NSteXpo 2007 October 26-28, 2007 in Austin

With 8pm showtime Friday I can definitely make it, I may be taking time off around that weekend anyway. I'm down for all three days. Is there an 'official NSteXpo hotel"? :D

I would vote NSX only for most of it, we don't want the vipers slowing us down in the curves :). Seriously though, it's an NSX event with NSXCA sponsorship so it seems like we'd be detracting from that by opening it up to all. We could always do another all-car event in a few months...gotta love south Texas weather.
I'm guessing 20 or so NSX's. There is interest from other people that drive other exotics as well (Vipers, Ferrari, Lambo, Lotus). I'm not sure if we should make it "the more the marrier" with the NSXs taking presidence, such as the private parking we have arranged and such, or making it a private group thing.

What do you guys think?

A person couldn't bring a NSX & an Lotus Esprit SE?


I would vote NSX only.

Greg - you are welcome to caravan down I-20 with MichaelD and all three of us can leave from Tyler.
Sounds like you guys are heavily favored towards a NSX only party. So it shall be!

I'll have a website up in a few days for the event so that updates are easier to follow such as a schedule of events.
Crap, my lovely wife reminded me that wknd is Halloween wknd. We have a couple of parties to go to. I mentioned that we could go to Austin together and celebrate it in Austin with a bunch of NSXer's.:biggrin:

She is debating it. Anybody else bringing their wife or S.O. I might have to bring my wife, and my 20 y/o babysitter.:wink:

Come on guys, please help!!

I informed my wife just last night that she will be going, so it looks like a go.
I asked my wife to attend Saturday’s events. I will arrive Friday afternoon, and she will arrive Saturday morning around 10:00ish after dropping the kids off at my parents. We plan to leave sometime Sunday depending on how the kids are doing at my parent’s house.
I may be NSX-less at this time but Z has volunteered that I can be his SO for this event ;)

If you need for us to send you some money to offset you footing the whole bill, let us know.

Oh, btw, I am in for karting at Ironrock. I talked to a Tiffany and she said you had reserved 10 spaces.
I'll be there as well. The schedule looks great and the karting will be a blast!

If you need for us to send you some money to offset you footing the whole bill, let us know.

Oh, btw, I am in for karting at Ironrock. I talked to a Tiffany and she said you had reserved 10 spaces.

I appreciate that. The only thing that people can pitch in for is Saturday's poker run. Whatever everyone puts in will be paid back out.
This sounds like fun.
Hi everyone my name is Rahim Jamal, I bought a 92 NSX last weekend. I have to see what my schedule is like. Hopefully I will be there and make new friends.

It looks from viewing posts so far about 22/23 are in range for this event. That should be fun with the convoy. My first meetin in Austin had 17 nsx's. It was great I hoping nothing like weather or anything gets in the way. SHould be a good time of the year.

Cant wait.
