NSX Crystal...can I buy yours??

26 September 2000
NSX Crystal...

Hi Guys and Gals,

can someone who actually has one take some pictures and post it? I'd like to see other pictures of it aside from those in the FAQ.
This item, my friends, is probably the single most rare (expensive) piece of NSX memoribilia there is......... Good Luck!!

Todd Arnold

I'm curious... when was this item made, where, by whom, how much did it cost, and who the heck has one?
Originally posted by SigEpUCI:
I'm curious... when was this item made, where, by whom, how much did it cost, and who the heck has one?

I've never seen any information as to who actually made this but it had a Honda part number when it was available. If we could track the manufacturer maybe we could get some more made. Anyone who has one willing to examine it for a maker's mark anywhere?

The NSX Model List Page
It's a crystal NSX, not an NSX crystal.

There is no maker's mark on it.

It was originally sold by Honda overseas.

I am aware of only 4 of them in North America, and none of them are for sale.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 21 October 2001).]
PS: I seem to recall that they were about $400 when they were available...

I believe the actual figure was somewhat higher than that.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
PS: I seem to recall that they were about $400 when they were available...

I believe the actual figure was somewhat higher than that.

Sheeesh, you've always got to have the last word on any subject! The actual list price quoted at the time was the equivalent of $375.00.

The NSX Model List Page
Sheeesh, you've always got to have the last word on any subject!

No, just trying to keep the information as accurate as possible. And my responding to a post in these forums is no reason to insult me. Remember that personal attacks are not allowed here. Lud tries to keep the conversation flowing smoothly and posts should be in keeping with that philosophy. So let's keep that in mind.

You're not ravetek in disguise, are you?

The actual list price quoted at the time was the equivalent of $375.00.

I paid more than $400 for mine, but it could have included some extra for shipping and such, as well as fluctuations in currency exchange rates.

No crystal NSX has gone up for sale on eBay for the past four years. It would be interesting to see what one would fetch.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 22 October 2001).]
Glad we can get back to joking around.

Incidentally, when I stated that there was no "maker's mark" on the crystal NSX, I assumed we were discussing the mark of the glassmaker. It does, in fact, have miniature Honda logos etched into the glass where they appear on the car, on the nose (6 mm wide) and taillights (5 mm wide).
Just incase this helps...I have the Ferrari F40 of the same series. The Makers mark on mine came on it in sticker form. All it says is:

Magic Cristal (With Blue and Red "M" and "C" as a logo)

Made in West Germany-Over 24% PbO (whatever that is)

And that's it. It also sits on a Black wooden plaque with a nameplate.

My F40 is about 7"x3.5" dimensions. I think my Grandmother picked it up for me at some Outlet mall somewhere, however I don't know for sure. AND I remember seeing the complete series of crystal cars once in a store but, I'll be damned if I can 't rememeber where that was.

I hope that helps.

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?


[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 22 October 2001).]
Sounds like an urban legend - one of those things that someone is SURE they saw, but nobody can actually prove to exist. Like the Porsche that was sold for a hundred bucks by the ticked-off ex-wife after the divorce.

Real lead crystal is expensive and would never sell for $35-50.

Ok, well...I won't argue with you, however I do know what I saw and what I have in front of me is part of the EXACT same series of crystal cars. I also know that my Grandmother is not nuts enough to buy me a 100+$ crystal car to sit on my desk. I have provided the facts that I can offer and you can take it for what it's worth.

I don't have a digital camera right now but I took some pictures for comparion to the the NSX crystal car. I will post them ASAP so you can see the markings and resemblance.

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?

I have a "crystal" Ferrari TR but it's not really made out of crystal - it's just nice glass. I remember paying around $30 for it and I know that good crystal would sell for much more than that. The last two Baccarat martini glasses I bought cost me $120 each.
lots of great info guys, thanks!

Maybe we can get a special run for the NSX if Dutchy's German comes through

Those Porsches are exactly what I'm talking about. However there are many more than the few that I originally knew to be a set. There were only a few that I can remember. And they must obviously still be making new cars at times. As reflected in the New Beetle model and some of the others. I;ve had my F40 for about 6-7 years and remember seeing the others including the NSX a couple of years before that.

The 959, NSX, and F40 were some of them as well as a 427 Cobra. I guess there are more than I knew about as well.

I can't believe people are charging upwards of 100$ for them. I guess it might be rare, but that's a heck of a profit. Anyway, hopefully we can track down some good sources for the rest of the Magic Cristal line up.

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?

Maybe off topic...But I have a box containing a few broken peices of crystal that used to be a 2500 dollar crystal vase. I had the Hi-Fi up a little to much and it vibrated it off the shelf it was on. Can I melt it down and make my own crystal NSX.

Ken could you post a picture of yours. I have never seen one and would be very interested in doing so.
The small (1/24?) crystal cars that you guys are describing are not part of the same series as the NSX that came as an official Honda part. This is not to say that the series you are describing did not include an NSX - just that it is not the same NSX. Years ago a friend had a business selling high line automotive boutique items and he stocked the ones that you are describing. There are also some much more high end crystal cars from companies such as Daum. I remember seeing a very expensive McLaren Formula One car and some others. When I am back at home I'll go through some of my business cards - I think that I have a couple of resources...

The NSX Model List Page
Thanks Ken, you know the web like the back of your hand. The crystal NSX is beautiful. Now I want one too. Damn, did I have to see that!