NSX Appreciation

17 August 2011
Alexandria, VA
Thought I'd post something nice to counter my "NSX vs. Road Rage" thread. Pulled into a parking lot, yesterday, two spaces over an SUV screeches to a halt. I'm thinking great...here we go again. A teenager gets out of the SUV with iPhone in hand (perhaps his sister or girlfriend was driving) and says "Excuse me sir, would you mind if I took a picture of your car?" Somewhat stunned by his politeness, I replied "Sure, go for it!" and began to walk away. Thinking better of that, I immediately turned around while he was still directly behind the car, on one knee, taking a picture. I said "We can do better than that!" I opened the driver door, told him to get in, and I'd take his photo. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. He made my day, and I think I made his...
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That really is awesome. Great example and per tof; "way to represent." :thumbup: