NSX · Children · Airbag

Well, over half of NSXs don't have passenger airbags. And of those that do, I bet way more than half of the owners don't have children under 13. So you just want responses from owners who have a '93 or later NSX and have at least one child under 13, right?
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Well, over half of NSXs don't have passenger airbags. And of those that do, I bet way more than half of the owners don't have children under 13. So you just want responses from owners who have a '93 or later NSX and have at least one child under 13, right?

That's exactly what I should have said.
Not a direct answer to your question, but...

Assuming a child is old enough, they will be well clear of the passenger side airbag if they wear their seatbelt properly and the passenger seat is moved all the way back.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 26 February 2003).]
Originally posted by Lud:
Assuming a child is old enough to not need a car seat, they will be well clear of the passenger side airbag if they wear their seatbelt properly and the passenger seat is moved all the way back.

That's what I thought but I'm having a tough time convincing my wife.
( I know, get a new wife........)
Very good point Lud
as I don't believe anyone - Honda included - is advocating any child under 13 be placed in front of an airbag. It is only when there is no other option or in an emergency that you should use an NSX with a passenger side airbag to transport a child. When you must - put the seat all the way back and the child as snugly secured as possible to the seat, and the seat as snugly secured as possible to the belt. I am sure you know to never put a rear facing seat in front of an airbag and please consider getting an NHTSA authorized location to install a switch.

The original post was from a person asking about a younger / smaller child then 13. Putting that child in front of an airbag, even with the seat all the way back, is adding risk in the event of an accident. I have read reports of people who where buckled in still hitting the dash. Additionally - we have 4 car seats and some of them position the child FAR in front of the back of the seat and in the path of an exploding airbag.

Also - buy your wife some flowers and thank her for keeping you around and letting you have an NSX and caring so much about your kids!

Nick M

91' Red/Black with Many Mods
99' Honda Odyssey with Many Kids

[This message has been edited by matteni (edited 26 February 2003).]
Very good topic. I was struggling with this same issue a while back. If you look at the previous NSX safety link, you can see the distance the passenger side airbag travels. It basically goes to the first rib/seam on the seat bottom. Depending on the age/height/weight of the child you may be able to get away without the bypass switch.......MAY BE ABLE TO. However, life and limb should not be gambled on a "MAY BE."

I just ordered the switch which ran about $200.00. The intall is very simple (+, -, & 1 splice) They will even give you the 1 wire color code you need to splice into. Not a bad deal when you consider you may save your childs life for 1/10 of what you just paid for your new exhaust.
Originally posted by POWERED by HONDA:
I take my daughter in my NSX frequently. She loves the car.

Stupid me, I have been slacking on getting the airbag cutoff switch...

Don't be too hard on yourself - we all do things we are not too proud of and we all "get away" with a few. That said - you will not feel good doing it again and will feel great once you have it all behind you.

As with most the people you meet - there have been several occasions when I have realized my child was not buckled in correctly or I was driving 1/2 awake. I have also made some serious judgment mistakes behind the wheel that I fortunately haven't had to pay for.

Just remember an old quote I like "never drive faster then your guardian angel can fly"


Let us know where you end up mounting the switch, how you did it, and how it looks!

Nick M

91' Red/Black with Many Mods
99' Honda Odyssey with Many Kids
I would suggest everyone make sure they understand the physics involved and the actual risks airbags pose. Specifically:

What is it about airbags that kills people? Is it the people hitting the airbags or the airbags hitting the people? There is a big difference.

Why do airbags have a history of killing more small people (children and small adults) than large adults?

I am not suggesting ignore the NHTSA guidelines, I am simply suggesting that anyone truly concerned about airbag safety take some time to learn more about them. Make sure you understand what you are trying to prevent, why, and what factors may be involved. This understanding can help EVERYONE be safer, because it's certainly possible for a 6' tall man in good health to be killed by an airbag too.

And thank the same government giving out those safety guidelines for the fact that the airbags are so dangerous to begin with. If they were optimized for belted passengers instead of both belted and unbelted, they wouldn't be nearly as dangerous to the people who care enough to wear a seat belt in the first place.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 February 2003).]
I clicked on the link and it was dead - maybe its my computer - but I have a 22 month old, 26+ pounds, sits in a forward safety seat - I live in Illinois - what is the LEGAL answer -

Since it forward facing, we are good to go LEGALLY correct?
As for smart, should I install a switch in my 97 X ?

PS I prefer not to screw with the wiring in any way, and if possible NOT install a switch if possible.

So, what should I do?
It is not illegal in IL to put the child in the front without disabling the airbag, it is only recommended that it should be disabled. I believe the IL law pertaining to children is they must be in a child seat if under 8.

I'm debating on what to do too. I may just disconnect it myself for now...
I did read ALL THREADS about this subject, I have a 4.5 year old daughter, she never rode the NSX until she reached 45lb's (she is very tall for her age, more like a 6 year old, I am 5.9 but her mom is 5.11)

Facts that made me feel OK about taking her out on the NSX:

First, even if the airbag deploys, she seats so far back (as you can see on the picture below) that it wouldn't reach her, actually on the pic below she is trying to get as FAR AS SHE CAN and she still far from the airbag.


Facts I also collected on my research: the seat belts are supposed to retract in case of accident (older nsx's), also, the Airbag is not supposed to blow if there's less then 65 lb's on the passenger seat, in the end, I don't trust 100% just like I don't trust the "switch" .. it is really a very personal decision.

The RECARO child seat uses the car seat belt so she gets stuck INTO the car seat pretty tight, in fact, I wish our seats were that cool!

Also with her, I really cruise (although she BEGS ME TO FLOOR IT) ... she loves the acceleration + noise ... oh brother she will be a car girl i can tell, lol

Call me crazy foreign, but I come from a place you see entire families riding motorcycles while dad smokes, and you see mothers holding young kids on the front seat, etc etc etc, i love my daughter more than anything else, and I'd never hurt her, and this judgement of mine really was a very serious one, but is up to you as father to decide, don't take my words and experience as reference ...

This is my 0.2 :) .. have fun, imho, if you do something, do it, with confidence and total control, not been confident is what can get you in trouble

Im planning on taking my daughter (4 yo) or son (2 yo) out in the nsx but im planning on having the Pass Airbag Switch put in first. imo, it would seem that if the pass seat is all the way back and they were secured properly in their front facing car seat, that the airbag wouldnt reach. However id rather have a switch like the newer cars where I could disable if need be (plus the wife insists). ill still prob wait a bit longer for them to ride as they are on the smaller side though. Will keep you posted on this...

i just submitted the form to NHTSA from here: http://www.safercar.gov/Vehicle+Shoppers/Air+Bags/ON-OFF+Switch+Requests
Interesting read, my daughter is 3 and I've taken her out many times in my R8 with an approved Radian RXT baby seat. The r8 automatically deactivates the passenger airbag with built in sensor and a light confirms this.

My NsX is a 2004 and has aftermarket bride seats so a bit hesitant on taking her in this car.

I can easily disconnect the airbag by un-plugging it, thoughts?