NSX for $5,800?

I didn't think it was real either, but I took a shot and sent the money...he says he's shipping the car out through EBAY buyer protection services, it should be here is 4 days, once it gets here I have 5 days to decide if I want it or not, so wish me luck.

Boy am I an idiot.:eek:
I didn't think it was real either, but I took a shot and sent the money...he says he's shipping the car out through EBAY buyer protection services, it should be here is 4 days, once it gets here I have 5 days to decide if I want it or not, so wish me luck.

You send them money and this is what you recieve lol
RSO - do you have like some crazy library to tap for all this stuff - you are killing me....lol....geez - I'm rollin on the floor dude. You guys are gonna make our new friend just crawl under a rock and tell everyone what AH's we are....Hope he gets the humor - cause he's just the catalyst for this humorous release ----too funny. That's what I love about this site...harharhar...:wink:
It's called "tough love". Sometimes an intervention is needed to protect someone from their own naivete.

Other times it takes a little more to give a wake up call..........





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RSO - do you have like some crazy library to tap for all this stuff - you are killing me....lol....geez - I'm rollin on the floor dude. You guys are gonna make our new friend just crawl under a rock and tell everyone what AH's we are....Hope he gets the humor - cause he's just the catalyst for this humorous release ----too funny. That's what I love about this site...harharhar...:wink:

Now I was just trying to be the "nice" guy with my post.....knowing well that its likely others on prime would let him have it :smile::smile: and I was right!!
Now I was just trying to be the "nice" guy with my post.....knowing well that its likely others on prime would let him have it :smile::smile: and I was right!!

Funny stuff huh Sid....by the way - how's that GN of yours doing - do you still drive it? I saw the GN post and your entry. Two very different cars! One of these days maybe you can give me a ride in that!
Not driving the GN as much as I'd like. But its ready to go anytime at $7.50 a gallon for 100 octane. Couple of weeks got a cruise to do. Your next visit to SF with time to spare I'll take you for a ride in the GN, plus a ride in my red NSX just to prove red is a little bit faster than silver albeit not much. Cheers.
Hello, my name is Rev Bendover Urtushi. I am the great grandson of the Honorable King Uhavtobeshitnme. I have for sale a beautiful Red NSX with a Basch Supercharger. I am discounting it only for today for $580. Send me the $580 in cash via FedEx and I will send the keys to the car which you can pick up from Curtsr's driveway.

BTW: I vote that the OP be banned from Prime for being an idiot. I don't want any more people on this website attempting to suck the intelligence out of me. :cool:


Rev Bendover Urtushi

I'm confused. I bought this car for $23,000 back on May 5th, the day this thread was created. I DID buy the car from Larry (the guy listed in the thread as the seller), same phone number, etc. The car had a PPI done in Kansas City, MO at Wolfe Acura (I think, forget the dealer's name) before I flew out there.

Car got a great PPI. Paint looked original (except bumper which had been repainted, but that was disclosed previously). Interior is fantastic. Motor is strong and quiet.

I'm just confused about the $5,800 price. Must have been a typo. The car was listed on cars.com for about $30,000 over a period of time, finally lowered to $24k and I got it for $23k. Weird.
Not driving the GN as much as I'd like. But its ready to go anytime at $7.50 a gallon for 100 octane. Couple of weeks got a cruise to do. Your next visit to SF with time to spare I'll take you for a ride in the GN, plus a ride in my red NSX just to prove red is a little bit faster than silver albeit not much. Cheers.

That's a deal Sid...:smile: 7.50 a gallon - geez how bout some of that octane booster junk?

How many times is someone going to have to explain there are no NSXs for a price even close to that - wake up out there ....heeeeellooooooo??? Geezy peazy dude. :rolleyes:
i guess I'm in the dark on this one
i guess I'm in the dark on this one
Scammers copy pictures and information from actual cars for sale, and use them to create ad listings of the car for sale at an amazing bargain price. It doesn't turn out to be such a bargain when you send them money and you don't get a car in return, because they never owned the car in the first place.

There's a very easy way to avoid this. When buying a car, ask to see it in person before paying for it. If you're buying a car at some distance, contact a friend or a dealer in the area where the car allegedly is, and ask to have it inspected. If you only hear excuses instead of complying with your request, run away!
That's a deal Sid...:smile: 7.50 a gallon - geez how bout some of that octane booster junk?

How many times is someone going to have to explain there are no NSXs for a price even close to that - wake up out there ....heeeeellooooooo??? Geezy peazy dude. :rolleyes:

One word in your sentence sums it up "junk". The Buick club boys using 100 octane and racing their cars at the strip do not put any weight in buying octane boost. When I had my '64 Mini Cooper 1071S, octane boost did nothing for performance...now a gallon of a 100 mixed in with the California high octane 91 at the pump made a huge difference. Detonation is the enemy :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
One word in your sentence sums it up "junk". The Buick club boys using 100 octane and racing their cars at the strip do not put any weight in buying octane boost. When I had my '64 Mini Cooper 1071S, octane boost did nothing for performance...now a gallon of a 100 mixed in with the California high octane 91 at the pump made a huge difference. Detonation is the enemy :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Well that explains a lot - guess I won't buy any. I don't know if you can even buy 100 octane here - maybe at the airport - airplane gas??? I haven't seen anything like that in 20 years I guess. You're lucky you can even buy it - you see - just one more good thing about living in CA!
Well that explains a lot - guess I won't buy any. I don't know if you can even buy 100 octane here - maybe at the airport - airplane gas??? I haven't seen anything like that in 20 years I guess. You're lucky you can even buy it - you see - just one more good thing about living in CA!

Tim, you can get 100 and 110 octane legally at the pump. The nearest gas station for me is 25 miles away, so not real convenient. So if I go on a cruise, I fill up and have 3X5 gallon jugs in the trunk (usually one, as it's a bit concerning if I get into an accident. Bad enough to damage the car let alone blow it up!!)

Most if not all airports sell high octane gas, commonly known as avgas. However, avgas is slightly leaded...and you know what that will do to your cat, O2 etc.. Some of the high performance boys put a gallon or two in the tank and then fill up with 91 octane premium. My 87 GN requires premium, back in 1987 that meant 93 octane.