NSX love

People think mine is showroom new all the time. When I tell them it is 20 years old their jaws drop.

i get that,too.36k miles and just had the paint polished.i understand that the cars are made to be driven,but i enjoy and spend a lot of time keeping it nice,so the way i enjoy driving it is on back roads where i can open it up a little.i don't drive it in rain or park where i can't get away from other cars.
i love the car,and that's how i like to enjoy it (besides looking at it a lot)
Guess I will add my story from today. Beautiful day today and since work was slow I decided to go out and eat. On the way back to work I was at a stop light and in my driver side mirror I notice a cute girl in a blue Focus. She lowers her sun glasses looks at my car I smiled to my self looked back in the driver side mirror and I see her with her iPhone taking a picture.

Tbromely say it ain't so. Was hoping to meet up with you(and other owners) when I came down for the Petite LeMans.

PS anyone else check the weather almost everyday to decide on driving their Acura?
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People think mine is showroom new all the time. When I tell them it is 20 years old their jaws drop.

Same thing. I tell them mine is a '97 with 44K and they wet themselves. Came out of Publix one Saturday and there were 4 Franklin cops standing around it with their camera phones out. Nice to make small talk with the local LEOs especially when they tell you that they'll keep people from screwing with it if they see it parked. I call it "Blue Insurance" lol.
I too love these threads because I get to repeat myself:biggrin: The nsx besides looking amazing can get your groceries but it can just as easily run at the track all day and humble many a contemporary sports car,at least mine can:smile:
I too love these threads because I get to repeat myself:biggrin: The nsx besides looking amazing can get your groceries but it can just as easily run at the track all day and humble many a contemporary sports car,at least mine can:smile:

I show up at the track as is. The way I drive it on the steet. I really run around all these cars with trailers, tires, slicks, etc. When I go with the exotic car clubs they come with 18 wheelers. Ramps.. their own mechanic crew.... their own garage flooring. I mean it is a show. I run around them too... F430's. Gallardos. R8's. No problem. Then I get in, drive home. I wash it, take the top off, go out to dinner, and everyone does a walk around as I sit in the restaurant window and watch it. FREAKING LOVE this car.