NSX Days at Spa open to non-Honda

19 August 2002
Welwyn, Herts, UK
Hi, I've been told that the races are open to non-Honda cars. Has this been the case all season? I was planning on entering this year, but the thought of non-Honda cars worries me. If this rule has been running all year, what have the other cars been like?

I felt safe entering, knowing the drivers that usually enter, but I am concerned now if there are people and cars I don't know.
hi jay

i don't now if thats treu.
But i still think honda wil run in a seperat class.

greetings from holland

Frank and Joke
Hi Frank, I got told this information, by Nicolas, who is an organiser.

Last year you said you may help me with the racing this year. Are you still willing and able?
Yes, we had some other cars in nearly all the trophy races this season - usualy some fast P-cars. They are not listed in the trophy results.

BTW: The chance of getting trouble with other drivers has nothing to do with the brand of the car - in Spa there are always some cars you don't see at any other trophy race - also some Hondas. And not every driver is able to respect the rules like not passing under yellow etc. - been there, experienced that.