NSX on a Sam's run / Suburban eat your heart out!

Wasn't that part of the NSX design? That is must be able to carry two golf bags?
Second paragraph of this page from the Technical Information and Development History book, which was given to owners, leads us to believe it was in fact a design consideration.
matteni, I tried to chase you down one day on Weidman just to give the thumbs up. I was in a red Integra. Had just seen you around and was going to say hi. I used to work at that Sams.

Eh, never post here, but someone posted a link to this on our board......
str8jakett said:
matteni, I tried to chase you down one day on Weidman just to give the thumbs up. I was in a red Integra. Had just seen you around and was going to say hi. I used to work at that Sams.

Eh, never post here, but someone posted a link to this on our board......

Hi str8jakett!

Sorry I missed you on Weidman. Tell everyone Hi on the Integra board for me and remember - if a guy in an NSX doesn't wave to you - he may not be an a-hole - he might just be a guy coming back from Sam's and can't see out the passenger side window!


What up with the minute white rice? hehehe
I thought you a hamburger guy. Hey you need to try some real chinese rice. Good job of packing all the stuff in your car.
Too funny!

I don't know how many times I've popped into costco and loaded up when it hits me I'm in the mr2 (sold after the nsx arrived) and I gotta make it all fit!

Like the NSX, the mr2 had a fair amount of space back there and with the passenger seat, I never had a problem with 1 cart.
Not to mention that the MR2 is smaller than the NSX by far.

Troy, but of course you can tell what happened the last time I went canyon running in my MR2, and trying to keep up with Matt's Zanardi. Dang, that thing is way too quick; the Zanardi that is.
Well done!!!! You will certainly have more room for food when you get rid of the Huggies. Submit those picks to NSX Driver.

If I remember correctly, wasn't someone here on prime asking about putting a bike rack on the their NSX a few months ago.
This is funny Nick!

I remember I bought a bunch of stuff at Sam's and filled the NSX trunk to the max too. The only thing that wouldn't fit was the 24 roll-economy-pack Charmin's toilet paper. My gf had to hold it on her lap while I drove. She was a bit embarrassed but she was laughing too!
This thread certainly changes my view on what I thought was the "typical" NSX owner. That's all i have to say.:rolleyes:
Hey, it's possible to fill your NSX at Sam's Club solely with things for the NSX!!! Cotton detailing towels ($12.xx for a bag of 48), Mobil 1 10W30 (a case for $23.xx), a floor jack, a tire pressure gauge, tires (okay, maybe they don't carry the OEM tires there), etc...

And, for more NSX-related news in the world of discount stores - when you receive your registration form for NSXPO 2003, you will see that this year, for the first time, we are not offering a discount for paying with cash, so there is no price difference between cash and credit card payments. The reason for that is that we changed vendors for the NSX Club's credit card processing. I did some research and found that the lowest rates I could find were through Costco's service for small business. This cut the amount we are paying for credit card charges in half.
Soichiro is having trouble posting to NSXprime, and asked me to post the following response on his behalf. (I think he just wanted to give me an opportunity to boost my post count. ;) )

Anyway, here it is. He provided two photos, so I will have to break the post into two.

Great post (as always) Nick. Here's the engine cover from a 1995 Reynard-Honda CART car stuffed into my NSX. Lucky me!


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I to am a wholesale addict. Unfortunately Sam's Club is too far for me to go. I recently signed up for a BJ's Wholesale membership. It was the best thing I have done in a while. Our grocery bill has been reduced by $400+ per month and now we only have to make 1 or 2 trips a month for most items except milk and bread. It seems that we are also producing less trash this way. I would strongly suggest a wholesale membership to anyone who would like to save money.

As far as cramming things in a car. By far the funniest instance I can think of was when I remodeled my bathroom. I had set all the old fixtures outside to haul to the dump. A friend came over to see my progress and decided to take the used toilet with him to install in one of his rental properties. He shoved the thing into the backseat of his 87 Corolla and slammed the door. When he turned to exit the driveway the door opened and the toilet smashed in the road. :D
Trip to LeMans this summer.
dscn6357.jpg dscn6358.jpg dscn6359.jpg
family sized garden sun shade, garden chair, fold up table, roll of garbage bags, swimming pool, 80 metre of hose pipe with assorted hose fittings, tent, mattress, sleeping bag and pillow, food and drink for 4 days, refrigerator, BBQ, coal and other implements of destruction for BBQ, bicycle with lock, bell and lights front and back, heavy duty ground sheets for pool and mattress, shovel for digging a hole in ground filled with water (for reserve refrigerator), bowl for breakfast cereal, plates, cups, knives and fork and spoons, camera, laptop, books, suntan lotion, loads of snacks, long trousers, short trousers, raincoat, umbrella, hat, boots, shoes, lots of toilet paper (surprisingly bulky!), and toothbrush. And some other stuff, don’t remember what…
And, for those of us who take our NSX to the track...

goldNSX said:
Interested how it fits in? :)
The track tires are '91-93 NSX stock sizes.

Rear tire in the trunk, along with overnight bag and plastic bin of tools.

Jack on the passenger side floor. Slide passenger seat full forward.

Front tire behind the passenger seat.

Two remaining tires upright on the passenger seat, oriented the same way as the tires on the car.

Helmet and cooler on top of the tire behind the passenger seat.

Remaining smaller items placed in various nooks and crannies along the way.