Just stow all the Shirts under a load of dirty boxers.. :biggrin:
wow eddie how i wish we can do this. again this was originally for us only in vegas. you just don't know how many IMs and orders i got not including pauls. ok since you attended our socal/las vegas meet last may i will throw one for you at no cost. the second one is on you. :biggrin: i will TRY to bring more extra just in case anyone would like to order. i hope i won't have a problem with the customs.
Any news on the next monthly meet?
Can we move it on the 14th or the 15th of july?
Yes we can.
To All NSX Club of Las Vegas Members,
Any objection to move this meeting back one week? That will make it Sunday, July 15. Chris will should be back by then with our T-Shirts......
Best Regards
I'll take one...
91X / Mark/ XL D2 =$20
David......Please kindly pm me with the address of said Korean Restaurant. I'll distribute all details in 1 week along with a general meeting post on Prime.
So the club's eating Korean food the one weekend the only Korean in the bunch isn't even going to be there? What next, an NSX club with no NSXs?? :tongue:
I'll take one if I can still get in on the buy.
pbassjo/Joe Lomoriello 1/XL D2 = $20.00
Shirts look great. If still available:
CoolNSX/Gil 1 XL and 1 M/Both D2 $40.00
Let me know where you want PayPal sent, Thanks
So the club's eating Korean food the one weekend the only Korean in the bunch isn't even going to be there? What next, an NSX club with no NSXs?? :tongue: