NSX Garage Preference

4 January 2007
DFW/Conesus Lake NY
Do any of you own pricier/"better" cars than the NSX, yet keep the NSX in the garage and the other car out of it? Has lack of garage space prevented you from buying additional nicer vehicles?

The NSX to me always deserves to be garaged. If you bought a car more expensive/higher end than your NSX, would you park it inside or force it to sleep outside?
Get a $2,000 four-pole lift and stack cars.

Yeah I'm thinking about that as an option. But if one car is up in the air, I would probably avoid using it due to the hassle. I have been thinking of that as a winter storage option however in lieu of storage rentals.
1st world problems! I wish my garage was high enough for a storage lift. I store my NSX in my old mans 3rd spot during the winter so my wife can park in the garage. Happy wife.....
Yeah I'm thinking about that as an option. But if one car is up in the air, I would probably avoid using it due to the hassle. I have been thinking of that as a winter storage option however in lieu of storage rentals.

I take it your NSX lives in NY as opposed to San Diego, or climate change is getting worse than I thought!
Do any of you own pricier/"better" cars than the NSX, yet keep the NSX in the garage and the other car out of it? Has lack of garage space prevented you from buying additional nicer vehicles?

The NSX to me always deserves to be garaged. If you bought a car more expensive/higher end than your NSX, would you park it inside or force it to sleep outside?

Price isn't always an indication of how a car should be treated since you can easily find $60,000 SUVs on the market that IMO are much better off in the driveway than the NSX is. I would also factor in how much appearance and preservation impacts the value of the car over the long term.
Haha. My wife would laugh at this post. Garage is full of toys. NSX, 280Z and motorcycle. Her car and my Evoque are parked outside. I am definitely looking at other people's posts about a 4 post lift.

Our daily drivers no matter how nice are dailys. Parking, accidents, weather etc. No big deal. Pay them off and drive them I to the ground until it's time to move on.
I take it your NSX lives in NY as opposed to San Diego, or climate change is getting worse than I thought!

I moved back to NY (for) now. I need to update my profile...but I'm still Cali dreaming.

Price isn't always an indication of how a car should be treated since you can easily find $60,000 SUVs on the market that IMO are much better off in the driveway than the NSX is. I would also factor in how much appearance and preservation impacts the value of the car over the long term.

Point understood...but let's say it's another toy not a SUV/DD. Would you use a car cover frequently? I've never owned a car cover--I don't know if they are even good for outside/short term purposes.

Haha. My wife would laugh at this post. Garage is full of toys. NSX, 280Z and motorcycle. Her car and my Evoque are parked outside. I am definitely looking at other people's posts about a 4 post lift.

Our daily drivers no matter how nice are dailys. Parking, accidents, weather etc. No big deal. Pay them off and drive them I to the ground until it's time to move on.

Due to inclement NY weather, wife's car sleeps inside as well. If I lived in warmer climes, then I could push a similar agenda haha. My dilemma with the lift is that I want to get a double lift/or 2 contiguous 4 posts (6 poster) so I could park 4 inside. I might be dreaming about this too as the garage isn't super wide. It might be a tight fit and don't know practical it would be to be parking a SUV under a lift everyday and getting in and out of the cars.
I only have a 1 car garage, and my wife thinks her car is deserving of its share of the time inside. My NSX sleeps in the driveway about 1/2 of the time. Our general rule is whomever has the cleaner car on any given day gets the garage.
The family park their cars in the garage in the winter while the NSX and S2000 are stored elsewhere, and I get the space during the summer months. They don't have to clean snow off their cars and mine are rarely exposed to the elements, except for weekend drives etc. A larger space is planned at some point, as I'm getting a little tired of the winter ritual myself.
Yeah I'm thinking about that as an option. But if one car is up in the air, I would probably avoid using it due to the hassle. I have been thinking of that as a winter storage option however in lieu of storage rentals.
100% agree. Ideally I would like random access to any car, its just not going to happen with my garage configuration.
I moved back to NY (for) now. I need to update my profile...but I'm still Cali dreaming.

Point understood...but let's say it's another toy not a SUV/DD. Would you use a car cover frequently? I've never owned a car cover--I don't know if they are even good for outside/short term purposes.

Due to inclement NY weather, wife's car sleeps inside as well. If I lived in warmer climes, then I could push a similar agenda haha. My dilemma with the lift is that I want to get a double lift/or 2 contiguous 4 posts (6 poster) so I could park 4 inside. I might be dreaming about this too as the garage isn't super wide. It might be a tight fit and don't know practical it would be to be parking a SUV under a lift everyday and getting in and out of the cars.

If you get a quality cover then you won't have any issues. Just make sure you buy an outdoors cover versus indoors. Plus most have ties to go under car securing it from flying away in harsh weather. Drawback is the covers get dirty and eventually you get that on your hands and clothes messing with it. Added step to deal with if you were going to daily drive it.

Wow a 2 bay lift across you 2 car garage would be a big commitment. Especially if your garage isn't extra wide. I have a decent width 2 car and I want to maintain the side with the house door free of any obstructions. Its nice to be able to have a whole bay for any side projects that come up big or small. Personally I would value the flexibility. A huge 2 bay lift might hamper other random activities?
1st world problems! I wish my garage was high enough for a storage lift. I store my NSX in my old mans 3rd spot during the winter so my wife can park in the garage. Happy wife.....
Perfectly understandable. My ceiling is 9'...so either "short" cars or (as I do) offset the lift from the garage door and just nose the hood of my daily driver under the lift (so it only has to be up about waist high.
I was just down the road and a buddy told me he just bought a place that has a garage that's like 60x100. It will hold about 26 cars. Now that's a proper garage!:glee:
I have a 4-post drive on lift, and my garage ceiling is 9' 10" high. I had garage door rails made so the door goes all the way up to the ceiling. I use the normal door opener with the rail that mounts between the garage door rails, so I lose about about a foot in height due to the opener arm. With a "sidewinder" type opener, I could pick up about another 6" in useable height.

I store the 'vette above the NSX or vice-versa. With the other type opener, it would be possible to store the NSX above our Ford Taurus sedan. But, as is, I can service any of the 4 cars on the lift, and park the Taurus outside. This arrangment has served me well for 16 years now.
I would park my car in my bedroom in the winter if I could...

Currently I have the NSX in self-storage in a 10'x20' unit. It can comfortably fit in there with some tires and other odds & ends. Normally it is kept under a coverking outdoor cover since I live in a condo complex. I would garage the car all year if I had one. The stuff that happens outdoors just cannot be controlled.... plus the freeze-thaw cycles put some extra wear and tear on parts + belts so I am told.
I have a 20x20 garage, I had the ceiling raised to 11', and I have a double wide 4 post lift, with my 2 "toys" up in the air, I can park my wife's and my car underneath. She had a small SUV (CRV) that fit under the lift, but now parks a sedan. It is a pain the ass to take a toy down (during "season"), as both cars on the floor have to be moved out, before I can drop the lift to take off the car I want, but it's well worth it, as I can keep everything here. The lift has a 9,000lb capacity, and makes detailing so much easier. I don't do much "wrenching" on the cars, as I prefer to live, and not die because of my (lack of) mechanical skills. Both cars are under covers, and hooked up to trickle chargers, year round. This forces me to clean the car, before I cover it, and the next time I want to use it, it's looking clean and fresh!!!!
The guy that built our house was a violin maker and used the garage as his workshop, so it is fairly large. I fit five cars in it in the winter. Three are accessible and two (Lincoln Continental Convertible and an old BMW convertible) are not accessible without moving cars around. Since we have six cars, the '16 Mercedes GLE will stay outside. It's the most expensive, but it is my daily and I do not want to make anyone else in my family park outside. We have a storage room above the garage, and I admit that I have harbored fantasies of jacking up the ceiling and putting in a couple of lifts. But I'd rather spend the money on cars...
I have a 20x20 garage, I had the ceiling raised to 11', and I have a double wide 4 post lift, with my 2 "toys" up in the air, I can park my wife's and my car underneath. She had a small SUV (CRV) that fit under the lift, but now parks a sedan. It is a pain the ass to take a toy down (during "season"), as both cars on the floor have to be moved out, before I can drop the lift to take off the car I want, but it's well worth it, as I can keep everything here. The lift has a 9,000lb capacity, and makes detailing so much easier. I don't do much "wrenching" on the cars, as I prefer to live, and not die because of my (lack of) mechanical skills. Both cars are under covers, and hooked up to trickle chargers, year round. This forces me to clean the car, before I cover it, and the next time I want to use it, it's looking clean and fresh!!!!

This seems like the ideal solution. I really need to measure and see if my roof is high enough to accommodate a car above my Rover (probably the NSX could fit but if I'm using that then have to see if some other hypothetical car would) and if the garage is wide enough.

But getting back to the original question, if forced to use the outside, would you guys feel bad about having a more exotic car than the NSX be outside? Would you rather have the car you like more (NSX) or the car worth more (hypothetical sports car/exotic) be inside?
I'd probably never let my Viper or NSX live outside exposed just due to insurance reasons. However, just to entertain your question. If I picked up a Lotus Esprit V8 (and didn't have a lift to stack), the NSX would live outside because the chassis would not rust, nor I would worry about the electrics.
I have a 20x20 garage, I had the ceiling raised to 11', and I have a double wide 4 post lift, with my 2 "toys" up in the air, I can park my wife's and my car underneath. She had a small SUV (CRV) that fit under the lift, but now parks a sedan. It is a pain the ass to take a toy down (during "season"), as both cars on the floor have to be moved out, before I can drop the lift to take off the car I want, but it's well worth it, as I can keep everything here. The lift has a 9,000lb capacity, and makes detailing so much easier. I don't do much "wrenching" on the cars, as I prefer to live, and not die because of my (lack of) mechanical skills. Both cars are under covers, and hooked up to trickle chargers, year round. This forces me to clean the car, before I cover it, and the next time I want to use it, it's looking clean and fresh!!!!

You just described my dream garage! Are you looking to sell the house anytime soon? I would be very interested. =)
The family park their cars in the garage in the winter while the NSX and S2000 are stored elsewhere, and I get the space during the summer months. They don't have to clean snow off their cars and mine are rarely exposed to the elements, except for weekend drives etc. A larger space is planned at some point, as I'm getting a little tired of the winter ritual myself.

This is me as well. I garage my NSX and CTS-V wagon in our two-car garage during the warm months. They simply attract too much attention to be left outside at night, even in my very safe, low-crime neighborhood. My DD RLX and wife's DD SUV live outside.

During the winter, the V stays in the garage, the NSX lives in a 10x20 storage bin, the wife's SUV lives inside, and my RLX still stays outside.

I'm looking into a lift of some kind so I can keep the NSX on site. I'm at the number-crunching stage right now. I pay about $600 a year to store the NSX off site for 4-5 mos, so it would take 3-5 years of storage to offset the cost of a lift, depending on install costs.
I did the opposite. 10 years ago when I still had my Legend, it had the spot in the garage and the NSX slept outside for months in the back yard until I got rid of said Legend. Now that I've owned my NSX for 10+ years, it has a special place in my heart/life and will get the garage over any car I purchase in the future.
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