NSX:Bourne2racE Anniversary!

5 December 2007
Viva LV
Wanna share my video project again for those who missed it last year. It was made shortly before NSXPO 2010 as a birthday gift from my family. I have since sold the GT-R and M3 but kept the NSX, of course! ENJOY:biggrin:http://vimeo.com/16016583
Hey thanks! Twas a bunch of fun putting it together. Took 2 1/2 weeks. The story line changed 3 or 4 times, but we stuck with this original cut for our final version. The only shots I wish we added would have been footage from the car looking out but that cam was unavailable. I am hoping that more projects like this will surface on Prime!
can i ask why you sold your GT-R ? just curious..:rolleyes:

Every car has its merits. and the GTR is no exception. Most have read all about it. I was fortunate enough to experience Godzilla at the Drag Strip and track. Phenomenal. However, fun can be had in various forms, and I prefer "light and nimble". My NSX is still the weekend toy, and a stock Cayman S is my current trackmate.