NSTeXPO Dates?

Darnit- wife's giving me grief over the 2 wknds of NSX events. Aprl 17th wknd: TDE. Apr 23rd: TEXPo. I tried to explain to her that TDE is NOT a NSX event but a CAR event.:D

I will keep on trying.;)
NSXLuvr said:
Darnit- wife's giving me grief over the 2 wknds of NSX events. Aprl 17th wknd: TDE. Apr 23rd: TEXPo. I tried to explain to her that TDE is NOT a NSX event but a CAR event.:D

I will keep on trying.;)

One word: DIVORCE!

hehe :D j/k - Don't tell your wife that. I met you both at the Austin meet and she seems very nice, and understanding! ;)
If all the Houston guys want to caravan on Friday, I'll go ahead and take the day off and join. But if everyone wants to head out early Saturday morning, we can do that. What's everyone think?

It is probably just me and my goofy way of thinking, but if the event begins on Friday, why not go up on Friday instead of Saturday? Perhaps because I am such a slow driver, that I need the head start. :)
AndyVecsey said:

It is probably just me and my goofy way of thinking, but if the event begins on Friday, why not go up on Friday instead of Saturday? Perhaps because I am such a slow driver, that I need the head start. :)

I'd rather not miss a day of work. But if everyone else jumps off the bridge, so will I. :D
If you guys can post a little more info, it would be nice. I will be at MSR the 17<sup>th</sup> and 18<sup>th</sup> and at Road America the 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> of May but the weekend of April 23-25 is free.

Although I am not a Texan, would it be ok if I attend?
MarkB said:
Although I am not a Texan, would it be ok if I attend?

well, all we ask is that you put a certain bumper sticker on your nsx;) (see thread below)
MarkB said:

Although I am not a Texan, would it be ok if I attend?

Mark – Sorry this event is reserved for Texans only, but since you are in Texas so much racing the NSX we will make an exception for you. :D Seriously though, you are more than welcome to attend. Anyone is allowed to attend.

NsteXpo is basically a “pay as you go” event. Everyone will pay for each event individually if they choose to participate in the event. If you are an NSXCA member some of the events will be subsidized (carting and dyno). At this time we are not sure how much money will be available per person to subsidize the individual events because it will depend on the number of members we have attending. If you are not a member at this time you may sign up now or at NsteXpo when you arrive.

The carting place and the dyno shop have been reserved and are confirmed. Ojas and I talked about a few changes that needed to be made to the schedule b/f we posted it, but Ojas should be able to post it sometime today. We are still working on hotel arrangements and will let everyone know once we have made the arrangements.

It is confirmed that NsteXpo 2004 will be in Austin starting Friday evening April 23 ending Sunday afternoon April 25. If you have any questions please feel free to send myself or Ojas a PM.

I guess I will miss out on NSteXpo once more. :( My daughters are having birthdays on the 22nd and 28th so the party is on the weekend in between. Oh well, I will make it one of these times. Ya'll have fun and be safe out there.
Counter said:
I guess I will miss out on NSteXpo once more. :( My daughters are having birthdays on the 22nd and 28th so the party is on the weekend in between. Oh well, I will make it one of these times. Ya'll have fun and be safe out there.

Hey Counter - I have the same birthday as one of your daughters (22nd)! I actually used that little nugget to weasel my way into attending..."but honey, it is MY birthday, you know..." :D
#@$%#@$#$ CHIT! The ways things are going, my car probably won't be ready for NSteXpo! I've been having the worst freakin luck! :mad:
With or without, I'll be there, somehow.
- Z
All, I just posted the official schedule in <a href="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=30991">this thread</a>. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again!