NSX Owner: Caretaker or End User?

I LOVE the way you titled your post. "caretaker"-----did you buy it to keep it nice for the next owner (?) or "end user"------did you buy it to ENJOY for yourself (?). Once you answer that question the rest is easy. I bought an '05 12 months ago with only 13,250 miles on the ODO. Obviously the first owner bought it to be a garage queen. Personally I'm glad he kept it nice for me. 12 months later I now have another 11,000 miles on the ODO and I am ENJOYING the car every day. I'm planning to drive it until the wheels fall off, then find another fool who put one in the garage and worshipped it every day while denying himself the pleasure of actually driving it. This car begs to be driven. Answer your own question about caretaker or end user then go for it.
I LOVE the way you titled your post. "caretaker"-----did you buy it to keep it nice for the next owner (?) or "end user"------did you buy it to ENJOY for yourself (?). Once you answer that question the rest is easy. I bought an '05 12 months ago with only 13,250 miles on the ODO. Obviously the first owner bought it to be a garage queen. Personally I'm glad he kept it nice for me. 12 months later I now have another 11,000 miles on the ODO and I am ENJOYING the car every day. I'm planning to drive it until the wheels fall off, then find another fool who put one in the garage and worshipped it every day while denying himself the pleasure of actually driving it. This car begs to be driven. Answer your own question about caretaker or end user then go for it.

I agree
Never have understood the NEED to tell owners to drive their car. Imagine they are intelligent enough to know "fun factor". There are quite a few reasons why owners may not drive; all of them beat to death here on Prime. I'm saving one of mine for someone---but I ENJOY just looking at it. To each his own. I'll take the hit for all garage queen owners. Suit is on. :wink:
It simply really, both:
you are a caretaker and an end-user, to what degree is totally up to you

It is true that a virgin un-modified car will be worth more on some future auction podium than one that has been heavily modded.
Having said that, there are known very low mileage examples out there in "collector's warehouses" ...several are documented here on Prime.

Wheels and exhaust are common changes, always keep your OEM parts.
Also with regard to wheels & tires, there are several threads here on Prime that address correct fitment and sizing.

Enjoy the car any way you see fit, its your privilege as a lucky owner
Absolutely NOT true. That's one of the silliest things I've read here lately.

It's just an opinion, dude. Chill out.

OP, if you're worried about damaging the value of the car, just don't do anything that's not reversable and keep all your old parts so you can put them back on if you'd like to sell it later. Otherwise, do what you like with the car and enjoy the heck out of it!
Thanks to all for your insight. I am highly confident your suggestions have affirmed my position. I will start with the wheels asap and keep original parts. I may be happy with ending there or continue further down the path. Alternatively, I could always pick up another NSX that has been more thoroughly enjoyed and go to town on modifications, thus keeping my present NSX in the condition it is. Will keep you posted.