NSX Oil Filter being phased out?

16 May 2003
On the Acura Legend forums one member has been told by a dealer that NSX filters are being phased out by Honda and now they share the same one as the Legend ( smaller one). In case you didn't know, originally they shared the same large filter then Honda decided that the smaller one was good enough for Legends. More knowledgeable Legend owners like NSX owners know otherwise and the large ones are necessary for high rpm applications or extended drains.

Anyone know if the phaseout is true? I can't believe that.
greyacura said:
On the Acura Legend forums one member has been told by a dealer that NSX filters are being phased out by Honda and now they share the same one as the Legend ( smaller one). In case you didn't know, originally they shared the same large filter then Honda decided that the smaller one was good enough for Legends. More knowledgeable Legend owners like NSX owners know otherwise and the large ones are necessary for high rpm applications or extended drains.

Anyone know if the phaseout is true? I can't believe that.

That very well may have been me that posted that on the Legend forums, but I'm not sure. It could have been someone else. For starters, it seems the filters are still readily available. However, there are many dealers including my own local dealer who are saying that it is no longer being carried. However, this hasn't been the case with all the dealers as some have no idea why the other dealers are saying this. It appears though that many dealers are saying that or at least think that since about once or twice a month lately this same question is asked by another member. At this point I'll go along with what the NSX owners know and say the filter is still being made and available. However, it is getting worrysome that so many dealers are saying that it will be phased out.
I used after-market units from time to time and not worry about it one bit, as long as all the maintenances are being kept up.