NSX nirvana

11 June 2010
I reached NSX nirvana today thanks to NSXPO, Honda, and the TRC 7.5 mile banked oval track. Doing 125mph in the banked sections of the track was the funnest thing I have ever done with my NSX. In lane 2, the car plants itself and you feel the g force plant you in the seat. I was laughing the whole time. The car requires no real steering correction as you really just steer by adjusting your speed. In lane 1, the outside steepest section of the track, you need to run at 140mph to achieve the same neutral steering effect. I apologize in advance if this sounds like bragging, but this is how my last day at NSXPO2014 went. Only a true Primer could appreciate a day like this!

1) Some body makes me breakfast ( the dude at the omelette station at Embassy suites)
2) Drive to Honda R&D with 90 or so NSX's
3) Check out the new NSX in the lobby
4) Nice presentation by the NSX team leaders about the new NSX
5) Head out to the banked oval and laugh my ass off the whole time.
6) Somebody else, not the omelette dude, makes me lunch
7) Clean my car
8) Some one makes my dinner (not sure who, but I don't think it was the omelette dude)
9) Banquet festivities where I receive the best in show award
10) drive home to Cincy

Is that a freaking incredible day or what! I also met a bunch of great people who share a passion for these great cars.
Brag away brother! That sounds pretty damn awesome! :biggrin:
Great day out, no doubt about it.....I have a funny feeling you might have had a passenger while on the high speed test track from far away????.....ME!
Congrats on best of show, you and the car really deserved it, especially after standing out in the rain till last thing.
Really appreciated the ride, it was fun.
Cheers till next year
I was happy to give you a ride. It was more fun sharing that experience with another NSX enthusiast. It was great to meet you. Have a safe trip home.
awesome that's what nsxpo is about......you don't get those experiences with any other "car meet".....
Well summarized and how do you possibly top that!? I am smitten as well....

Best in show, Very well done! I am sorry i didnt get to see it in person. But I knew when you were thinking of buying... that was a special car :)
I reached NSX nirvana today thanks to NSXPO, Honda, and the TRC 7.5 mile banked oval track. Doing 125mph in the banked sections of the track was the funnest thing I have ever done with my NSX. In lane 2, the car plants itself and you feel the g force plant you in the seat. I was laughing the whole time. The car requires no real steering correction as you really just steer by adjusting your speed. In lane 1, the outside steepest section of the track, you need to run at 140mph to achieve the same neutral steering effect. I apologize in advance if this sounds like bragging, but this is how my last day at NSXPO2014 went. Only a true Primer could appreciate a day like this!

1) Some body makes me breakfast ( the dude at the omelette station at Embassy suites)
2) Drive to Honda R&D with 90 or so NSX's
3) Check out the new NSX in the lobby
4) Nice presentation by the NSX team leaders about the new NSX
5) Head out to the banked oval and laugh my ass off the whole time.
6) Somebody else, not the omelette dude, makes me lunch
7) Clean my car
8) Some one makes my dinner (not sure who, but I don't think it was the omelette dude)
9) Banquet festivities where I receive the best in show award
10) drive home to Cincy

Is that a freaking incredible day or what! I also met a bunch of great people who share a passion for these great cars.

Can you post a photo of your NSX for everyone to see?
Was a Great car. Cant wait to see what pic he posts. Was incredibly clean, and i know he has been taking care of it the way its supposed to be.
The judges were Concours judges. They were in depth enough to know what truck shims to look for on the cars. Anyone know how many shims are suppose to be there? They did. And were very thorough. But we did have a couple issues where a mild winner was given a wild trophy.. Have to work on figuring out who they were now.
I took a few pictures of my car with my iPhone. I spent most of my time taking pictures of other cars. I did learn a lesson, never take a picture of your Silverstone next question to A Long Beach blue pearl car.

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Some more pictures. unnamed-16.jpgView attachment 117792View attachment 117793View attachment 117794View attachment 117795

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Sorry about the random picture of my Garmin. I am not that strong with my iPhone and my Macbook. I am doing my best.