NSX exclusive driving school

17 February 2000
San Francisco, CA
Quite a few of you asked about Driving School before. Now is a chance to join in the fun and experience what is it all about. Driving NSX will never be the same. Where else you can drive your car at speed, test the limits of the car without the fear of police. Not only that but you will also have available quality instructors at all times.

I got to warn you that this experience is extremely exhilarating and addictive. Once you tried it you will want to keep coming back. Some people said it is more addictive than drugs. I said it is the funnest thing you can have with your clothes on.

So what are you waiting for. The registration is open on line here and more information can be found here
What makes this different than professional school like Skip Barber or Jim Ruusel, or Bondurant? And which way would be better for you to go with?

Here is my take:
If you take pro racing school, you will pass the course no matter how bad you are. As long as you pay and completed the course, you get the certificate of completion and eligible for racing license. This does not guarantee that you become a great driver. In fact some graduates becomes snobby as they think they are all that.

When you go through small clubs, like the one Sacramento Chapter putting together on 9/3/2002. You are constantly evaluated by several instructors. And you will have to work your way on becoming A student (start with D). We constantly monitor your progress each time you come back. Believe it or not, we have a little note in the binder with your name and different inputs from different instructors will determine if you can step up to the next class. No offense intended, some people just don't have the talent and they are forever a B student. Good enough to have fun in the track unsupervised, but not fast enough to play around with the big boys. If you are not that good, we simply would not put you on the A group.

On some occasion, we will have some A students that are not suppose to be in A group. simply because it is their first time with us, and we don't have any direct experience with them. We will try to move them to their appropriate group ASAP.

This is definitely a great venue. Not only to learn how to drive. Also to test all the mods that you have done to your car. To chat with fellow enthusaist. To check other people mods, and to see if they work as advertise.

Do register early. Our September event tend to fill up pretty quickly.

Register for NSX driving School at Thunderhill (9/3/2002) by clicking here

92 Red
88 M3 (#168 JS)
OK Andrie, I can see how you are pumping up this event or should I have said pimping it up to keep it current .......

Since we the Sacto Chapter members are known for our latitude with pompous titles, I vote that we make Andrie our NSXPrime Ambassador at Large for this event .......

Here, to match your enthusiasm, and keep this thread active
I will refer you to the new posts in the Track and NW forums under Thunderhill 9/3.

Hey Hrant,

I just like to see people to learn to drive better.
The $175 for the driving course might worth more than $5000 in modification of the car. Proper driving technique will make you a better, safer, and faster driver even off the track.

Register for NSX driving School at Thunderhill (9/3/2002) by clicking here

92 Red
88 M3 (#168 JS)