NSX R Chassis bar issue - tight fit ??


Legendary Member
12 February 2002
Rotterdam, Netherlands
I have just received my NSX R chassis bar.

I was trying to fit the lower bar under my car but it looks like it is a bit too short.
If I put pressure on the centre of the bar the two legs will flex outward and then the chassis bar might fit but I am wondering if this is how it is supposed to be. I have noticed that one of the holes in the chassis bar is elongated, so there is a little room for movement.
Maybe the chassis bar is too short orelse the car has once bent his nose. I've never heard of problem with installing it.
The lower bar was also a tight fit on mine because it was on the verge of being too short. I couldn't screw the screws in by hand on both sides without pressing on the middle of the bar so that the two ends flex outward. With a bit of pressure on the middle of the bar, the screws went in fine, though.

With the elongated hole on one side of the bar, it would have been a perfect fit if the front suspension mounting points had been one or several millimeters closer together.

Maybe those are just the factory production tolerances. I've owned my car since 1994 and the pre-purchase check revealed no accident damage. I can't think of anything that would have moved the front frame rails and suspension mounting points apart since then.
greenberet said:
Maybe those are just the factory production tolerances. I've owned my car since 1994 and the pre-purchase check revealed no accident damage. I can't think of anything that would have moved the front frame rails and suspension mounting points apart since then.

Could you be picking up too many 300Lb+ girls? That would tend to spread out the chassis:wink: and since you'd be trying to get them home quickly on city streets the cornering forces you'd be encountering could have caused the few mm differential!:tongue:
Red said:
Could you be picking up too many 300Lb+ girls? That would tend to spread out the chassis:wink: and since you'd be trying to get them home quickly on city streets the cornering forces you'd be encountering could have caused the few mm differential!:tongue:

Now that's funny!!! :biggrin:
kreh said:
Does anyone know what is going on here technically so we can understand the design and fitment?

Yeah, no prob:

The girls, I'll call them Fatties for short, put stress on the whole chassis, but without the reinfocement bars that downward pressure (which is more centered than "outboard") presses on the wheels, which, over bumps hit their bump/limit stops this is called "big bottoming out".

When the limits are hit the force is pushed up into the chassis/framerails/unibody and tends to bend things, due to the ridigity of the frame it spreads horizontally vs. vertically - thus the car itself has problems with the Fatties and is trying to tear itself apart to be rid of them.

Mybe someone more technical than me can better describe the force a Fattie can produce and how it relates to getting loaded...:wink:
greenberet said:
With the elongated hole on one side of the bar, it would have been a perfect fit if the front suspension mounting points had been one or several millimeters closer together.

That's exactly what I had to do also. Not sure why but I know my frame had been damaged and pulled in the past...
Red said:
Yeah, no prob:

The girls, I'll call them Fatties for short...

Mybe someone more technical than me can better describe the force a Fattie can produce and how it relates to getting loaded...:wink:

Well, I'm no expert like Bio, but from my limited experience I've found that there is a very strong correlation between "getting loaded" and Fatties. Let me paint you a picture...broad strokes of course. :biggrin: In a nutshell, this is the Fattie Load Factor:

Your Ferrari 348 is in the shop, so you and a buddy decide to take your NSX to Club Moe's for some Friday night shenanigans. You park out front, as you should, you Big Baller you! After slapping a fisky in the palm of the Trustworthy Valet, you and your buddy (we'll call him "Defense" in this little tale) slowly make your way past a crowd of college cheerleaders waiting in line. *wink* yeah, you've already taken dibs on one of those hot little numbers. She saw you key-fobbing your NSX security alarm at least one of the 17 times you armed it in front of the cheerleaders. You're so money.

(4 hours and 14 cocktails later)

You emerge with a lady on your arm. Defense bolted two hours earlier with the girl you had dibs on, but not to worry, you partied two hours longer and found a real gem. For some reason, however, all is not well in this paradise. The Trustworthy Valet looks disgusted. He pulls from his right pocket your keys...hands them to you, and pulls your fisky from his left pocket and gives it to another valet. A friendly wager of some sort.

You thank the Trustworthy Valet for keeping a watchful eye on your keys, hand him another fisky to recoup his wagering losses, and with an almost James Bond-like sophistication disarm the NSX alarm from 175 yards away.

(Trouble begins... T minus 14...13...12...11...)

As you open the exotic supercar NSX passenger door for your...er...date, you notice, under a full moon, that your lucky lady might be a little heavy. Nah... must be those crazy narrow NSX seats. Anyway, with the help of the club's bouncer, you get the pesky NSX passenger door shut. Must be the damn window regulator acting up again. You wipe the sweat off your brow and catch your breath while casually strolling around the front of your two sexy beasts. Grasping the drivers door handle, you give your date a wink :wink: and a quick thumbs up to the valet witnesses. You settle down in the drivers seat. Lights on. Keys to ignition. Magic about to happen! You can feel it and then *POP!**POP!* :eek: Nightclub driveby shooting?? P-diddy two fisting the Crystal??

You give your date a soggy kiss on the cheek, hop out of the vessel, and sure enough. You've been hit. There it is, laying on the ground...used...flacid...useless. You've been smoked. Your NSX-R chassis bar, your date, your valet's entertainment -- all victims of the dreaded Fattie Load Factor. Be careful out there boyz!! :biggrin: