NSX on a Sam's run / Suburban eat your heart out!

14 April 2002
Well my wife called me at the office last week telling me we are out of everything and it was time for a Sam's run. Now let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a Sam's zealot. There is not one food product I haven't tried and I know every product / isle by heart. One time I met a NSX fan here in St. Louis who was getting married to the daughter of the man who invented the Wal-Mart hypermart / Sam's Club. She tried to "break me" by finding a product I hadn't tried. She couldn't do it. Add to that I had made dinner for us and everything we were eating - down to the table and chairs where from Sam's. It is a bit of religion to me!

My average bill is about $700 and I rarely if ever don't get asked for my tax exemption ID cause they think I am a business!

Anyway - I digress. My wife had a big list of stuff we needed to get and I was in my daily driver - the NSX. I work right near Sam's and was thinking - should I just try to get the stuff I need and get it home in the NSX? How much would this thing hold?

So I go there and get everything I need:


Needless to say - I am the only NSX in the Sam's lot and once I park the cart a crowd starts to form when they realize I am going to try to get all this stuff home with just an NSX:


So how do I get this into the car?:


I guess all that practice playing Tetris really did help! Here is the trunk after I packed it like cement:


And here is the driver's side seat (notice all the baby products go hand and hand with the Catholic Family Size Starbuck's coffee):


And here is my view from the driver's seat! So you thought getting 4 track wheels in the car was a feat! I got an ovation in the parking lot once it was all done.


And to think that I was initially worried about getting a toolbox, cooler and chair in my NSX. :D

I'm also a Sams zealot. It's almost like my every other day trip to the hardware store. Jut don't feel whole if I go too lang without a visit.
I heard a rumor that the reason Sam's carries 10W30 Mobil 1 is for their NSX customers... :D

How did the stuff last in the hot trunk?

The bacon was cooked to perfection, ready to eat! :D
So how far is your drive home? How did the stuff last in the hot trunk?

Well the car looked like I had a couple of bodies in the trunk when I was done LOL!

Also - it was a typical St. Louis summer day - 95 deg in the shade. Luckily I live only 5 miles or so from Sam's (part of the housing criteria) and I also have 3 little helpers and one big helper when I got home. It was HOT in the trunk but it looked like an old fashion bucket brigade to rush the stuff in. Everything "seems" OK and no food poisoning - yet!

nsxtasy said:
The bacon was cooked to perfection, ready to eat! :D

LOL!! You should have seen the popcorn! Now I know where they got the inspiration for the new Type-R spoiler!

:eek: Nick, LOL! The NSX is as practical as they come. :)

I wonder what folks were thinking when you broke out the camera and started shooting pictures.
Matteni- Sorry to hear about your addiction to Sams, you really should seek help for that. lol... Thank you for the very clear pictures. They will be used as further proof to my better half, that the NSX is indeed a practical all around car! ;)
for future reference-
judging by the amount of stuff that actually made it into the trunk vs. the stuff in the passenger seat. i would have to say the trunk will fit one shopping cart worth of groceries (just as long as you don't overfill the cart like you did.)
i also know from personal experience that an nsx trunk has just enough room for 2 golf bags.
supergreen125 said:
for future reference-
judging by the amount of stuff that actually made it into the trunk vs. the stuff in the passenger seat. i would have to say the trunk will fit one shopping cart worth of groceries (just as long as you don't overfill the cart like you did.)
i also know from personal experience that an nsx trunk has just enough room for 2 golf bags.

It is a little known fact that getting two sets of clubs in the back of an NSX was a selling point in Japan when the NSX first came out. I saw a Honda ad with a gent taking out 1 set while the other set was still in the trunk. :)
How about the Honda generator in the front seat of my 91 Accord?
Only my 90 lb. cousion was there to help so I had to drive it up on a makeshift ramp. Took me at least a half hour to get it in.


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This gotta be the best/funniest/original post of the year (do we have an award equivalent to the Golden Glove??)!! :D :D

I remember an episode from the Bernie Mac in which he was addicted to stocking up things from the Sam's (or was it Costco??). This reminds me of that episode.

Did you get into any trouble from your wife?? :D :D

Edit: Oh, I didn't see that those were the list from your wife.. Great husband!!

Coming from the man that wrote "Headers For Dummies" and "Springs For Dummies", this is classic! Thanks for the much needed laugh. :)

On a similar note, from a different perspective, did you know that a roll of Dow-Corning wall insulation will fit in an NSX? You shoulda seen the look on the guy's face in the parking lot.

GUY - how you gonna get that in there?

ME - dunno, but we'll find out soon.

wrestle grunt push shove

GUY - well I'll be, I didn't think it would fit.....but why didn't you bring your truck? (what made him assume that I have a truck is beyond me)

ME - cuz I don't have a truck.

GUY - I still can't believe you just did that.

ME - why not? it's wrapped in plastic and nothing got broken or scratched, so what's the harm?

GUY - yeah, you got a point. But you can't see your passenger mirror.

ME - don't matter.....my way home is all left turns.

Other notable items I get at the hardware store in the NSX - 2" PVC pipe about 10' long (looks very stylish poking out the targa roof :cool: ), 2x4 fence stud, window AC unit for the garage. Shhh - don't tell anyone.....I've even put a towel in the seat and have hauled trash (no, not me) in the NSX. But at least it didn't stink. :p

AndyVecsey said:
(what made him assume that I have a truck is beyond me)

Because you live in Texas. :)

Nicks XXXXXX for Dummies are the funniest things I've read. Might be time to post a link to them for those who haven't read them.
I'm disappointed though, it looks like you could have gone back for a 2nd trip to fill up the rest of the passenger seat......:D
If we are talking about items carried in the front seat of cars, I think I have everyone beat. About 12 years ago, when I was a young starving gearhead, I was driving a beater 1977 Corolla, along with my Cuda. Well, time had come to freshen up the engine in the Cuda, so I carried my entire 440 engine in the PASSENGER SEAT OF THE COROLLA to the machine shop! :eek: I imagine it weighed a good 700 pounds or more. Heads, oil pan, balancer, etc. were all attached. It was a tight fit, and it made the car sit really funny, but it worked like a charm. Well, it looked like hell, but it worked. My beater Corolla cost me $180, and still lasted years after that mission. I ended up giving the Corolla away, eventually, still running.:)

Please don't anyone tell me they did this to an NSX as well....;)