NSX dream...er, uh...nightmare.

22 February 2007
Sunny SW
Last night I dreamt that I was heading off to lunch with an attorney friend of mine that I grew up with and we were walking towards my car from the driver's rear. As soon as I walked around to unlock the passenger door, I saw (panning my eyes left to right):

R.R. Fender - GONE
R. Door - GONE
Both Wheels and Rims - GONE
F.R. Fender - GONE
F. Bumper Assembly - GONE
Headlight Assembly - GONE

I was so upset, I could barely contain myself. It seemed so real to me. First I thought, "Man I knew I shouldn't have driven the NSX today!" then I remember thinking I wish this was just a bad dream. Then my eyes popped open, I looked at the clock and it said 3:53am. I said to myself, "Wow, I just saved myself $10,000 dollars."

But seriously, it felt very real, I can still picture it now. I've dreamt before that it was stolen but this was different, to see it all stripped and things ripped right off of it and dangling. What brings these on? I know history has shown that when the economy is bad, petty crime goes up. And there's been a couple of crimes within the last month in my neighborhood; mailbox theft at numerous communal boxes totaling 240 homes (the night of the election of all things) and a Range Rover Westminster Ed that got broken into. I live in a good area and it's usually very quiet but this serves as a reminder that safe is relative and like I said, I'm really glad it was only a dream, however, I'd rather dream that someone stole my grill out back or trampled on my wife's petunias.
All I can say: just dont drive the car tomorow.:wink:
Weird. Night before last I had a bad dream involving the NSX, too. It involved the car rolling down an incline and hitting someone after I'd parked it. Problem is, it was one of those long dreams.
It was another one of those where you wake up and say, "Whew!"
I always have dreams of wrecking my car into curbs! What does it mean!?!?

I've actually heard of this condition...think my doctor called it – Kirbascratcharashaphobia, or was it Curbarashascratchaphobia, and that it's a rather common disorder amongst auto-owners with nice wheels. :biggrin: Ironically, 15/16 OEM'ers hardly suffer from this condition! :confused: ... :wink:
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Last night I dreamt that I was heading off to lunch with an attorney friend of mine that I grew up with and we were walking towards my car from the driver's rear. As soon as I walked around to unlock the passenger door, I saw (panning my eyes left to right):

R.R. Fender - GONE
R. Door - GONE
Both Wheels and Rims - GONE
F.R. Fender - GONE
F. Bumper Assembly - GONE
Headlight Assembly - GONE

I was so upset, I could barely contain myself. It seemed so real to me. First I thought, "Man I knew I shouldn't have driven the NSX today!" then I remember thinking I wish this was just a bad dream. Then my eyes popped open, I looked at the clock and it said 3:53am. I said to myself, "Wow, I just saved myself $10,000 dollars."

But seriously, it felt very real, I can still picture it now. I've dreamt before that it was stolen but this was different, to see it all stripped and things ripped right off of it and dangling. What brings these on? I know history has shown that when the economy is bad, petty crime goes up. And there's been a couple of crimes within the last month in my neighborhood; mailbox theft at numerous communal boxes totaling 240 homes (the night of the election of all things) and a Range Rover Westminster Ed that got broken into. I live in a good area and it's usually very quiet but this serves as a reminder that safe is relative and like I said, I'm really glad it was only a dream, however, I'd rather dream that someone stole my grill out back or trampled on my wife's petunias.

I had almost this exact same dream awhile back.

I'm at some bowling alley with some friends, i go out to the car to get something and i see broken glass on the ground. Someone has broke into the nsx, and rammed it into a chain link fence in front of the parking spot. The tires are gone, the front drivers side fender, the headlights, the doors are even gone. So i run back into this bowling alley and start yelling at my friends about what happened. I woke up and seriously was heartbroken. It was just so damn real i couldnt get it out of my head.

The only thing that was weird was in my dream the nsx actually had a backseat area (like an extended cab pickup).
Most of the time, it means the opposite,
tho I've had very accurate dreams many times.
Often times, it also depend on what day of the week
your dream had occurred.
Saturday falls to you, and Tuesday falls to someone
outside your family.
Regardless, even with these "dream readings", don't sweat it
too much... tho take extra precautions and have good insurance.
Have fun Bobby :biggrin: