issue to come in.
Although I'm worried that somehow my issue may be missing. With a subscription I usually get an issue the month before it's actual publication month.
This is frustrating.

Can't wait to read the article.

Congratulations to Dan on an amazing car and well deserved feature/article.
Great job on the pictures Jordan, the photography is top notch and the scenery is breathtaking especially with the addition of Dan's car.
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It's official, they didn't send me my August issue :mad:.

And by the time I finally tried to find it in a store (yesterday), they had already started selling the September issue (which just came to my house on Monday).

I finally got online and reported it to Subscriber Services, so hopefully they will be able to send me a copy.

I hope you'll get yor issue JL.:biggrin:

It's official, they didn't send me my August issue :mad:.

And by the time I finally tried to find it in a store (yesterday), they had already started selling the September issue (which just came to my house on Monday).

I finally got online and reported it to Subscriber Services, so hopefully they will be able to send me a copy.
