jaytip nsx said:
Isn't that a little bit optimistic for an old (non-turbo)2.0 ford engine
I don’t know yet.
But when I started talking about 160HP to the people who have build these types of engines, they all frowned and said “don’t you mean 260?”
So I checked around and everybody who does these engines says the same thing. 260hp with injection, 220hp with carbs. 9000rpm redline. Torque-y engine too.
It’s a Cosworth Escort/Sierra engine, but N/A, not turboed as stock.
I bought the engine a quite a few years ago not really knowing much about that type of engine when N/A.
It was built by a guy who used to build race engines and F1 engines and all the parts in it are the good ones. Everything has been changed, the lifters, cams, porting, even the valve sizes. And high compression pistons of course.
I will rebuild it again, of course (it’s been sitting around for a while). With injection and the right mapping, that’s the HP they say. So I asked if it was just useless high rpm power, they said “it will pull the side off a barn”, and other such expressions.
I think the rods are overbuild/heavy for this engine, they are made for much more HP. I may get a set of H-rods from one of the suppliers here. There are several with good prices. Yes, I will. Good idea. Apparently they are stock item.
So we will see.
I know my Escort has the same engine (but turboed) and a modest chip and slightly bigger injectors and a 3” exhaust. Those are the only changes to it. It has 340hp. Standard head-gasket, standard clutch, standard turbo, everything the same. I had to fit a good air/oil separator though.
It came from the factory with the ridiculously low 220 HP. I don’t think there is a Cossy on the street today with that low HP. It’s a cheap and easy upgrade to 270 then 340HP
I chose to stop there because I’d didn’t want to burn so much gas. I use the car as an everyday driver.
The next step up is apparently 470hp only by changing to a bigger turbo (mine is stock) and bigger injectors. And above that 550hp with 4 more injectors, better clutch, ARP studs. The rest still stock.
Then there are the people who do crazy things to it and get ridiculous HP but the car becomes unusable for an everyday driver then. Anyway these are all turbo engines.
So this engine is very capable, anyway in a light car it’s going to be a kart!:biggrin:
When I map the injection, I will see how much power it has. Hopefully later this year. I’ll post the dyno charts.