NSX For Sale Scams

I asked the webmaster to pull the Montana one. The phone number was wrong and the person did not exist
I asked the webmaster to pull the Montana one. The phone number was wrong and the person did not exist

Oh he exists.....

at a run-down internet cafe somewhere in Nigeria.

A couple ways I use to screen out scams....

Tell the "seller" you're in his area next week and that you wanna come look at the car IN PERSON. See what his/her reaction is after you tell them that.... If it's s scam, they'll usually want some kind of money before you come out and look at the car.

I'll also have them take very specific pics of a random part of the car. If they're stolen pics off the internet, chances are they can't get pics of the wiper motor or VIN tag or some other random part you wanna see (you don't really want to see these parts, just seeing if they can send you the pic or not).
Most of the scams I have found online are pretty lame. They are so obvious. Its the ones that arent obvious that have me worried.

Actually since I originally posted this I have found 2 more.
I found my very own car forsale twice on the internet after getting it. they took the pictures from the original website that I bought it from and was trying to pawn it off. It sucks that there are people out there that will do stuff like this but its worse for those that fall for them. The funny thing about the last scam that you posted is. Is that I have a close friend that lives in Madera and there isnt an NSX within 100 miles of her.