nsx bashing

Auraraptor said:
The Fiat family owns Ferrari; and they are not part of the Fiat Motor Corp...something GM is ticked at now since Ferrari is the best of the Italian auto companies in terms of profit and such.

You've got that confused.

Fiat is the parent company and is controlled by the Agnelli family (not the "Fiat family"). Ferrari is owned by Fiat, not by the Agnelli family.

You're confusing Fiat (the parent company) with Fiat Auto, which makes and sells the Fiat-branded cars. Fiat Auto is 80 percent owned by Fiat, and 20 percent owned by GM. Fiat has an option to sell its 80 percent ownership of Fiat Auto to GM next year. So you are correct in saying that the division of Fiat that GM partially owns is not the owner of Ferrari; however, the parent company (Fiat) of that division (Fiat Auto) is indeed the majority owner of Ferrari.

Last year Fiat agreed to sell a minority position in Ferrari to an investment bank, as noted here.

EDIT: Think if it this way - if Ford (the parent company, which is controlled by the Ford family) sold Mercury (the division), the buyer would not get Aston Martin - but Aston Martin is still owned by Ford (the company), not Ford (the family).
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Just walked past a 308 GTS... it was full of rust, big black 70's looking bumpers, can't believe someone buys that instead of a NSX! I saw 10 modern (90's) Ferrari's today while sitting and eating outside, but could not believe how dated the 308s are.

shiri said:
If Ferraris sucked, then i wonder what kind of cars do F1 drivers drive on their off days? Nothing can compare if you've got the money.

When you talk about F1, it just makes me think about Aryton Senna and his influence on the NSX.


People who normally buy Ferrari's buy it as a status symbol. I enjoy listening to people's review on cars based on past ownership. I've got a friend who has owned a C5 Vette, Ferrari 355 F1, an NSX, and a Viper (not all at once). He's got alot to say about each, good and bad. I respect everything that comes out of his mouth. Nothing can beat testimonials coming from actual ownership. The thing that bugs me is that most people that bash the NSX has never owned one, and most people that hail Ferrari as the best sports car has never owned one either. There's only 1 word that describes this type of person: ignorance.